Farklı sürelerle ultraviyole (UV-C) uygulamalarının kaynaştırma odası koşullarında aşılı asma çelikleri üzerine etkileri
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Bu araştırma, N.K.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü Kaynaştırma Odası koşullarında Merlot/5BB aşı kombinasyonunda; kaynaştırma süresi boyunca 2 gün ara ile kallus oluşumundan sonra 30 dakikalık, 30, 60, 120dk süre ile yapılan UV-C uygulamalarının, aşılı çelikler üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla planlanmış ve yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada; gözün sürme durumu, sürgün gelişme kuvveti, çelik dibinde çürüme durumu, çepeçevre kallus oluşumu, anaçta kallus oluşumu, kalemde kallus oluşumu ve gözün canlılık durumu değerlendirilmiştir. Gözün canlılık durumu ve gözün sürme durumu kriterlerinde istatistiki olarak bir farklılık görülmemiştir. Çelik dibinde çürüme oranına bakıldığında en az çürüme kaynaştırma süresi boyunca 60 dk UV-C uygulamasında görülmüştür. Çepeçevre kallus oluşumu kriterinde, kallus oluşumuna dek uygulanan UV-C’nin oluşumu azaltıcı bir etki yaptığı belirlenmiştir. Sürgün gelişme kuvvetinin UV-C’den olumsuz etkilendiği ve bu durumun istatistiki olarak önemli olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Kontrol ve kallus oluşumundan sonra 30 dk’lık UV-C uygulamaları anaçta kallus oluşumunu olumlu etkilemiştir. Kalemde kallus oluşumunda ise kallus oluşumundan sonra 30 dk’lık UV-C uygulaması ile 120 dk’lık UV-C uygulamasının oransal olarak pozitif etki yaptığı saptanmıştır.
This research was performed at Namık Kemal University, Department of Horticulture under the conditions of callusing room by using combination of Merlot/5BB; during the callusing period, in order to determine UV-C treatments on grafted cuttings, different UV-C treatments such as 30 minutes UV-C treatment after callusing, 30, 60, 120 minutes at 2 day intervals were applied. In research, some criteria such as bud burst, shoot growth, rotting on bottom of cutting, callus formation (from 4 side), callus formation on rootstock, callus formation on scion, bud viability were evaluated. Statistically difference were not observed in bud viability and bud burst. The lowest rate of rotting was obtained from UV-C treatment for 60 minutes. When UV-C treatment was applied until callus formation, it was observed that UV-C treatment reduced callus formation (form 4 side). It was concluded that UV-C treatment negatively affected shoot growth and this was found to be important. Callus formation on rootstock was positively determined in control and 30 minutes UV-C treatment after callusing. UV-C treatments for 30 minutes and 120 minutes were proportionally found to be positive on callus formation of scion.
This research was performed at Namık Kemal University, Department of Horticulture under the conditions of callusing room by using combination of Merlot/5BB; during the callusing period, in order to determine UV-C treatments on grafted cuttings, different UV-C treatments such as 30 minutes UV-C treatment after callusing, 30, 60, 120 minutes at 2 day intervals were applied. In research, some criteria such as bud burst, shoot growth, rotting on bottom of cutting, callus formation (from 4 side), callus formation on rootstock, callus formation on scion, bud viability were evaluated. Statistically difference were not observed in bud viability and bud burst. The lowest rate of rotting was obtained from UV-C treatment for 60 minutes. When UV-C treatment was applied until callus formation, it was observed that UV-C treatment reduced callus formation (form 4 side). It was concluded that UV-C treatment negatively affected shoot growth and this was found to be important. Callus formation on rootstock was positively determined in control and 30 minutes UV-C treatment after callusing. UV-C treatments for 30 minutes and 120 minutes were proportionally found to be positive on callus formation of scion.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat Mühendisliği, Biyoloji
Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri