Farklı Önişlemlerin ve Vakum Kurutma Yönteminin Domatesin Kuruma Karakteristikleri ve Kalite Kriterleri Üzerine Etkisi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, farklı önişlemlerin ve iki farklı sıcaklık derecesinde, vakum altında kurutmanın dilimlenmiş domatesin kurutma karakteristiklerine ve bazı kalite kriterlerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Tüm kurutma yöntemlerinde önişlem uygulaması olarak domatesler önce bütün halde %2 etil oleat + %4 potasyum karbonat karışımına daldırılmış, daha sonra dilimlenen domatesler iki gruba ayrılmış, bir grup %1 sitrik asit + %1 askorbik asit karışımına, diğer grup ise %2 sodyum metabisülfit çözeltisine daldırılmıştır. Kurutma 10 kPa vakum basınç altında, 65 °C ve 75 °C sıcaklık şartlarında yürütülmüştür. Kalite kriterleri olarak, önişlemlerin ve farklı kurutma sıcaklıklarının renk, kuru madde, indirgen şeker, toplam şeker, pH, titrasyon asitliği, askorbik asit, likopen, sodyum ve potasyum içeriğine etkileri belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak önişlem uygulamalarının kuruma sürelerini kısalttığı saptanmıştır. Önişlem uygulamaları tüm renk kriterleri üzerine olumlu etkiler meydana getirmiştir. Önişlem uygulamalarıyla kurutulan domateslerin şeker içerikleri, önişlemsiz kurutulanlarınkine göre daha düşük düzeyde kalmıştır. Sitrik+askorbik asit uygulaması pH değerlerinde düşme meydana getirmiş, aynı uygulama titrasyon asitliği değerlerini yükseltmiştir. Kurutulmuş domateslerde, artan kuru madde içeriği ile birlikte sodyum, potasyum ve likopen miktarlarında artışlar olmuştur. Tüm uygulamalarda domateslerin askorbik asit değerleri düşmüştür.
In this study, the effects of different pretreatments and two drying temperature on the vacuum drying characteristics of tomato were investigated. As pretreatments, whole tomatoes were firstly dipped into the mixture of 2% ethyl oleate + 4% potassium carbonate, and then these tomatoes were sliced and separated as two groups. One group was dipped into the mixture of 1% citric acid + 1% ascorbic acid, other group was dipped into the 2% sodium metabisulphite solution. Drying experiments were carried out at vacuum chamber pressure of 10 kPa and drying temperature of 65 °C ve 75 °C. Effects of pretreatments and different drying temperatures on color, dry matter, reducing sugar, total sugar, pH, ascorbic acid, lycopene, sodium and potassium content were determined as quality criteria. As a result, it was determined that pretreatments decreased the drying time. Pretreatments created positive impacts on all the color criteria. Sugar contents of pretreated tomatoes before drying were found to be lower than those notreated tomatoes. Citric+ascorbic acid application caused a fall in pH value while same application increased the titration acid values. Dry matter contents, amounts of potassium, sodium and lycopene amoun of dried tomatoes were detemined higher than those of fresh samples. Ascorbic acid values of dried tomatoes decreased after all applications.
In this study, the effects of different pretreatments and two drying temperature on the vacuum drying characteristics of tomato were investigated. As pretreatments, whole tomatoes were firstly dipped into the mixture of 2% ethyl oleate + 4% potassium carbonate, and then these tomatoes were sliced and separated as two groups. One group was dipped into the mixture of 1% citric acid + 1% ascorbic acid, other group was dipped into the 2% sodium metabisulphite solution. Drying experiments were carried out at vacuum chamber pressure of 10 kPa and drying temperature of 65 °C ve 75 °C. Effects of pretreatments and different drying temperatures on color, dry matter, reducing sugar, total sugar, pH, ascorbic acid, lycopene, sodium and potassium content were determined as quality criteria. As a result, it was determined that pretreatments decreased the drying time. Pretreatments created positive impacts on all the color criteria. Sugar contents of pretreated tomatoes before drying were found to be lower than those notreated tomatoes. Citric+ascorbic acid application caused a fall in pH value while same application increased the titration acid values. Dry matter contents, amounts of potassium, sodium and lycopene amoun of dried tomatoes were detemined higher than those of fresh samples. Ascorbic acid values of dried tomatoes decreased after all applications.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Domates, önişlem, vakum kurutma, kalite, besin içeriği, Tomato, pretreatment, vacuum, quality, nutrition content
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