Hadîs Rivayetleri ve Hz. Peygamber'in Şiire Bakışı
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Erişim Hakkı
Hz. Peygamber (s.a.s.), şiiri tamamen reddetmek yerine, yaşadığı toplumun gerçeklerini göz önüne alarak, topluma ait bir olgu olarak şiiri ıslâh etmiştir. Hz. Peygamber (s.a.s.) sahâbesinden şiir söylemelerini kendisi istemiştir. Bu şiirleri dinlemiştir. Onun şiir anlayışında şiir ile hikmet içiçedir. Şair sahâbîler ise, bu hikmetin arayıcılarıdır. Ayrıca bu tür şiirleri cihat vesilesi saymıştır. Hangi konularda şiir okunması gerektiği onun sünnetindeki uygulamalarla ortaya çıkmıştır. Şiirler Rasûlullah (s.a.s.) döneminde mescid, savaş, hastalık konularında okunmuştur. Hz. Peygamber, bunların kimisine sözlü, kimisine ikrar yoluyla onay vermiştir. Hz. Peygamber (s.a.s.)'in olumsuz tavır sergilediği şiirler de vardır. Bu şiirler, hikmetten uzaktır. Bunlar, içleri boş kafiye dizelerinden öteye geçemeyen şiirlerdir. Bu şiirler, irine benzetilmiştir. Bu konuda gelen iki farklı rivayet vardır. Her iki rivayeti sened ve metin yönünden zayıf bulanlar olduğu gibi, sahih kabul edenler de olmuştur.
Hz. The Prophet (s.a.s.) instead to reject poetry completely, taking into account the realities of living in society, He has the reformation of poetry as a phenomenon of society. Hz. The Prophet (s.a.v.) was asked him to tell the Companions poetry. He listened to the poems. His poetry is interwoven with wisdom, understanding of poetry. The poet Companions are the finders of this wisdom. He was also instrumental in the number of such poems jihad. Which topics should be read in poetry it has appeared in practice in his Sunnah. These poems was been read on the mosque and war and disease during the Prophet (s.a.s.). He's spoken to some of these poetry has been approved by the others profess. Hz. The Prophet (s.a.s.) 's negative attitude exhibited by things as well. This poetry is far from wise. These are poems that can not pass beyond the hollow rhyme string. These poems, has been likened to pus. There are two different narrations from it. As both narration and weak sanad find in terms of text, who has also been considered authentic.
Hz. The Prophet (s.a.s.) instead to reject poetry completely, taking into account the realities of living in society, He has the reformation of poetry as a phenomenon of society. Hz. The Prophet (s.a.v.) was asked him to tell the Companions poetry. He listened to the poems. His poetry is interwoven with wisdom, understanding of poetry. The poet Companions are the finders of this wisdom. He was also instrumental in the number of such poems jihad. Which topics should be read in poetry it has appeared in practice in his Sunnah. These poems was been read on the mosque and war and disease during the Prophet (s.a.s.). He's spoken to some of these poetry has been approved by the others profess. Hz. The Prophet (s.a.s.) 's negative attitude exhibited by things as well. This poetry is far from wise. These are poems that can not pass beyond the hollow rhyme string. These poems, has been likened to pus. There are two different narrations from it. As both narration and weak sanad find in terms of text, who has also been considered authentic.
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