Yapraktan beslenme
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Gübre, tarımın önemli bir girdisi olup verim artışındaki yeri bütün diğer girdilerin toplamına eşdeğerdir. Tarımda bitkisel üretimin önemli girdilerinden olan gübre tüketimi giderek artmaktadır. Ancak, bu artış ile beklenen düzeyde üretim artışı sağlanamamaktadır. Yer yer bilinçsiz ve dengesiz yapılan gübreleme ile toprakların verimlilik dengesi bozulduğundan bu topraklarda yetiştirilen bitkilerden elde edilen ürünün kalitesi de-düşmektedir. Gübre tüketimi arttıkça onun uygulama şekillerinde de gelişmeler olmaktadır. Bunlardan önemli bir tanesi de yaprak gübreleridir. Bitkilerde besin noksanlığında ortaya çıkan verim ve kalite düşüklüğü her zaman topraktan yapılan gübreleme ile kısa sürede giderilemediğinden yapraktan gübreleme ile giderilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Bitki besinlerinin sıvı halde yaprağa püskürtülerek verilmesine "Yapraktan Gübreleme"; bu amaçla kullanılan gübrelere de "Yaprak Gübreleri" adı verilmektedir. Topraklarımızda genel olarak organik madde miktarı düşük, kil ve kireç kapsamı yüksek, alkali reaksiyonlu olduğundan bitki besinlerinin alınması güçleşmektedir. Bu bakımdan yapraktan gübreleme ve yaprak gübrelerinin önemi artmaktadır. Son yıllarda, gerek yurt dışında gerekse ülkemizde yaprak gübrelerinin üretim ve tüketiminde hızlı bir gelişme görülmektedir.
Fertilizer as an input of agriculture has an equivalent importance to the total of all the other inputs, and its consumption is getting more increased in the agriculture. However this increase can not provide production increase as it is expected. The quality of production is decreased in the soils whose productivity balance is disturbed because of the fertilization made without knowledge and out of balance. Application of fertilizing has been improved as the consumption is increased. The most important of these improvements is foliar fertilizing. The productivity and quality losses caused by absence of nutrition has been tried to be compensated by foliar fertilizing since it cannot always be compensated by soil fertilizing. Giving plant nutrition by injecting it directly in liquid form to the leaf is called "Foliar Fertilizing", and fertilizers used in this purpose are called "Leaf Fertilizers". Since our soils contain low amount of organic matters, high amount of clay and lime and has alkali reaction, receiving of plant nutrition is getting more difficult. In this from this point of view importance of fertilizing and foliar fertilizing is getting more increased. Recently a significant improvement is observed in the production and consumption of foliar fertilizing in our country as well as in the abroad.
Fertilizer as an input of agriculture has an equivalent importance to the total of all the other inputs, and its consumption is getting more increased in the agriculture. However this increase can not provide production increase as it is expected. The quality of production is decreased in the soils whose productivity balance is disturbed because of the fertilization made without knowledge and out of balance. Application of fertilizing has been improved as the consumption is increased. The most important of these improvements is foliar fertilizing. The productivity and quality losses caused by absence of nutrition has been tried to be compensated by foliar fertilizing since it cannot always be compensated by soil fertilizing. Giving plant nutrition by injecting it directly in liquid form to the leaf is called "Foliar Fertilizing", and fertilizers used in this purpose are called "Leaf Fertilizers". Since our soils contain low amount of organic matters, high amount of clay and lime and has alkali reaction, receiving of plant nutrition is getting more difficult. In this from this point of view importance of fertilizing and foliar fertilizing is getting more increased. Recently a significant improvement is observed in the production and consumption of foliar fertilizing in our country as well as in the abroad.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat Mühendisliği, Bahçe Bitkileri, Biyoloji
Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
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