Din, Sosyalleşme ve Toplumsal Uyum: Suriyeli Mülteciler Örneği
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Suriye’de 2011 yılının mart ayında başlayan iç savaşla birlikte Türkiye komşusu olanbu ülkeden yoğun bir biçimde göç almaya başladı. Dört milyona yaklaşan Suriyelinüfusu; entegrasyon, toplumsal uyum, sosyalleşme ve ötekileştirme gibi sorunları daberaberinde getirdi. Türkiye; tüm dini, sosyal kurum ve kuruluşlarıyla zorunlu göçsonucunda oluşan Suriyeli mültecilerin Türk toplumu ile uyumunu sağlamak içinçalışmalar yapmaktadır. Dini uyum, sosyalleşme, dini sosyalleşme ve entegrasyonuiçeren bu makalede; mültecilerin dini yaşamı, Türkiyeli Müslümanların dini anlayışınabakışları, din eğitimi sorununa yaklaşımları ve Suriyelilerin dini gruplarla teması gibibaşlıklar bulunmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra Suriyeli mültecilerin yaşamış olduğuötekileştirilme duygusu da bu çalışmanın boyutlarından birisini oluşturmaktadır. Buçalışmanın amacı, zorunlu göçün sonucunda İstanbul’a yerleşen Suriyeli mültecilerinentegrasyonunu ve toplumsal uyumunun derecesini ortaya koymaktır. Güvenilir vesağlıklı sonuçlara ulaşmak için nitel yöntemin kullanıldığı bu çalışmada, kartopuörneklem tekniği tercih edilmiştir. Bunun gerekçesi de katılımcıların güvenini kazanıpmümkün olduğunca doğru cevaplara ulaşmaktır. Çalışmanın teorik ilk bölümündetoplumsal uyum, dini sosyalleşme olgularına ve sosyal kurumlara değinilmiş, ikincibölümünde de 12 Suriyeli ile yapılan mülakat verileri analiz edilmiştir. Son bölümde iseçalışmanın sonucu maddeler halinde değerlendirilmiştir.
Turkey neighbouring country of Syria has begun receiving intense immigration since Syria Civil War which started in the beginning March of 2011. Syrian population in Turkey which approaches four million has brought problems such as integration, social harmony, socialization, and othering. Turkey has been working to ensure that Syrian refugees who migrated as a result of forced immigration are in harmony with Turkish society via all religious and social institutions and organizations. In this study which includes religious adjustment, socialization, religious socialization and integration, there are titles such as religious life of refugees, perspective of religious understanding of Turkish Muslims, approaches to the problem of religious education or contact with religious groups. In addition to this, Syrian refugees’ feeling of marginalization that they have experienced is one of the dimensions of this study. The aim of this study is to integrate and establish a degree of social harmony of Syrian refugees settled in Istanbul as a result of forced migration. In this study where, qualitative method is used to achieve reliable and good results, snowball sampling or chain sampling technique is preferred. The reason for this is to gain the trust of the participants and to reach the correct answers as much as possible. In the first theorical part of the study, social adaptation, socialization and socialization phenomena of religion were mentioned, but interview data were analysed in the second part. In the last section, the result of the study was evaluated.
Turkey neighbouring country of Syria has begun receiving intense immigration since Syria Civil War which started in the beginning March of 2011. Syrian population in Turkey which approaches four million has brought problems such as integration, social harmony, socialization, and othering. Turkey has been working to ensure that Syrian refugees who migrated as a result of forced immigration are in harmony with Turkish society via all religious and social institutions and organizations. In this study which includes religious adjustment, socialization, religious socialization and integration, there are titles such as religious life of refugees, perspective of religious understanding of Turkish Muslims, approaches to the problem of religious education or contact with religious groups. In addition to this, Syrian refugees’ feeling of marginalization that they have experienced is one of the dimensions of this study. The aim of this study is to integrate and establish a degree of social harmony of Syrian refugees settled in Istanbul as a result of forced migration. In this study where, qualitative method is used to achieve reliable and good results, snowball sampling or chain sampling technique is preferred. The reason for this is to gain the trust of the participants and to reach the correct answers as much as possible. In the first theorical part of the study, social adaptation, socialization and socialization phenomena of religion were mentioned, but interview data were analysed in the second part. In the last section, the result of the study was evaluated.
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