Ahmed-İ Dâî'nin Kitâbü't-Ta'bîr Tercümesi
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Kitabü’t-ta’bîr Tercümesi Eski Anadolu Türkçesi dönemi müelliflerindenAhmed-i Dâî’ye aittir. Eser yayımlanmamıştır. Tabir-name-iTürkî adıyla da bilinen bu eser düş (rüya) tabirleri hakkındadır. Eserinaslı Arapçadır. Arapça aslın yazarı olarak Ebu Bekr bin Abdullah El-Vasıtî’ninismi geçer. Eser Arapçadan Farsçaya çevrilmiştir. Kitâbü’tta’bîrTercümesi Ahmed-i Dâî tarafından Germiyan Beyi II. Yakub adınabu Farsça tercümeden Türkçeye çevrilmiştir. Germiyan Beyi SultanII. Yakub için yazılmış bir medhiyeyi de içinde bulunduran bu eser EskiAnadolu Türkçesi döneminin ses ve şekil özelliklerini göstermesi bakımındanönemli bir kaynaktır. Düşte görülen objeleri açıklaması yönüylede muhteva bakımından birçok farklı alana ait kelimeleri bulundurmasıkitabın önemini ayrıca artırmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile eseri ayrıntılıbir şekilde tanıtmayı amaçladık.
The translation of Kitabu’t-ta’bir belongs to Ahmed-i Dai, who was one of the authors of Old Anatolian Turkish Period. The work has not been published. This work, also known as Tabir-name-i Turki, is about dream interpretations, and it is originally Arabic. Ebu Bekr bin Abdullah El-Vasiti is mentioned as the author of the original Arabic work. The work was translated from Arabic to Persian. The translation of Kitabu’tta’bir was translated from Persian to Turkish by Ahmed-i Dai on behalf of II. Yakub Germiyan Bey. This work which includes a eulogy written for II. Yakub the Sultan Germiyan Bey is an important source in that it displays morphological and phonological features of Old Anatolian Turkish Period and it includes words from various areas in terms of content due to its quality of explaining objects seen in dreams increases its importance. With this study, we aim to introduce the work in detail.
The translation of Kitabu’t-ta’bir belongs to Ahmed-i Dai, who was one of the authors of Old Anatolian Turkish Period. The work has not been published. This work, also known as Tabir-name-i Turki, is about dream interpretations, and it is originally Arabic. Ebu Bekr bin Abdullah El-Vasiti is mentioned as the author of the original Arabic work. The work was translated from Arabic to Persian. The translation of Kitabu’tta’bir was translated from Persian to Turkish by Ahmed-i Dai on behalf of II. Yakub Germiyan Bey. This work which includes a eulogy written for II. Yakub the Sultan Germiyan Bey is an important source in that it displays morphological and phonological features of Old Anatolian Turkish Period and it includes words from various areas in terms of content due to its quality of explaining objects seen in dreams increases its importance. With this study, we aim to introduce the work in detail.
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Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı - Belleten
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