Zeytin Pirinasının Mikrodalga Enerjisi Kullanılarak Kurutulması ve Uygun İnce Tabaka Modelinin Belirlenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada mikrodalga fırında pirinanın ince tabaka kuruma kinetiği incelenmiştir. 7mm, 9mm ve Umm kalınlıktaki pirina örnekleri; 90, 180, 360 ve 600W (2450 MFiz) çıkış güçlerinde mikrodalgada kurutulmuş ve zamana bağlı olarak pirinanın nem içeriğindeki değişim belirlenmiştir. Mikrodalga çıkış gücündeki artma ile kuruma hızının arttığı saptanmıştır. Dört farklı mikrodalga çıkış gücünde nihai nem içeriklerine sırasıyla; 7mm kalınlığında pirina için 90W da 13250s, 360W da 1070s ve 600W da 820 saniyede ulaşılırken, 9mm kalınlığında pirina için 90W da 17640s, 360W da 1360s ve 600W da 990 saniyede ve llm m kalınlığında pirina için 90W da 23440s, 360W da 1580s ve 600W da 1070 saniye sonunda ulaşılmıştır. Deneysel verileri değerlendirmek için literatürde önerilmiş olan Wang&Singh, Two Term, Two Term Exponential ve Midilli ve ark. ince tabaka kuruma modelleri kullanılmıştır. Modeller arasındaki kıyaslama R2,?2 ve es istatistiki parametreleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Kullanılan modeller arasında 7mm için Two Term Exponential, 9mm için Midilli ve ark. ve llm m için Two Term modelinin pirinanın mikrodalga kuruma davranışını temsil eden en iyi modeller olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca kurutma ile ilgili modelleme çalışmaları incelendiğinde efektif difüzyon katsayısının ve aktivasyon enerjisinin sırasıyla 1,17.10-5-4,11.10-6 m2/s ve 0,1190kJ/mol-0,3577 kj/mol arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir.
This study examined the thin layer drying kinetics of the prina in the microwave. Prina samples with 7mm, 9mm and llm m thickness were dried using 90, 180, 360 and 600 W (2450 MFIz) microwave output powers and changing of moisture content of samples depend on time were determined. The drying rate increased with the increase in microwave power output. The final moisture content was determined at the end of 13250s for 90W, at the end of. 1070s for 360W, at the end of 820s for 600W for prina of 7mm thickness, at the end of 17640s for 90W, at the end of 1360s for 360W, at the end of 990s for 600W for prina of 9mm thickness and at the end of 23440s for 90W, the end of 1580s for 360W, at the end of 1070s for 600W for prina of llm m thickness in four different microwave powers. To evaluate the experimental data, Wang & Singh, Two Term, Two Term Exponential and Midilli et al. thin layer drying models suggested in the literature were used. Comparison between models was performed using the statistical parameters as R2,?2 and es. Among used the models, Two Term Exponential for 7mm, Midilli et al. for 9mm, Two Term for llm m were found to be the best models representing the microwave drying behavior of prina samples. Also, according to modelling results, it was determined that the effective diffusion coefficient and activation energy changed between 1,17.10-5-4,11.10-6 m2 s and 0,1190kj/mol-0.3577 kJ/mol, respectively.
This study examined the thin layer drying kinetics of the prina in the microwave. Prina samples with 7mm, 9mm and llm m thickness were dried using 90, 180, 360 and 600 W (2450 MFIz) microwave output powers and changing of moisture content of samples depend on time were determined. The drying rate increased with the increase in microwave power output. The final moisture content was determined at the end of 13250s for 90W, at the end of. 1070s for 360W, at the end of 820s for 600W for prina of 7mm thickness, at the end of 17640s for 90W, at the end of 1360s for 360W, at the end of 990s for 600W for prina of 9mm thickness and at the end of 23440s for 90W, the end of 1580s for 360W, at the end of 1070s for 600W for prina of llm m thickness in four different microwave powers. To evaluate the experimental data, Wang & Singh, Two Term, Two Term Exponential and Midilli et al. thin layer drying models suggested in the literature were used. Comparison between models was performed using the statistical parameters as R2,?2 and es. Among used the models, Two Term Exponential for 7mm, Midilli et al. for 9mm, Two Term for llm m were found to be the best models representing the microwave drying behavior of prina samples. Also, according to modelling results, it was determined that the effective diffusion coefficient and activation energy changed between 1,17.10-5-4,11.10-6 m2 s and 0,1190kj/mol-0.3577 kJ/mol, respectively.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Pirina, mikrodalga, kurutma modeli, difüzyon katsayısı, microwave, drying model, diffusion coefficient
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