Arıtmada Doğal Bitkilerin Kullanımı, Modeller ve Pilot Çalışma Örneği: Kozan İlçesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Günümüzde çeşitli yollarla kirletilmiş suyu arıtmak için birçok alternatif bulunmaktadır. Bu alternatifler en basit teknolojiden en ilerisine kadar değişmektedir. Arıtma sistemini seçerken maliyet ve diğer şartlar açısından en uygun teknolojiyi kullanmak ve doğal ortama en az kirletici vermektir. Sulak alan arıtma sistemlerinin tasarımı genel hidrolik parametrelerinden hidrolik yükleme ve kütlesel yükleme hızı gibi parametrelerle yapılır. Ancak madde çevrimleri ve kirletici giderme mekanizmaları tasarımı için arıtılmış su kalitesini artırmaya yönelik farklı kinetik modeller de geliştirilmekte ve daha sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Birçok faktörün etkin olduğu ve özellikle biyolojik ayrışabilirliği olan maddelerin temel izlemsel işlem maddesi olması modellemelerde önemli rol oynar. Ayrıca, sulak alan arıtma sistemindeki biyolojik aktivitenin derecesi, aktif ekosistemlerde farklı faktörleri etkileyebilmektedir. Yüzey altı akışlı sulak alanlar ve yüzey akışlı sulak alanlar temel işleyişi farklı, işlevsel fonksiyonu ise aynı olan sistemsel metotlardır. Burada özellikle bazı parametreler (sıcaklık v.b.) değişime karşı fazla duyarlı değildir. Buda işletmede dikkat edilmesi gereken unsurlardandır. Çalışmada hidrolik yük ve buna bağlı olarak değişik kütlesel yüklerdeki değerler (öncelikle BOİ5, Azot, Fosfor ve diğer organik maddeler) ile sistemin temel işleyişini oluşturan nitrifikasyon, denitrifikasyon incelemiştir. Çevresel ve işletme faktörleri de değerlendirilerek su kalitesi ve tasarım kriterlerinin uygulama sonuçlarının ülkemizin sıcak bölgelerindeki durumu ve uygulanabilirliği test edilmiştir.
Today, there are many alternatives to treating polluted water. These alternatives range from the most basic to the most advanced technology. When selecting the most appropriate technology for the treatment system, the aim is to use the most convenient technology in terms of cost and other conditions, and to release the least possible pollutants to the natural environment. Wetlands treatment system designs are done by general hydraulic parameters such as hydraulic and mass loading speed. However, different kinetic models are being developed and are frequently used to improve the water quality of the matter cycles and pollutant removal mechanisms design. Many factors are influential in modelling and particularly the fact that biodegradable substances are the main formative process ingredient plays an important role in modelling. In addition, the degree of biological activity in the wetland treatment system may influence various factors in active ecosystems. Subsurface runoff wetlands and surface runoff wetlands are systematic methods which are different in terms of basic functioning, but are the same in terms of operational functioning. Here, especially some parameters (temperature, etc.) are not very sensitive to change. This is one of the factors to be taken into consideration during the operation. In this research, hydraulic load and values of different loads (primarily BOD5, nitrogen, phosphorus and other organic materials) and nitrification, denitrification which are the main constituents of the system are examined. The application results of water quality and design criteria in the hot regions of Turkey are tested and also environmental and operational factors are evaluated.
Today, there are many alternatives to treating polluted water. These alternatives range from the most basic to the most advanced technology. When selecting the most appropriate technology for the treatment system, the aim is to use the most convenient technology in terms of cost and other conditions, and to release the least possible pollutants to the natural environment. Wetlands treatment system designs are done by general hydraulic parameters such as hydraulic and mass loading speed. However, different kinetic models are being developed and are frequently used to improve the water quality of the matter cycles and pollutant removal mechanisms design. Many factors are influential in modelling and particularly the fact that biodegradable substances are the main formative process ingredient plays an important role in modelling. In addition, the degree of biological activity in the wetland treatment system may influence various factors in active ecosystems. Subsurface runoff wetlands and surface runoff wetlands are systematic methods which are different in terms of basic functioning, but are the same in terms of operational functioning. Here, especially some parameters (temperature, etc.) are not very sensitive to change. This is one of the factors to be taken into consideration during the operation. In this research, hydraulic load and values of different loads (primarily BOD5, nitrogen, phosphorus and other organic materials) and nitrification, denitrification which are the main constituents of the system are examined. The application results of water quality and design criteria in the hot regions of Turkey are tested and also environmental and operational factors are evaluated.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Arıtma, doğal bitki kullanımı, modelleme, tesis, uygulama, Water treatment, use of plants, modelling, installation, application
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