Arapçada Asıl ve Fer' Nazariyesi
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Tarih içerisinde Arap dilinin gelişmesine katkıda bulunacak birtakım teoriler ortaya konulmuştur. Bu teorilerin temel amacı da dilin kendi içinde sistemli, tutarlı ve mantıklı bir yapı arz etmesini sağlamaktır. Gerek dini saikler gerekse toplumun sosyo-kültürel durumu, dağınık halde bulunan zengin dil malzemesine sahip Arapçanın derlenmesini gerekli kılmıştır. Bu minvalde hicri I. yüzyıldan itibaren dilde ve özellikle Kur’an’ın okunmasında meydana gelen lahn’ın etkisiyle Arapça belli kurallar çerçevesinde ele alınmış ve saf dilin öğrenilmesi adına çölde yaşayan bedevî Araplardan yararlanılmıştır. Zira fetihler neticesinde genişleyen topraklar farklı etnik unsurların bir arada yaşamalarına ve dilde hataların ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. İlerleyen dönemlerde dil bilginleri bu alanda eser telif etmiş ve özgün fikirler ortaya atmışlardır. Nitekim zamanla geliştirilen âmil ve nazım teorileri bu çalışmaların birer ürünüdür. Bu meyanda dilin felsefi boyutu ve mantikî tutarlılığını hedefleyen teorilerden birisi de asıl ve fer? nazariyesidir. Hadis ve fıkıh gibi islamî ilimlerde bu ayrım daha yaygın kullanılmakla birlikte Osman Aktaş, “Arapçada Asıl ve Fer? Nazariyesi” adlı çalışmasında bu ayırımın Arap diline sağladığı kolaylıkları, oluşturduğu sistemi ve sunduğu felsefi boyutu klasik ve modern kaynaklar eşliğinde tespit etmeye çalışmıştır.
Throughout history, some theories have been put forward to contribute to the development of the Arabic language. The main purpose of these theories is to ensure that the language has a systematic, consistent and logical structure. Religious motives and socio-cultural situation of the society makes it necessary to compile the scattered Arabic language which has rich linguistic material. In this respect, due to lexical errors that are made in the language and especially in reading the Qur'an, Arabic has been examined within the framework of certain rules since the Hijri 1st century, and the Bedouin Arabs living in the desert are relied to learn the pure language. Expansion of the lands as a result of the conquests caused different ethnic groups to live together, leading to linguistic errors. In following eras, linguists published works in this field and suggested original ideas. The theories called âmil and nazım developed over time are the products of these studies. In this context, one of the theories on the philosophical dimension and logical consistency of language is the theory of essential (asıl) and detail (fer?). This distinction is more widely made in Islamic studies such as hadith and Islamic jurisprudence. However, in his book titled "Essntial and Detail Theory in Arabic”, Osman Aktaş examines the system this distinction creates, the philosophical dimension it offers, and how it eases studies on Arabic language in the light of classical and modern studies
Throughout history, some theories have been put forward to contribute to the development of the Arabic language. The main purpose of these theories is to ensure that the language has a systematic, consistent and logical structure. Religious motives and socio-cultural situation of the society makes it necessary to compile the scattered Arabic language which has rich linguistic material. In this respect, due to lexical errors that are made in the language and especially in reading the Qur'an, Arabic has been examined within the framework of certain rules since the Hijri 1st century, and the Bedouin Arabs living in the desert are relied to learn the pure language. Expansion of the lands as a result of the conquests caused different ethnic groups to live together, leading to linguistic errors. In following eras, linguists published works in this field and suggested original ideas. The theories called âmil and nazım developed over time are the products of these studies. In this context, one of the theories on the philosophical dimension and logical consistency of language is the theory of essential (asıl) and detail (fer?). This distinction is more widely made in Islamic studies such as hadith and Islamic jurisprudence. However, in his book titled "Essntial and Detail Theory in Arabic”, Osman Aktaş examines the system this distinction creates, the philosophical dimension it offers, and how it eases studies on Arabic language in the light of classical and modern studies
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