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Öğe Beur Yazını ve Verlan Dili: Fransa’daki Kuzey Afrika Göç(er) Söylemi(2020) Tilbe, Ali; Topaloğlu, Yusuf1980’li yıllarda, adını Arap sözcüğünün hecelerinin yer değiştirilmesiyle elde edilen Verlan Dili ile bu süreçte gelişen Beur Yazını, yeni bir yazar kuşağını yazın evrenine taşımıştır. Beur yazını, Kuzey Afrika kökenli ya da Fransa'da doğup büyüyen Kuzey Afrika göçerlerinin özgün söylemidir. Göçün etkisiyle sömürgecilik sonrası ortaya çıkan bu yazınsal akımın romanlarının genç anlatı kişileri, sürekli bir iç çatışma içinde olup, iki ekin, iki yaşam ve iki toplum arasında algılanan göç acısı, eşitsizlik ve sömürgeleştirme duygusu içinde parçalanırlar. Özellikle 2005 yılından başlayarak, önce Yörekent Yazını daha sonra da Çağdaş Kent Yazını ve Dünya-Yazını olarak tanımlanan bu alan, yazın ve dilbilim dünyasında bütünüyle yeni bir araştırma ve eleştiri nesnesi olarak belirmiştir. Beur Yazını romanlarında yazar, farklı kökenlerden, ekinlerden ve Arapça, Berber, Afrika ve Karayip ile Çingene dillerinden oluşan toplulukların dil uygulamalarını birlikte kullanarak çoğul ve karma yeni bir dilsel / söylemsel uzam oluşturmuştur. Biz bu çalışmada Mağrip ülkelerinden ulusötesi göç sonrası Fransa’da gelişen Beur yazını ve Verlan dilini, tarihsel ve kuramsal bağlamda incelemeyi amaçlıyoruz.Öğe Evaluation of the textbook used in the pandemic: From teachers’ and students’ perspectives(2022) Aysu, SemahatThe textbook has a significant role in language teaching process for both teachers and learners. Therefore, teachers should select it considering the needs of learners, language teaching method or channel. In other words, a textbook might be appropriate for foreign language learners but not for second language learners or a textbook might be very useful for face-to-face teaching but not for online teaching. Therefore, this current study aims to evaluate “Life” textbook series, which was used in an elective preparatory school of a state university in Turkey. It was used through online learning during the pandemic. Since the number of English teachers in the elective preparatory class is less than 20 and the results, in turn, cannot be statistically significant, qualitative analysis was carried out. Furthermore, students’ opinions about the book and its activities were revealed through the parallel questionnaire. Open-ended questions were employed in this study. Data gathered by means of the questionnaires were analyzed via thematic analysis. Based on the gathered data, 3 codes were revealed, which are listed as in the following: strengths, weaknesses and suggestions.Öğe Teaching during COVID-19: Experiences of two novice distance language teachers(IGI Global, 2022) Karaduman, GürayDistance education has been gaining importance, especially as a result of the rapid and continuing developments in the internet and information and communications technologies. However, its being beneficial and effective has been discussed by educational researchers. Due to their lack of practice or experiences in distance teaching, a great number of teachers feel prejudiced toward distance learning. This study aims to have a deeper understanding of how novice distance teachers, who have just begun to teach English at a distance during the breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic, experienced distance teaching. The study was conducted at a state university in Turkey in the 2019-2020 spring term. The participants of the study were two English language instructors with a teaching experience of 10+ years. Descriptive analysis of semi-structured interviews and the researcher's affiliation with the cases as an insider helped to reveal the personal, teaching, and technical/ technological issues which affect the participants' experiences of distance teaching. © 2022, IGI Global.Öğe The Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) on Language Education(Igi Global, 2021) Aysu, Semahat; Şanlı, ŞeydaThe coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) started to affect the education around the world in the winter of 2020, and each education level such as primary education, secondary education, and higher education had to adapt synchronous or asynchronous online learning emergently. This study will focus on particularly the rapid change in language teaching and learning. How the pandemic had an effect on language learners or teachers and language teaching methods or tools will be discussed in the light of the studies conducted from the beginning of the pandemic until now. Therefore, this study will be a theoretical study which summarizes the results of the studies, and the following questions will be examined in this review of literature: What is online learning? What are the differences between synchronous or asynchronous online learning? What kinds of digital applications, platforms, or teaching tools can be used in online learning?Öğe Neoliberal Governmentality and Performativity Culture in Higher Education: Reflections on Academic Identity(Turkish Educational Admin Research & Development Assoc, 2020) Tülübaş, Tijen; Göktürk, ŞöheydaThis qualitative study aims to explore how the culture of performativity resulting from the influences of neoliberal governmentality on the academe is perceived by academics throughout their career and interrogates how their perceptions could reflect on their professional identity. The study was conducted with twenty-four academics from state universities in Turkey. The analysis of the in-depth interviews revealed that the emerging culture of performativity in higher education institutions seems to establish three identity trajectories as perceived by academics. Accordingly, some resist to conforming to the neoliberal norms in the academe, some feel obliged to conform to these norms albeit with ethical dilemmas while some welcome and embrace these emerging norms. The findings highlight some threatening consequences of performativity as a neoliberal policy tool in higher education for both the soul of the academic profession and the quality of work in the context of Turkey. Implications are identified, which include the need to develop new policy tools prioritizing professional integrity and internal accountability to achieve desired quality in higher education.Öğe Instructors' Exhibition Levels of Spiritual Leadership Behavior According to University Preparatory Class Students(Turkish Education Assoc, 2013) Polat, Soner; Tülübaş, TijenThe purpose of this study is to determine instructors' exhibition levels of spiritual leadership behaviour according to the perceptions of English language preparatory school students. The study is designed in a descriptive research model. The universe of the study comprises 2600 students studying at English language preparatory class at Kocaeli University School of Foreign Languages. The sample of the study was selected randomly and comprised 693 students. The data were collected using Turkish version of Fry's (2003) Spiritual Leadership Scale which was translated and adapted by the researchers. After the factor analysis, it was determined that 26 items in the scale were grouped in 6 dimensions. These dimensions were the same as in the original scale. The arithmetic meand were used to determine instructors' exhibition levels of spiritual leadership behaviour according to the perceptions of preparatory class students. T-test was used to determine whether students' perceptions regarding instructors' exhibition levels of spiritual leadership behaviour change according to gender and class level. Findings of the study show that instructors are perceived to exhibit high levels of spiritual leadership behaviours. According to students, faculty members exhibit higher levels of spiritual leadership behaviours in meaning/calling, altruistic love, hope/faith, productivity and membership dimensions while they remain at moderate level in vision dimension.Öğe Instructional Practices that Motivate Students to Learn English(Nesibe Aydin Education Inst, 2018) Kurt, Pınar Yuncu; Kurt, HüseyinMotivation to learn English plays a curial role in students' performance, achievement and attendance. This indicates that instructors should be aware of the importance of motivation and strive to motivate their students. To be able to do that, instructors should have a novel knowledge of instructional practices that motivate students so that they can adjust their teaching methods and insert motivational tactics and strategies into their teaching procedures. Thus, the aim of this article is to find out the instructional practices that motivate students to learn English most. For that reason, ARCS motivational model (Keller, 2010) was applied throughout ten weeks in main course lessons of preparatory classes at Namik Kemal University during students' regular class hour. By means of this model several motivational tactics and strategies were inserted to the classroom instruction. Researchers prepared detailed lesson plans according to the weekly schedule and needs of the students and the students were asked to write weekly comments about them at the end of each week. Next week's lesson plan was prepared based on researchers' observation of the effectiveness of the lesson plan and students' comments collected previous week. Using a qualitative research design, comments from 30 students were collected in ten weeks and analyzed. As a result, we have reached the conclusion that students' comments can be evaluated under two headings. The first heading includes comments related to classroom instruction and the second one is related to instructor behavior and we tried to explain them in detail in this article.Öğe Causes of Faculty Members' Silence(Hacettepe Univ, 2014) Tülübaş, Tijen; Celep, CevatThis study aims to research the causes of faculty members' silence and whether they differ significantly according to some demographic variables. The population of the study includes faculty members of Kocaeli University, Sakarya University and Namik Kemal University (except Faculty of Medicine), and the sample includes 459 faculty members. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA with the help of SPSS. In this study, we determined that faculty members remain silent due to organisational regulations, acquiescence, fear of damaging relations with co-workers, fear of damaging relations with supervisor, self-defense and lack of self-confidence respectively. Causes of faculty members' silence were found to differ according to age, level of education, academic title and duration of employment in the organisation. Findings of the study showed that instructors, research assistants and lecturers are more silent compared to assistant professors, associate professors and professors. Instructors are the most silent while professors are the least silent.Öğe The Use of Discourse Markers in the Writings of Turkish Students of English as a Foreign Language: A Corpus Based Study(2017) Aysu, SemahatBu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'deki Namık Kemal Üniversitesi'nde hazırlık okuyan başlangıç seviyede bulunan 104 öğrencinin söylem belirleyici kullanımlarını araştırmaktır. 2013-2014 akademik yılı vize sınavlarının bir parçası olarak öğrencilerden 80-100 kelimelik bir paragraf yazmaları istenildi. Bu kompozisyonlar kullanılarak küçük ölçüde bir derlem oluşturuldu. Derlem, bir bilgisayar programı olan Ant Conc 3.2.4. kullanılarak söylem belirleyicilerin çeşit ve sıklığını bulmak için analiz edildi. Başlangıç seviyede bulunan öğrenciler tarafından 180 tane söylem belirleyicinin kullanıldığı belirlendi. Ve 'and' 98 defa kullanılmıştır, ama 'but' 51 kez bulunmuştur, çünkü 'because' 18 defa yazılmıştır ve diğer söylem belirleyiciler sonra 'then', bu yüzden 'so', bunun yanı sıra 'also', de, da 'too' ve hâlâ 'still' ise sırasıyla 7, 2, 2, 1, 1 şeklinde kullanılmıştır. Dahası, Fraser (1999) tarafından yapılan söylem belirleyici sınıflandırmasına göre 180 söylem belirleyici dört kategoriye ayrılmıştır. Bunlardan 101'i detay veren söylem belirleyici, 52'i karşılaştırma sağlayan söylem belirleyici, 18'i neden gösteren söylem belirleyici ve dokuzu çıkarımsal söylem belirleyici olarak bulunmuşturÖğe Effect of perceived procedural justice on faculty members' silence: the mediating role of trust in supervisor(Elsevier Science Bv, 2012) Tülübaş, Tijen; Celep, CevatAlthough employees are expected to contribute to the development of organization with their knowledge, ideas, opinions and suggestions, they sometimes prefer to remain silent. Perceived justice, especially procedural justice can be important in employers' decision to speak up about organizational issues. This study aims to examine the effects of justice on faculty members' silence. It also aims to study whether trust in supervisor mediate the effect of perceived justice on faculty members' silence. Our study showed perceived justice predicts faculty members' silence. Trust in supervisor is found to mediate the effect of perceived justice and perceived procedural justice on faculty members' silence. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Öğe Integrating Target Culture in EFL Classrooms(2014) Aydemir, Ezgi; Mede, EnisaBu çalışmanın amacı, dil hazırlık programlarında çalışmakta olan ve İngilizceyi yabancı dil olarak öğreten Türk okutmanların hedef kültürü sınıflarında entegre etme konusunda sınıf içi uygulamalarını ve algılarını araştırmaktır. Çalışmanın örneklemi olarak, araştırmaya Türkiyedeki devlet ve özel üniversitelerinde çalışan seksen (N=80) yabancı dil hazırlık programı okutmanı katılmıştır. Nicel veriler bir anket aracılığıyla elde edilmiş, nitel veriler iki grup katılımcıya uygulanan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme ve çağrışım tekniğine dayalı görüşmeyle toplanmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları, yabancı dil olarak İngilizce sınıfında hedef kültürü entegre etmeye ilişkin önemli çıkarımlar ortaya koymaktadır.Öğe Needs Analysis in Curriculum Design: Language Needs of Tourism Students*(2021) Aysu, Semahat; Özcan, Fatma HülyaIn this study, the main aim was to reveal English language needs of tourism students for their future profession. Regarding the obtained needs from students, graduates, content experts and employers in tourism sector, goals and objectives of Vocational English Course were set. The data were collected through needs analysis questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. 70 students in the school where the researcher works, 112 graduates of Tourism and Hotel Management program, 9 content experts and 51 employers working in tourism sector answered the questionnaire. 8 students, 11 graduates, 2 content experts and 5 employers took part in semi-structured interviews voluntarily. After the questionnaire was administered to four groups of participants, the obtained data were analyzed through SPSS 20. On the other hand, while analyzing the qualitative data, the recordings were transcribed for the analysis of data by the researcher. Then, a list of codes developed by Wen (2010) was drawn on for coding. The results indicated that 4 language skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing) were important for tourism students, but particularly listening and speaking language skills for their future profession were emphasized.Öğe The Relationship between EFL learners' writing strategy use and their writing scores(2018) Çetinkaya, Gökhan; Bilgan, GülayThe aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between EFL learners’ writing performance andtheir use of writing strategies in the context of voluntary-based English Preparatory School. To dothis, Writing Strategy Inventory developed by Özbay (2008), semi-structured interviews andstudents’ writing grades of their 3rd midterm exam were used. Writing Strategy Inventory wasdelivered to 166 students; however, only 152 students took the midterm exam. Following thequantitative data collection procedure, semi-structured interviews were carried out with 15 studentschosen via extreme case sampling method based on the students’ scores on the Writing StrategyInventory. The results show that there is a significant but a low correlation between students’ writingstrategy use and their midterm results. However, during the interviews, students state that they can’tuse the writing strategies during the exams because of limited time for the writing part or just becausethe strategies such as searching the topic on the internet and looking up dictionaries they generallyuse are not appropriate for the exams. Furthermore, the use of writing strategies does not differaccording to gender; on the other hand, students with higher self-proficiency level use more writingstrategies.Öğe Die patriarchalische Rollenverteilung in Birgit Vanderbekes Erzählung Das Muschelessen(2019) Özen, Neriman NüzketDieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der patriarchalischen Rollenverteilung der Figuren und mit den charakteristischen Merkmalen, die zu der Konstruktion der Geschlechterrollen führen. Um die Analyse und Aufweisung der Figuren zeigt sich die Gender Studies als hilfreich. Der Roman handelt vom Leben einer Familie, die kurz vor dem Mauerbau nach Westen umzieht. In dem Roman kann der Leser Parallelen zum Leben der Autorin erschlie?en, aber die Autorin verneint in ihren Aussagen jede biografische Ähnlichkeit. Sie schildert ein Familienleben unter dem Schatten der Machtverhältnisse und patriarchalischen Rollen der ehemaligen DDR. Die individuelle Freiheit und die neuen Umstände im alltäglichen Leben und Beruf im Westen sind neu für die Familienmitglieder. Dazu kommen noch die Vorurteile der Menschen in dieser neuen Welt und dies alles übt einen gro?en Druck aus. Obwohl die Familie aus den Machtverhältnissen der DDR geflohen ist, ist nun der Vater die Macht und Gewalt ausübende Hauptfigur, der den Rest der Familie tyrannisiert. Die Tochter beschreibt als Ich-Erzählerin die familiäre Verhältnisse im Monolog ausführlich, aber sie vermeidet eine explizite Äu?erung zu den Gewalttätigkeiten des Familienoberhauptes. Einen offenen Widerstand gegen die Unterdrückung zeigt weder die Mutter, noch der Sohn oder die Tochter. Vanderbeke konstruiert als Vater eine literarische Figur, die Angst und Erschrecken nicht auf provozierender Art, sondern mit Regeln, Familienrituellen, Erwartungen und impliziten Verboten verbreitet. Die Abrechnung mit dem Vater findet in seiner Abwesenheit statt. Zum ersten Mal sprechen die restlichen Familienmitglieder sich aus, ohne die Angst zu spüren, dass der Vater sie bestrafen wird. Und dies wird der Anfang der Auflösung einer ‘Scheinfamilie’.Öğe Geçmişe Uzanan Bir Yol Hikayesi Lucy Frıcke'nin Töchter Romanında Kızlar ve 'Gölge' Babaları(2021) Özen, Neriman NüzketLucy Fricke’nin Töchter adlı romanı, iki kadın figürün babaları ve geçmişleriyle hesaplaşmak için çıktıkları yolculuğu anlatmaktadır. Biri yıllar sonra ortaya çıkan babasının son arzusunu yerine getirmeye, diğeri çocukluğunda annesini terk eden ve baba olarak gördüğü adamın izini sürmeye çalışan iki kadının sembolik yol hikayesidir bu. İki kadın yolculuk ilerledikçe, geçmişlerinde babasız büyümenin hayatlarına verdiği zararla bir kez daha yüzleşirler. Yazar bu yolculukta pek çok maceralı, tehlikeli, gizemli olayı sahnelerken romanını sinemada bir film türü olan Road Movie’nin (yol filmi) edebiyattaki yansıması olan Road Novel (yol romanı) türünde yazmıştır. Yıllar sonra hayatlarına tekrar geri giren baba figürleri karşısında bu cesur kadınların nasıl tepki vereceği yazarın üslubu sayesinde okuru heyecanlı bir bekleyişe bırakmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı babasız büyüyen kadınları temsilen Martha ve Betty bağlamında öncelikle Fricke’nin bu sorunsalı irdelerken hangi karakteristik özelliklere sahip dişil figürler kurguladığını ve babasızlığın bu figürlere etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Sonrasında ise babasızlık kavramını Almanya’nın tarihsel ve sosyokültürel gerçekliğinde ele alarak toplumsal dönem ve yapının arka plan bilgisini aktarmak ve çalışmanın son bölümünde yazarın başarısında önemli bir role sahip olan farklı üslubuna dikkat çekmektirÖğe Doubly Oppressed Immigrants in Brick Lane(2020) Karagöz, CengizThe present study aims to delve into the novel Brick Lane by Monica Ali in respect to two primary factors which lead immigrants to be face to face with oppression and discrimination in Britain. Their skin colours and Muslim identities comprise a basis that assigns the position of these immigrants in that European land under discussion in which they have to cope with certain financial problems, physical attacks and threats. As a result, both a dark skin and being a Muslim mean double oppression in London.Öğe The exploration of the self-efficacy beliefs of English language teachers and student teachers(2018) Çankaya, PınarThe primary concern of this paper is to explore the self-efficacy beliefs of practicing English language teachersand student teachers. For this reason, a comprehensive literature review is presented to shed light on the issueinvestigated. The sampling procedure is random selection which raises reliability and validity of the data collected.The participants consist of 35 practicing teachers and 17 student teachers who are majoring English languageteaching (ELT) departments at three different universities. The results revealed that student teachers reportedslightly less self-efficacy levels than practicing teachers who rated themselves more self-efficacious. Accordingly,the possible reasons of the low self efficacy beliefs will be discussed.Öğe Üniversite hazırlık sınıfı öğrencilerine göre öğretim elemanlarının ruhsal liderlik davranışlarını gösterme düzeyleri(2013) Polat, Soner; Tülübaş, TijenBu araştırmanın amacı, öğretim elemanlarının ruhsal liderlik davranışlarını gösterme düzeylerini üniversite hazırlık sınıfı öğrencilerinin görüşlerine göre belirlemektir. Araştırma betimsel tarama modelinde tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini Kocaeli Üniversitesi Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu hazırlık sınıfında öğrenim gören 2600 öğrenci, örneklemini ise tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen 693 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri Fry’ın (2003) geliştirdiği “Ruhsal Liderlik Ölçeği”nin Türkçeye uyarlanması ile toplanmıştır. Yapılan faktör analizinde Ruhsal Liderlik Ölçeğindeki 26 maddenin 6 faktörde toplandığı görülmüştür. Bu faktörlerin ölçeğin orijinal halindeki alt boyutlarla örtüştüğü görülmüştür. Üniversite hazırlık sınıfı öğrencilerine göre öğretim elemanlarının ruhsal liderlik davranışlarını ne düzeyde gösterdiklerini belirlemek için aritmetik ortalamaya bakılmıştır. Öğretim elemanlarının ruhsal liderlik davranışlarını gösterme düzeylerine ilişkin algının, üniversite hazırlık sınıfı öğrencilerinin cinsiyeti ve öğrenim gördükleri kura göre değişip değişmediğini test etmek için ise t-testi yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda öğrencilere göre, öğretim elemanları ruhsal liderlik davranışını yüksek düzeyde göstermektedirler. Öğrencilere göre öğretim elemanları, ruhsal liderliğin alt boyutlarından heves uyandırma/anlam, özgecil sevgi, umut/inanç, üretkenlik ve üyeliğe ilişkin davranışları yüksek düzeyde gösterirken, vizyon boyutuna ilişkin davranışları orta düzeyde göstermektedirler.Öğe Öğretim Elemanlarının Sessiz Kalma Nedenleri(2014) Tülübaş, Tijen; Celep, CevatBu çalışma, üniversitelerde görev yapan öğretim elemanlarının sessiz kalma nedenlerini ve bu nedenlerin bazı demografik değişkenlere göre değişip değişmediğini araştıran betimsel ilişkisel bir çalışmadır. Çalışmanın evrenini Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Sakarya Üniversitesi ve Namık Kemal Üniversitesi'nde (Tıp Fakültesi hariç) çalışan öğretim elemanları, örneklemini ise bu üniversitelerde çalışan 459 öğretim elemanı oluşturmaktadır. Elde edilen veriler betimsel istatistik, t-testi ve ANOVA kullanılarak SPSS paket programı yardımıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular, öğretim elemanlarının sırasıyla kurumsal düzenlemeler, geri çekilme, iş arkadaşlarıyla ilişkileri koruma, yöneticiyle ilişkileri koruma, kendini koruma ve kendine güven eksikliği nedeniyle sessiz kaldıklarını göstermektedir. Öğretim elemanlarının sessiz kalma nedenleri cinsiyete, yaşa, eğitim durumuna, unvana ve kurumda çalışma süresine göre değişmektedir. Araştırma bulguları, öğretim görevlileri, araştırma görevlileri ve okutmanların profesör, doçent ve yardımcı doçentlere göre daha sessiz olduğunu göstermektedir. En sessiz grup okutmanlar, en az sessiz grup ise profesörlerdir.Öğe John Fiske and Popular Culture: a Critical Reading of Margaret Tyler's "Epistle to the Reader"(2021) Aydoğdu Çelik, MerveThis paper examines how Margaret Tyler overcomes literary inferiority in the “Epistleto the Reader” that precedes her translation The Mirrour of Princely Deeds andKnighthood. Tyler, as a woman and an author, is in a secondary position in thepatriarchal Elizabethan society and print culture. Notwithstanding her disadvantagedstatus, she circumvents it through various tactics, and she defends both her act andwomen’s right to write. Tyler does not overtly challenge the assumptions prevalent inprint culture but manipulates them to her own end. The fact that she employs severalstrategies to earn a place in the system renders it possible to evaluate the prefacewithin the framework of John Fiske’s popular culture theory. As is evident from the“Epistle,” Tyler resists the dominant culture, and she produces her oppositional stanceout of the resources of the dominant. Thus, Tyler’s preface functions as an element ofpopular culture.