Türkiye'de dağılım gösteren bazı Caelifera (Insecta: Orthoptera) türlerinin yeni lokalite kayıtları, endemizm, yaygınlık ve tarımsal zarar oluştıurma açısından değerlendirilmesi
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Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'nin farklı bölgelerinden 2000-2013 yılları arasında toplanan, Aksaray Üniversitesi ve Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Entomoloji Müzelerinde muhafaza edilen bazı Caelifera (Orthoptera) türleri yeni lokalite kayıtları, endemizm, yaygınlık ve tarımsal zarar oluşturma açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirmeler sonucunda, Tridactylidae familyası 1 tür, Tetrigidae familyası 2 cinse ait 2 tür, Pyrgomorphidae familyası 1 cinse ait 2 tür, Pamphagidae familyası 5 cinse ait 14 tür/alttür ve Acrididae familyası için 27 cinse ait 61 tür verilmiştir. Bu türlerden 10'unun bir veya birden çok bölge için, 29'unun bir veya birden fazla il için yeni lokalite kaydı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca 19'unun Türkiye, 3'ünün Türkiye ve Balkan Yarımadası ve diğer 3'ünün Türkiye ve Kafkasya için endemik olduğu bilinmektedir. Yine literatüre göre bu türlerden 37'si bilinen-yaygın türler olup, 28 türün ise tarımsal ve ekili alanlara zarar verdikleri önceki çalışmalarda rapor edilmiştir
In this study, the specimens belonging to families Tridactylidae, Tetrigidae, Pyrgomorphidae, Pamphagidae, and Acrididae (Orthoptera) were collected from different regions of Turkey between the years of 2000-2013 and preserved in Aksaray and Namık Kemal Universities. These Caeliferan species have been evaluated in terms of endemism, common, pest and new locality record. As a result of the study, a total of 1 species belonging to Tridactylidae, 3 species belonging to 2 genera of Tetrigidae, 2 species belonging to 1 genus of Pyrgomorphidae, 14 species-subspecies belonging to 5 genera of Pamphagidae and 61 species-subspecies belonging to 27 genera of Acrididae have been identified from the study material. Of these species, 10 were determined to be new locality record for one or more regions, whereas 29 for one or more provinces. It is known that 19 of these species are endemic to Turkey, 3 of these species are endemic Turkey plus the Balkans, 3 of these species are endemic Turkey plus Caucasus, 37 of these species are common and have a very wide distribution, and 28 of these species were determined as pest species which are already known.
In this study, the specimens belonging to families Tridactylidae, Tetrigidae, Pyrgomorphidae, Pamphagidae, and Acrididae (Orthoptera) were collected from different regions of Turkey between the years of 2000-2013 and preserved in Aksaray and Namık Kemal Universities. These Caeliferan species have been evaluated in terms of endemism, common, pest and new locality record. As a result of the study, a total of 1 species belonging to Tridactylidae, 3 species belonging to 2 genera of Tetrigidae, 2 species belonging to 1 genus of Pyrgomorphidae, 14 species-subspecies belonging to 5 genera of Pamphagidae and 61 species-subspecies belonging to 27 genera of Acrididae have been identified from the study material. Of these species, 10 were determined to be new locality record for one or more regions, whereas 29 for one or more provinces. It is known that 19 of these species are endemic to Turkey, 3 of these species are endemic Turkey plus the Balkans, 3 of these species are endemic Turkey plus Caucasus, 37 of these species are common and have a very wide distribution, and 28 of these species were determined as pest species which are already known.
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WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri