Italia Üzüm Çeşidinde Salkımlarda Torbalama Uygulamalarının Olgunluk, Verim ve Kalite Üzerine Etkileri
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Araştırmada Italia çeşidinde 2012 ve 2013 yıllarında üç farklıtorbalama uygulamasının (Mogul 19 g m-2, Mogul 30 g m-2 ve Tyvek)olgunluk, verim ve kalite üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Torbalamauygulamaları tane tutumu döneminde gerçekleştirilmiştir.Çalışmanın yürütüldüğü her iki yılda da Mogul tip torbalarda torbaiçi sıcaklıklarının dış koşullara göre daha yüksek olduğu, Tyvek tiptorbalarda ise torba içi sıcaklıkların dış koşullara yakın seyrettiğibelirlenmiştir. Torba içi nem değerleri tüm torbalarda dış koşullaragöre düşük bulunmuş, Mogul tip torbalarda bu değer Tyvek tiptorbalara göre daha düşük ortaya çıkmıştır. Araştırma bulgularınagöre tane yarılma direnci ölçümlerinde açıkta geliştirilen tanelerintorbalama uygulanmış tanelere göre daha sağlam olduğubelirlenmiştir. Özellikle Mogul tip torbaların ise olgunlaşmayıhızlandırıcı etki gösterdiği belirlenmiştir.
In the study, the effects of three different bagging applications (Mogul 19 g m-2, Mogul 30 g m-2 and Tyvek) on the maturity, yield and quality of Italia grape cultivar were investigated in 2012 and 2013. Bagging applications were carried out during the berry set period. In both years of the study, it was determined that the temperatures in Mogul type bags were higher than the external conditions, while the temperatures in Tyvek type bags were close to the external conditions. Moisture values were found to be lower in all bags compared to external conditions, this value was lower in Mogul type bags compared to Tyvek type bags. According to the research findings, the berries in the control application were found to be more robust than the bagged ones in terms of resistance to berry crushing. Especially, Mogul type bags were determined to have an accelerating effect on maturation.
In the study, the effects of three different bagging applications (Mogul 19 g m-2, Mogul 30 g m-2 and Tyvek) on the maturity, yield and quality of Italia grape cultivar were investigated in 2012 and 2013. Bagging applications were carried out during the berry set period. In both years of the study, it was determined that the temperatures in Mogul type bags were higher than the external conditions, while the temperatures in Tyvek type bags were close to the external conditions. Moisture values were found to be lower in all bags compared to external conditions, this value was lower in Mogul type bags compared to Tyvek type bags. According to the research findings, the berries in the control application were found to be more robust than the bagged ones in terms of resistance to berry crushing. Especially, Mogul type bags were determined to have an accelerating effect on maturation.
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