Ceviz Bakteriyel Yanıklık Etmeni Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis'e Karşı Antagonist Bakteriyel İzolatların in vitro Koşullarda Biyokontrol Etkinliklerinin Belirlenmesi
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Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis’in neden olduğu ceviz yanıklık hastalığı, cevizin (Juglans regia L.)üretimini etkileyen en önemli ve yaygın bakteriyel hastalıklardan biridir. Hastalık etmeni ülkemiz ceviz üretimalanlarında ciddi ekonomik kayıplara neden olmaktadır. Tipik simptomlar sürgün, yaprak, dişi çiçek, tomurcuk vemeyve gibi tüm sulu dokularda görülür. Enfeksiyon başlangıçta su emmiş leke şeklindeyken zamanla bu lekelerkahverengi-siyah nekrotik alanlara dönüşür. Başlangıçta sarı-yeşil bir hale ile çevrelenmiş dairesel lezyonlargenellikle noktasal olarak genişler. Hastalık etmeni ile mücadelede kültürel önlemler ve bakırlı preparatlarönerilmektedir. Son yıllarda, bakteriyel hastalık etmenlerinin kontrolünde çevreye dost biyolojik mücadele üzerineçalışmalar artmıştır. Bu çalışmada; enfekteli bitkilerden Xanthomonas arbaricola pv. juglandis‘in izolasyonu vetanılanması ve potansiyel aday bakteriyel antagonistlerin in vitro koşullarda bakteriyel büyümeyi baskılayabilmeyetenekleri ve antagonistik potansiyelleri araştırılmıştır. Kütahya ili ceviz üretim alanlarına yapılan surveyler ilehastalıklı yaprak; sağlıklı yaprak ve çiçek örnekleri toplanmıştır. Hastalıklı yapraklardan patojen bakteri izolatı;sağlıklı çiçek ve yapraklarda antagonist bakteri izolatı elde edilmiştir. Bakteriyel hastalık etmeni izole edilmiş vemorfolojik ve biyokimyasal testlerle tanılanmıştır. Sağlıklı ceviz yapraklarından seçici besi ortamları kullanılarakizole edilen 109 adet aday antagonist bakteri izolatları ile in vitro koşullarda ikili kültür testi yapılarakXanthomonas arbaricola pv. juglandis’i baskılama yetenekleri araştırılmıştır. Bu test sonucunda, 80 adet izolatınfarklı boyutlarda (3.44-30.00 mm) engelleme alanı oluşturduğu, 37 adet izolatın ise gelişimini tamamen baskıladığıtespit edilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmada antagonist bakterilerin Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis gelişiminiönemli oranda engellemiş olması, antagonist izolatların biyolojik mücadelede kullanılabilirliğini göstermiştir.Hastalık etmenine karşı etkili bakteriyel izolatların tanılanması ve in vivo çalışmalarla etkinliğinin belirlenmesineyönelik çalışmalar yapılmalıdır.
Walnut blight disease, caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis (Xaj), is one of the most important and common bacterial disease which effects production of walnut (Juglans regia L.) plants. The bacterial disease is led to economic losses significantly in juglans growth fields of Turkey. Typical symptoms occur on all succulent tissues including shoots, leaves, rachis, petioles, buds, female flowers, catkins and nuts. Infection begin as translucent water-soaked areas which develop into brown to blackish greasy necrotic areas. Lesions, which are often surrounded by a yellow-green halo, are initially circular but often expand into angular spots. Management of the pathogen is suggested the cultural methods and using copper compounds. Recently, controlling bacterial diseases the eco-friendly biological control studies are increased to control bacterial diseases. In this study, isolation and identification of disease agent Xaj from infected plants and antagonistic potentials of candidate bacterial antagonist biological control agent were investigated for their ability to suppress bacterial growth in vitro conditions. Bacterial disease agents were isolated and identified according to morphological and biochemical methods. Using selective nutrient media, total of 109 candidate antagonist bacterial isolates were isolated from different healthy walnut plant leaves and investigated for their ability to suppress bacterial growth in vitro conditions by dual culture test. From this test, eighty-one bacterial isolates were found to produce inhibition zones a varying size (range of 3.44-30.00 mm). Among the 80 isolates, thirty-seven isolates were able to suppress the bacterial growth completely. According to preliminary results of the significant suppression in the bacterial growth caused by antagonist bacteria, bacterial isolates could be used as possible biocontrol agent against walnut bacterial blight disease. Further studies should be conducted on identification and determination of mode of actions and in vivo activities of the most efficient bacterial isolates against disease agent.
Walnut blight disease, caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis (Xaj), is one of the most important and common bacterial disease which effects production of walnut (Juglans regia L.) plants. The bacterial disease is led to economic losses significantly in juglans growth fields of Turkey. Typical symptoms occur on all succulent tissues including shoots, leaves, rachis, petioles, buds, female flowers, catkins and nuts. Infection begin as translucent water-soaked areas which develop into brown to blackish greasy necrotic areas. Lesions, which are often surrounded by a yellow-green halo, are initially circular but often expand into angular spots. Management of the pathogen is suggested the cultural methods and using copper compounds. Recently, controlling bacterial diseases the eco-friendly biological control studies are increased to control bacterial diseases. In this study, isolation and identification of disease agent Xaj from infected plants and antagonistic potentials of candidate bacterial antagonist biological control agent were investigated for their ability to suppress bacterial growth in vitro conditions. Bacterial disease agents were isolated and identified according to morphological and biochemical methods. Using selective nutrient media, total of 109 candidate antagonist bacterial isolates were isolated from different healthy walnut plant leaves and investigated for their ability to suppress bacterial growth in vitro conditions by dual culture test. From this test, eighty-one bacterial isolates were found to produce inhibition zones a varying size (range of 3.44-30.00 mm). Among the 80 isolates, thirty-seven isolates were able to suppress the bacterial growth completely. According to preliminary results of the significant suppression in the bacterial growth caused by antagonist bacteria, bacterial isolates could be used as possible biocontrol agent against walnut bacterial blight disease. Further studies should be conducted on identification and determination of mode of actions and in vivo activities of the most efficient bacterial isolates against disease agent.
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Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
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