İdil-Ural Âlimlerinden Rızâeddîn bin Fahreddîn'in (1859-1936) İbn Arabî Değerlendirmesi
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Rızâeddîn bin Fahreddîn, 19.-20. yüzyıllarda İdil-Ural bölgesinde ceditçilik hareketi içerisinde yer almış en önemli düşünürlerdendir. Rusya müslümanlarının uyanışına katkı sunmak için birçok İslam düşünürünün biyografisini kaleme almıştır. Bunlardan birisi de İbn Arabî hakkındadır. Eserinde İbn Arabî’nin fikirlerini amelî, ilmî ve felsefî başlıkları altında inceler. Amelî görüşler başlığında içtihat, kıyas ve icmâ meseleleriyle ilgilenir. İlmî görüşler başlığı altında şumûl-i rahmet, ricâlu’l-gayb ve firavunun imanı konularını inceler. Felsefî görüşlerde ise âlem-i misâl ve vahdet-i vücûd hakkındaki tartışmaları öne çıkarır. Rızâeddîn bin Fahreddîn, eserinde İbn Arabî hakkında gelişen tarihsel münakaşaları yeniden değerlendirir. Bu konuda üç tutum ve gruptan bahseder. İlk grup onu kafir, ikinci grup ise büyük bir veli olarak görür. Üçüncü grup onun büyük bir veli olduğunu kabul eder fakat eserlerinin okunmasının sakıncalı olduğunu söylerler. Rızâeddîn bin Fahreddîn bunlara ek olarak eserinde İdil-Ural müslümanları arasında da İbn Arabî etkilerinden bahseder. Eserinin sonunda İbn Arabî ile ilgili zikrettiği görüşleri değerlendirir. İbn Arabî düşüncesinin zaaf ve imkanlarına işaret eden bu değerlendirmede neo-selefî ve reformist görüşlerin etkisini izlemek mümkündür.
Rizaeddin bin Fakhreddin is one of the most important thinkers who took part in the Jadidist movement in the Idil-Ural region in the 19th-20th centuries. He wrote the biography of many Islamic thinkers in order to contribute to the awakening of Muslims of Russia. One of them is about Ibn al-Arabi. In his work, he examines the ideas of Ibn al-‘Arab? under practical, scientific and philosophical titles. In the title of practical opinions, he deals with the issues of ijtih?d, ijm?? and qiy?s. In the title of scientific views, he examines the inclusiveness of mercy, rij?l al-ghayb and the faith of Pharaoh. In philosophical views, he stands out the discussions about the ??lam al-mith?l and wahdat alwuj?d. Rizaeddin bin Fakhreddin reevaluates the historical quarrels about Ibn al-Arabî in his work. He talks about three attitudes and groups on this subject. The first group sees him as heretical while the second group sees him as a great wal?. The third group accepts him as a great wal? but also adds that reading his works is inconvenient. In addition, Rizaeddin bin Fakhreddin mentions the effects of Ibn al-‘Arab? among the Muslims of İdil-Ural in his work. At the end of his work, he makes an evaluation about the opinions he mentioned about Ibn al-‘Arab?. It is possible to monitor the effect of neoSalafist and reformist views in this assessment, which points to the weaknesses and potentialities of Ibn al-‘Arab?’s thought.
Rizaeddin bin Fakhreddin is one of the most important thinkers who took part in the Jadidist movement in the Idil-Ural region in the 19th-20th centuries. He wrote the biography of many Islamic thinkers in order to contribute to the awakening of Muslims of Russia. One of them is about Ibn al-Arabi. In his work, he examines the ideas of Ibn al-‘Arab? under practical, scientific and philosophical titles. In the title of practical opinions, he deals with the issues of ijtih?d, ijm?? and qiy?s. In the title of scientific views, he examines the inclusiveness of mercy, rij?l al-ghayb and the faith of Pharaoh. In philosophical views, he stands out the discussions about the ??lam al-mith?l and wahdat alwuj?d. Rizaeddin bin Fakhreddin reevaluates the historical quarrels about Ibn al-Arabî in his work. He talks about three attitudes and groups on this subject. The first group sees him as heretical while the second group sees him as a great wal?. The third group accepts him as a great wal? but also adds that reading his works is inconvenient. In addition, Rizaeddin bin Fakhreddin mentions the effects of Ibn al-‘Arab? among the Muslims of İdil-Ural in his work. At the end of his work, he makes an evaluation about the opinions he mentioned about Ibn al-‘Arab?. It is possible to monitor the effect of neoSalafist and reformist views in this assessment, which points to the weaknesses and potentialities of Ibn al-‘Arab?’s thought.
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