Yarı Kurak Bölge Koşullarında Zeytin Bitkisinin Yetiştiği Toprakta Karbondioksit Emisyonunun Ölçülmesi
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Tarımsal faaliyetler ve bileşenleri büyük oranda iklimsel olaylara dayanır. Özellikle sıcaklık ve $CO_2$düzeylerindeki yükselme tarımsal üretimin geleceğini belirleyen en önemli parametredir. Dünya atmosferinde $CO_2$miktarının giderek artması, sera etkisi yapan diğer gazlarla birlikte global iklim değişikliğine ve sıcaklığınartmasına neden olmaktadır. Yine bu değişimlerin yanında düzensiz mevsimler, kuraklık, toprak verimliliğininazalması ve erozyon, su kaynaklarında azalma, doğal bitki örtüsündeki değişim, gıda yetersizliği/güvenliği,hastalıkların ve zararlıların yaygınlaşması iklim değişikliğinin olumsuz etkileri arasında yer almaktadır. Buolumsuzluklar Dünya ve Türkiye açısından önemli düzeyde risk oluşturmaktadır. Türkiye’de yetiştiriciliği oldukçaeski dönemlere dayanan zeytin bitkisinin Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde son dönemlerde tarımı, kullanımı veticareti hızla ivme kazanmıştır. Bu nedenle yapılan bu araştırmada zeytin bitkisinin yetiştiği ortamlarda topraktançıkan $CO_2$ emisyonuna etki eden faktörlerin (sıcaklık ve nem) incelenmesi ve ölçülmesi amaçlanmıştır. AraştırmaHarran Üniversitesi Eyyubiye kampüsünde zeytin bitkisinin yetiştiği alanda 56 hafta süresince 3 tekrarlı olarak 5örnekleme alanında yürütülmüştür. Çalışma alanı topraklarının bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri de bu çalışmakapsamında belirlenmiştir. İklimsel veriler, inceleme alanında kurulan Decagon data logger (5 TE, EM50 DataLogger) ile 30 dakika bir süre ile ölçülmüştür. Topraktan $CO_2$ çıkışı Soda-Lime yöntemi ile ölçülmüştür.Analizlerde R (CorLevelPlot package) Minitab 17 istatistik paket programı kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarınagöre, topraktan salınan $CO_2$ emisyonu üzerine toprak sıcaklığının etkisi toprak neminin etkisinden daha fazlaolduğu saptanmıştır. Topraktan $CO_2$ çıkışı toprak sıcaklığı ile doğru (r2=0.695, p<0.05), toprak nemi ile ters (r2= -0.626, p<0.05) bir korelasyon saptanmıştır. Toprak sıcaklığı 6ºC’nin altına düştüğünde topraktan çıkan $CO_2$miktarının minimum düzeyde olduğu ve bu noktanın da kritik toprak sıcaklık noktası olduğu belirlenmiştir.Araştırma topraklarında $CO_2$ çıkışı, farklı derinlik, nem ve sıcaklık miktarlarına bağlı değişmekle beraber ortalama55.56 g $CO_2$ $m^{-2\;} hafta^{-1}$ olarak saptanmıştır.
Agricultural activities and their components are largely based on climatic events. Especially the rise in temperature and $CO_2$ levels is the most important parameter that determines the future of agricultural production. Increasing amount of $CO_2$ in the world atmosphere causes global climate change and temperature increase together with other gases that cause greenhouse effect. In addition to these changes, irregular seasons, drought, decrease in soil fertility and erosion, decrease in water resources, change in natural vegetation, food insufficiency / security, spread of diseases and pests are among the negative effects of climate change. These problems pose a risk in terms of significant world and Turkey. Agriculture use and trade of the olive plant, the cultivation of which dates back to very old eras in Turkey, has gained momentum in the Southeastern Anatolia Region recently. For this reason, in this study, it is aimed to examine and measure the factors (temperature and humidity) affecting the $CO_2$ emission from the soil in the environments where the olive plant grows. The research has been carried out in Harran University Eyyubiye campus in 5 sampling areas with 3 repetitions for 56 weeks in the area where the olive plant grows. Some physical and chemical properties of the study area soils were determined. The climatic data were determined for a period of 30 minutes with the Decagon data logger (5 TE, EM50 Data Logger) installed in the study area. $CO_2$ output from soil has been measured by the Soda-Lime method. In the analysis, R (CorLevelPlot package) Minitab 17 statistics package program has been used. According to the results of the research, it has been determined that the effect of the soil temperature on the $CO_2$ emission released from the soil is higher than the effect of the soil moisture. It has been determined that $CO_2$ output from soil correlated directly with soil temperature (r2 = 0.695, p <0.05) and correlated inversely with soil moisture (r2 = -0.626, p <0.05). It has been determined that when the soil temperature drops below 6 ºC, the amount of $CO_2$ released from the soil is at a minimum level, and this point is the critical soil temperature point. Although the $CO_2$ output in the research soils varies depending on the different depth, moisture and temperature amounts, the average was determined as 55.56 g $CO_2$ $m^{-2\;} weeks^{-1}$
Agricultural activities and their components are largely based on climatic events. Especially the rise in temperature and $CO_2$ levels is the most important parameter that determines the future of agricultural production. Increasing amount of $CO_2$ in the world atmosphere causes global climate change and temperature increase together with other gases that cause greenhouse effect. In addition to these changes, irregular seasons, drought, decrease in soil fertility and erosion, decrease in water resources, change in natural vegetation, food insufficiency / security, spread of diseases and pests are among the negative effects of climate change. These problems pose a risk in terms of significant world and Turkey. Agriculture use and trade of the olive plant, the cultivation of which dates back to very old eras in Turkey, has gained momentum in the Southeastern Anatolia Region recently. For this reason, in this study, it is aimed to examine and measure the factors (temperature and humidity) affecting the $CO_2$ emission from the soil in the environments where the olive plant grows. The research has been carried out in Harran University Eyyubiye campus in 5 sampling areas with 3 repetitions for 56 weeks in the area where the olive plant grows. Some physical and chemical properties of the study area soils were determined. The climatic data were determined for a period of 30 minutes with the Decagon data logger (5 TE, EM50 Data Logger) installed in the study area. $CO_2$ output from soil has been measured by the Soda-Lime method. In the analysis, R (CorLevelPlot package) Minitab 17 statistics package program has been used. According to the results of the research, it has been determined that the effect of the soil temperature on the $CO_2$ emission released from the soil is higher than the effect of the soil moisture. It has been determined that $CO_2$ output from soil correlated directly with soil temperature (r2 = 0.695, p <0.05) and correlated inversely with soil moisture (r2 = -0.626, p <0.05). It has been determined that when the soil temperature drops below 6 ºC, the amount of $CO_2$ released from the soil is at a minimum level, and this point is the critical soil temperature point. Although the $CO_2$ output in the research soils varies depending on the different depth, moisture and temperature amounts, the average was determined as 55.56 g $CO_2$ $m^{-2\;} weeks^{-1}$
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