Hasat sonrası putresin ve salisilik asit uygulamalarının kirazın sogukta muhafazası üzerine etkisi
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Bu çalısmada hasat sonrası putresin ve salisilik asit uygulamalarının 0900 Ziraat kiraz çesidinin sogukta muhafaza süresi ve kalite özellikleri üzerine etkileri arastırılmıstır. Bu amaçla hasat edilen meyvelere daldırma yöntemi ile 1 mM dozunda putresin ve salisilik asit uygulamaları yapılmıstır. Uygulamalar sonrası meyveler polyester tabaklara konularak 00C sıcaklık ve %90±5 oransal nem kosullarında 35 gün süre ile depolanmıstır. Muhafaza süresince 7 gün aralıklarla soguk depodan çıkartılan meyvelerde agırlık kaybı, suda çözünür kuru madde miktarı, titre edilebilir asit miktarı, toplam fenolik madde miktarı, sap rengi, çürüklük gelisimi ve duyusal analiz yapılmıstır. Arastırma sonuçlarına göre kiraz muhafazasında putresin ve salisilik asit uygulamaları kontrol grubuna göre daha basarılı sonuçlar vermistir. Bunun yanında, putresin uygulaması ise duyusal analizlerde salislik asit uygulamasından daha yüksek degerler almıstır. Uygulamalara baglı olarak degismekle birlikte muhafaza süresince, suda çözünür kuru madde miktarında artma, titre edilebilir asit miktarı ve toplam fenolik madde miktarı azalma egiliminde olmustur. Muhafaza süresi sonunda kontrol meyvelerinde agırlık kaybı (%16,2) ve çürüklük gelisiminin (%22,7) önemli seviyede artmasından dolayı pazarlanabilir niteligini büyük oranda kaybetmistir. Ayrıca sap rengi degisim oranı kontrol meyvelerinde %50-75 aralıgında iken, putresin ve salisilik asit uygulamalarında bu oran %25-50 arasında kalmıstır.
In the study, effects of postharvest putrescine and salicylic acid treatments on cold storage duration and quality of sweet cherry cv. 0900 Ziraat were determined. For this purpose, fruits were treated with 1 mM putrescine and salicylic acid by means of dipping method. After treatments, fruits were put into polyester container and stored at 00C and 90±5% relative humidity conditions throughout 35 days. During the storage period, weight loss, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, total phenolic compounds, stem color evaluation, development of decay, appearance analysis measurements were performed at 7 day interval. According to research results, putrescine and salicylic acid treatments were found to be more successful than control. Besides, putrescine treatment reached higher values than salicylic acid treatment in terms of organoleptic analysis. Depending on treatments, while soluble solids content was increasing, titratable acidity and total phenolic compounds tended to decrease during storage. Increasing of weight loss (16,2%) and developing of decay (22,7%) largely led to decreasing of marketable characteristics in control fruits at the end of the storage period. In addition, while the rate of change the stem color in control fruits were 50-75%, for same criteria rates remained 25-50% in putrescine and salicylic acid treatments.
In the study, effects of postharvest putrescine and salicylic acid treatments on cold storage duration and quality of sweet cherry cv. 0900 Ziraat were determined. For this purpose, fruits were treated with 1 mM putrescine and salicylic acid by means of dipping method. After treatments, fruits were put into polyester container and stored at 00C and 90±5% relative humidity conditions throughout 35 days. During the storage period, weight loss, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, total phenolic compounds, stem color evaluation, development of decay, appearance analysis measurements were performed at 7 day interval. According to research results, putrescine and salicylic acid treatments were found to be more successful than control. Besides, putrescine treatment reached higher values than salicylic acid treatment in terms of organoleptic analysis. Depending on treatments, while soluble solids content was increasing, titratable acidity and total phenolic compounds tended to decrease during storage. Increasing of weight loss (16,2%) and developing of decay (22,7%) largely led to decreasing of marketable characteristics in control fruits at the end of the storage period. In addition, while the rate of change the stem color in control fruits were 50-75%, for same criteria rates remained 25-50% in putrescine and salicylic acid treatments.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat Mühendisliği, Bahçe Bitkileri, Gıda Bilimi ve Teknolojisi
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat fakültesi Dergisi
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