Edirne Merkez İlçe Kentsel Sit Alanı Sınırları İçerisindeki Açık ve Yeşil Alan Varlığının İrdelenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Kentleşme sürecinde, hızlı nüfus artışı konut ihtiyacını da artırmakta, kentler buna bağlı olarak plansız şekilde gelişmektedir. Bu plansız gelişim, kentlerin en önemli alan kullanımlarından olan açık ve yeşil alanların giderek azalmasına yol açmaktadır. Açık ve yeşil alanlar; yaşanabilir çevreler oluşturmak, ekolojik dengeyi sağlamak, kentlinin rekreatif ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak gibi birçok işlevlerinden dolayı kentler için çok önemlidir. Bu bağlamda kentliyi doğa ile buluşturan bu alanların yeterliliklerinin, dağılımlarının ve niteliklerinin bilinmesi gerekmektedir. Çalışma alanı olarak seçilen Edirne kenti çok eski bir yerleşim olup, köklü bir tarihi geçmişe sahiptir. Kent dokusu öncelikle ızgara plan olarak gelişmiş, 14. yüzyıldan itibaren organik kent dokusuna dönüşerek şekillenmiş ve tarihi kent merkezi oluşmuştur. Günümüzde ise, özellikle 20. yüzyıldan itibaren kentin fiziksel sınırları aşılarak farklı dokulara sahip yeni yerleşim bölgeleri oluşmuştur. Araştırmanın amacı; tarihi kent merkezinde bulunan; kentsel sit alanı içerisinde kalan ve kentsel sit alanı sınırlarında bulunan 40 bine yakın nüfusa sahip 10 mahallenin açık ve yeşil alan varlığının saptanarak imar planı ve imar Yasası'nda belirtilen standartlar ile karşılaştırılmasıdır. Araştırmada; arazi çalışmaları, analiz ve değerlendirme yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, incelenen mahallelerde kişi başına düşen açık ve yeşil alan miktarının standartlara uymadığı belirlenmiştir. Diğer taraftan, bazı mahallelerde, uygulama imar planında öngörülen açık ve yeşil alanlar ile mevcut durumun birbiriyle örtüşmediği ya da farklı amaçlarla kullanıldığı ortaya konulmuş ve bu konuya yönelik öneriler getirilmiştir.
The need of housing has raised within the increase of population and cities have development in unplanned way during the urbanization process. Being one of significant requirement of people, the importance of open and green spaces have increased during this process. The most important aim of townscape's plan is to create open area and green fields system in cities. The existence of open and green areas important in order to establish livable environment, to provide the ecological balance and to fulfill requirements of people about recreational activities. So, it becomes important and necessary to analyze the qualification, competence and distribution of these open and green areas in order to bring together citizens and nature in this context. Edirne, which is one of old settlement and has an established history has been chosen as a field study. Urban pattern has been developed as grid plan firstly and then it has transformed into organic urban fabric to constitute historical city center since 14th century. It is observed that new settlements occur having different pattern exceeding physical boundary of city today especially since 20th century. The aim of this study is to determine and to compare with zoning laws and development plans open and green areas of 10 districts with a population of nearly 40 thousand that have been in the boundaries of protected area of the city and also in historical city center. In the study, field survey, method of analysis and evaluation were applied. As a result of researches in the study field, quantity of open and green areas in examined 10 districts was determined not to be compliance with standards. On the other hand, open and green areas of some districts that have been predicted in implementary development plan have been revealed not to be jibe with existing situations of these districts or be at cross-purposes and brought forward a proposal for these areas.
The need of housing has raised within the increase of population and cities have development in unplanned way during the urbanization process. Being one of significant requirement of people, the importance of open and green spaces have increased during this process. The most important aim of townscape's plan is to create open area and green fields system in cities. The existence of open and green areas important in order to establish livable environment, to provide the ecological balance and to fulfill requirements of people about recreational activities. So, it becomes important and necessary to analyze the qualification, competence and distribution of these open and green areas in order to bring together citizens and nature in this context. Edirne, which is one of old settlement and has an established history has been chosen as a field study. Urban pattern has been developed as grid plan firstly and then it has transformed into organic urban fabric to constitute historical city center since 14th century. It is observed that new settlements occur having different pattern exceeding physical boundary of city today especially since 20th century. The aim of this study is to determine and to compare with zoning laws and development plans open and green areas of 10 districts with a population of nearly 40 thousand that have been in the boundaries of protected area of the city and also in historical city center. In the study, field survey, method of analysis and evaluation were applied. As a result of researches in the study field, quantity of open and green areas in examined 10 districts was determined not to be compliance with standards. On the other hand, open and green areas of some districts that have been predicted in implementary development plan have been revealed not to be jibe with existing situations of these districts or be at cross-purposes and brought forward a proposal for these areas.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Edirne, açık ve yeşil alan, tarihi kent merkezi, open and green areas, historical city center
Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
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