Getto'da Bir Çocuk: Lina veya Jurek Becker Jurek Becker'in "Jakob der Lügner" Adlı Romanı
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Jurek Becker, daha beş yaşındayken ailesiyle birlikte Nazi zulmüne uğramış, Ravensbrück Toplama Kampına ve daha sonra Sachsenhausen'a gönderilmiş yazarlardan birisidir. Annesi soykırımda ölen Becker, kamptan sağ kurtulan babasıyla birlikte savaştan sonra Doğu Berlin'e yerleşmiştir. Daha önce senaryo olarak yazdığı, ancak filmin yapımı durdurulduğu için, romana dönüştürdüğü Jacob der Lügner (Yalancı Jacop) adlı yapıtı, 1974 yılında Doğu Alman film şirketi DEFA tarafından filme çekilmiş, 1998 tarihli Amerikan sürümünde de başrolü Robin Williams oynamıştır. Becker, daha küçük yaşta annesini yitirme acısıyla, kamptan dokuz yaşında kurtulmayı başarır. Bu dönem onun yaşamının en acıklı öyküleriyle unutulmaz örüntülenmiştir. Yazar, babasının isteği üzerine yazdığı Getto'daki 40 günlük bir yaşamı konu alan yapıtında, öteki anlatı kişileriyle birlikte Lina adlı bir çocuk anlatı kişisine eyleyen işlevi yüklemiştir. Anne ve babası trenle toplama kampına götürülen Lina, büyük bir şans eseri Jakob'la karşılaşmış, Jakob, Lina'yı evinin çatı katına saklamış ve orada kaçak olarak barındırmıştır. Yazın toplumbilimsel bir yaklaşımla yapılacak bu incelemede, Lina'nın bakış açısıyla bilinmeyen yere sürgün, yersiz yurtsuzluk, istemdışı göçe zorlanma ve olanaksızlıklar içinde çocuk eğitimi gibi izleklerin çözümlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır
Jurek Becker is one of the authors who, suffered Nazi persecution at the age of five years oldwith his family, was first sent to Ravensbrück Concentration Camp and was later sent to Sachsenhausen. His mother died in the genocide Becker, who survived the camp after the war with his father moved to East Berlin. Previously he wrote the script, but for the film’s production is stopped, Jacob der Lugner that convert novel (False Jacob) his work, East in 1974 German Film Company filmed by DEFA, the 1998 American version Robin Williams has also played the lead role. Becker, the younger the pain of losing his mother, manages to escape from the camp at the age of nine years old. During this period, the most pathetic story of his life is patterned memorable. The author, in his father’s request he wrote a 40-day life in the ghetto of these works were installed functions act on a child refers to a person named Luna with other people tell you. Her mother and father were taken to concentration a camp Line train, experiencing a great chance to Jakob, had hidden in the attic of the home and host Lina is there illegally. Write in this investigation will be made with a sociological approach, Lina's place to shoot from the point of view known, unwarranted yurtsuzluk, in difficulty and hardship to involuntary migration aims to solve these themes as children's education
Jurek Becker is one of the authors who, suffered Nazi persecution at the age of five years oldwith his family, was first sent to Ravensbrück Concentration Camp and was later sent to Sachsenhausen. His mother died in the genocide Becker, who survived the camp after the war with his father moved to East Berlin. Previously he wrote the script, but for the film’s production is stopped, Jacob der Lugner that convert novel (False Jacob) his work, East in 1974 German Film Company filmed by DEFA, the 1998 American version Robin Williams has also played the lead role. Becker, the younger the pain of losing his mother, manages to escape from the camp at the age of nine years old. During this period, the most pathetic story of his life is patterned memorable. The author, in his father’s request he wrote a 40-day life in the ghetto of these works were installed functions act on a child refers to a person named Luna with other people tell you. Her mother and father were taken to concentration a camp Line train, experiencing a great chance to Jakob, had hidden in the attic of the home and host Lina is there illegally. Write in this investigation will be made with a sociological approach, Lina's place to shoot from the point of view known, unwarranted yurtsuzluk, in difficulty and hardship to involuntary migration aims to solve these themes as children's education
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