Trakya Bölgesinde Doğal Bir Merada Tespit Edilen Baklagiller ve Buğdaygiller Familyalarına Ait Bitkilerin Bazı Özellikleri
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma, Tekirdağ Karahisar köyünün doğal merasında 2011 ve 2012 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Tespit edilen buğdaygiller ve baklagiller familyasına ait bitkilerin cinsi, taksonları, ömür uzunlukları, doruk tür özelliği, fitocoğrafik özelliği ve bitki ile kaplı alan oranları incelenmiştir, iki yıllık ortalamalara göre 46 adet buğdaygillere ve 47 adet baklagillere ait tür tespit edilmiştir. Meraların toplam bitki ile kaplı alanı % 79.06 olarak bulunmuştur. Bitki ile kaplı alanın %18.85'i baklagiller ve %38.50'si buğdaygiller familyasına aittir. Azalıcı, çoğalıcı ve istila edici tür sayısı sırasıyla buğdaygillerde 18, 12 ve 16 adet ve baklagillerde 10, 21, ve 16 adet belirlenmiştir. Meralarda en baskın türler; buğdaygillerden Chrysopogon gryllus (yeşil buzağı otu), Festuca ovina (koyun yumağı), Dactylis glomerata (domuz ayrığı), Bromus tectorum L. (kır bromu), baklagillerden Lotus corniculatus (gazal boynuzu), Trifolium campestre (iri tarla üçgülü) ve Medicago minima (mini yonca) olmuştur.
This research was carried out in the in 2011 and 2012 years, the province of Tekirdağ, in natural rangelands. In this research, plant-covered area, botanical, floristical compositions of rangelands were investigated. According to mean of two years plant species are identified some characteristic e.g. gender, species name, life-span climax species characteristic, phytogeographic region with covered area and botanical composition ratios. According to the two-year average, 46 species of grasses and 47 species of legumes have been identified. The plant-covered areas of rangeland was 79.06% which 18.24 % for legumes and 38.50% for grasses. Decreaser, increaser and invaders species were found as 18, 12, and 16 number for legumes and 10, 21 and 16 for grasses, respectively. The most dominant species of rangelands for mean of two years were determined as Lotus corniculatus (Birdsfoot trefoil), Trifolium campestre (Large Hop clover) ve Medicago minima (Little burr medic) for legumes and Chrysopogon gryllus (False beardgrass), Festuca ovina (Sheep fescue) Dactylis glomerata (Orchardgrass) and Bromus tectorum L. (Chet grass) for Poaceaes, respectively.
This research was carried out in the in 2011 and 2012 years, the province of Tekirdağ, in natural rangelands. In this research, plant-covered area, botanical, floristical compositions of rangelands were investigated. According to mean of two years plant species are identified some characteristic e.g. gender, species name, life-span climax species characteristic, phytogeographic region with covered area and botanical composition ratios. According to the two-year average, 46 species of grasses and 47 species of legumes have been identified. The plant-covered areas of rangeland was 79.06% which 18.24 % for legumes and 38.50% for grasses. Decreaser, increaser and invaders species were found as 18, 12, and 16 number for legumes and 10, 21 and 16 for grasses, respectively. The most dominant species of rangelands for mean of two years were determined as Lotus corniculatus (Birdsfoot trefoil), Trifolium campestre (Large Hop clover) ve Medicago minima (Little burr medic) for legumes and Chrysopogon gryllus (False beardgrass), Festuca ovina (Sheep fescue) Dactylis glomerata (Orchardgrass) and Bromus tectorum L. (Chet grass) for Poaceaes, respectively.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mera, bitki ile kaplı alan, botanik kompozisyon, bitki türleri, Rangelands, plant-covered area, botanical composition, plants species
Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
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