Aysel Özakın'ın Mavi Maske Adlı Eserinde "Öteki"Nin İşlevselliği
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İnsan farklı düşüncelere ve farklı bakış açılarına karşı büyük bir merak ve ilgi duyar.Farklılıklar yoluyla “öteki”ni anlamaya ve sorgulamaya başlar. Bireyin “öteki” ileolan ilişkisinin kendisini tanımasında ve özgürleşmesinde önemli bir role sahipolması, zamanla “öteki”ni kendisine daha yakın hissetmesini ve kendi portresiniçizmesini sağlar. Kimlik arayışında olan birey, giderek kendine yabancılaşır ve“öteki” kendinin farkına varır. “Öteki”nin varlığından dolayı ortaya çıkan farklı yaşamtarzları ve kimlik arayışları, 1980’de politik nedenlerden Almanya’ya göç eden yazarAysel Özakın’ın Mavi Maske adlı eserinde somut biçimde kendini göstermektedir.Eserde birbirine zıt iki karakterin yan yana gelmesiyle ana karakterin kimliğini“öteki”nde keşfetmesi konu edilmiştir. Başkasının yaşamında kendini görme durumuromanda “öteki” kavramına farklı işlevsellikler kazandırılarak ele alınmıştır. Bubağlamda, söz konusu eser üzerinde Alman toplumunda “öteki” konumunda olan Türkkadınının “öteki” kendinin farkına varması çalışmada irdelenmiştir.
Human beings have always displayed great curiosity and interest in various thoughts and perspectives of approach. Man begins to understand and question the “Other” through differences. The fact that the relationship with the “Other” plays an important role in the recognition and liberation of the individual, makes the “Other” feel closer to him/her and draw his/her own portrait over time. Different lifestyles and identity searches that have emerged due to the existence of the “Other” are thematized in the novel titled Mavi Maske by Aysel Özakın. The main character's discovery of her identity in the “other” is handled by coming together of two opposite characters. The recognition of oneself in someone else's life is thematized in the novel by giving different functionalities to the “other”. This study focuses on the condition of Turkish woman as the “Other” in German society, as well as on her awareness of the “Other” self.
Human beings have always displayed great curiosity and interest in various thoughts and perspectives of approach. Man begins to understand and question the “Other” through differences. The fact that the relationship with the “Other” plays an important role in the recognition and liberation of the individual, makes the “Other” feel closer to him/her and draw his/her own portrait over time. Different lifestyles and identity searches that have emerged due to the existence of the “Other” are thematized in the novel titled Mavi Maske by Aysel Özakın. The main character's discovery of her identity in the “other” is handled by coming together of two opposite characters. The recognition of oneself in someone else's life is thematized in the novel by giving different functionalities to the “other”. This study focuses on the condition of Turkish woman as the “Other” in German society, as well as on her awareness of the “Other” self.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Humanitas - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri