Merînî Hükümdarı Ebû Yûsuf Yakup El-Mansûr'un Endülüs Müslümanlarına Olan Desteği
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Bu makalede Merînîler'in altıncı sultanı Ebû Yûsuf Yakup elMansûr'un Müslümanlarına yönelik verdiği destek ve oraya yönelik gerçekleştirdiği cihad seferberliğinden bahsedilecektir. Endülüs'teki Müslümanların Hıristiyanlar tarafından saldırılara maruz kalması sebebiyle yardım çağrısında bulundukları Sultan Ebû Yûsuf Yakup, ülkesindeki sorunları çözdükten sonra Endülüs'e cihad seferberliği başlatmıştır. Bu amaçla dört kez Endülüs'e geçmiştir. İlk seferini 674 yılında (1275) gerçekleştiren Ebû Yûsuf, İstecce (Écija) yakınlarında karşılaştığı düşman ordusunu yenilgiye uğratmıştır. Bu zafer, Endülüs ruhunun yeniden canlanmasını sağlarken diğer taraftan Endülüs'te bir süre daha kalmalarının ümidi olmuştur. İkinci seferini 677 yılında (1277) gerçekleştiren Ebû Yûsuf, Benî Eşkîlûle ailesinin de desteğini alarak Mâleka'da (Malaga) otorite kurmuştur. Bu durum Nasrîler tarafından Endülüs topraklarında tahakküm olarak algılanmış, bu da onları Merînîlerle küstürürken Hıristiyanlarla ittifak kurmaya sevk etmiştir. Bu arada Merînîler, Benî Eşkîlûle askerini kendi safına katıp Kastilya Krallığı'nın hâkimiyeti altındaki gerçekleştirmiştir. 681 yılında (1282) gerçekleştirdiği üçüncü seferini Kastilya tahtında yaşanan iç savaş sebebiyle Kral Alfonso'nun tahtını kaptırdığı gerçekleştirmiştir. Bunun neticesinde daha önce aralarının açıldığı Nasrîler ile sulh yapılırken Kastilya tahtında herhangi bir değişiklik olmamıştır. 684 yılında (1285) gerçekleştirdiği ve askerî bakımdan en güçlü seferi olan dördüncü seferi ise önemli kale ve şehirlerin fethini sağlarken aynı zamanda Kral Sancho'yu şartları ağır olan bir antlaşmaya mecbur bırakmıştır
The support given by Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur, the sixth sultan of the Marinids, to the Andalusian Muslims who were oppressed in the face of Christian attacks, and the jihad mobilization he carried out there will be discussed in this paper. Sultan Abu Yusuf Yaqub, who was called for help by the Muslims in Andalusia since they were exposed to the attack by the Christians, initiated the jihad mobilization to Andalusia after he solved the problems in his country. For this purpose, he went to Andalusia four times. Abu Yusuf carried out his first mobilization in 674 (1275) and defeated the enemy army encountered near İstecce (Écija). This victory enabled the Andalusian spirit to revive and also gave them hope to stay in Andalusia for a while longer. Abu Yusuf carried out his second mobilization in 677 (1277) and established the authority in Mâleka (Malaga) by getting the support of the Benî Eşkîlûle dynasty. This was perceived by the Nasrids as domination in the Andalusian territories, which led them to take offence at the Marinids and to ally with the Christians. In the meantime, the Marinids carried out attacks with the aim of creating pressure on the territories under the domination of the Kingdom of Castile by bringing the soldiers of Benî Eşkîlûle to their side. He carried out his third mobilization in 681 (1282) upon King Alfonso's request for help from him against his son, who seized his throne, due to the civil war experienced in the Castilian throne. As a result of this, peace was made with the Nasrids with whom they had fallen out previously, and no change was experienced in the Castilian throne. His fourth mobilization that he carried out in 684 (1285) and was militarily the most powerful one enabled the conquest of important castles and cities and also obliged King Sancho to a treaty with severe terms
The support given by Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur, the sixth sultan of the Marinids, to the Andalusian Muslims who were oppressed in the face of Christian attacks, and the jihad mobilization he carried out there will be discussed in this paper. Sultan Abu Yusuf Yaqub, who was called for help by the Muslims in Andalusia since they were exposed to the attack by the Christians, initiated the jihad mobilization to Andalusia after he solved the problems in his country. For this purpose, he went to Andalusia four times. Abu Yusuf carried out his first mobilization in 674 (1275) and defeated the enemy army encountered near İstecce (Écija). This victory enabled the Andalusian spirit to revive and also gave them hope to stay in Andalusia for a while longer. Abu Yusuf carried out his second mobilization in 677 (1277) and established the authority in Mâleka (Malaga) by getting the support of the Benî Eşkîlûle dynasty. This was perceived by the Nasrids as domination in the Andalusian territories, which led them to take offence at the Marinids and to ally with the Christians. In the meantime, the Marinids carried out attacks with the aim of creating pressure on the territories under the domination of the Kingdom of Castile by bringing the soldiers of Benî Eşkîlûle to their side. He carried out his third mobilization in 681 (1282) upon King Alfonso's request for help from him against his son, who seized his throne, due to the civil war experienced in the Castilian throne. As a result of this, peace was made with the Nasrids with whom they had fallen out previously, and no change was experienced in the Castilian throne. His fourth mobilization that he carried out in 684 (1285) and was militarily the most powerful one enabled the conquest of important castles and cities and also obliged King Sancho to a treaty with severe terms
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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
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