Farklı Organik ve İnorganik Ortamlarda Hıyar Fidesi Üretimi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı hıyar fidesi üretiminde torfa alternatif olabilecek cibre ve cüruf ortamlarının kullanılma olanaklarını araştırıp, sonuçları ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmada fide yetiştirme ortamı olarak normal cibre, normal cibre+%25 süper iri perlit, öğütülmüş cibre+%25 süper iri perlit, cüruf+%25 süper iri perlit, torf+%25 süper iri perlit ve torf, kullanılmış; en iyi sonuçlar gövde çapı, gerçek yaprak sayısı, fide ağırlığı, fide genişliği, yaprak boyu ve yaprak genişliğinde öğütülmemiş cibre+%25 süper iri perlit karışımından; fide boyu, köklü fide boyu, kök ağırlığı, köklü fide ağırlığı ve kök uzunluğunda ise torf+%25 süper iri perlit karışımından alınmıştır. Yanmış kömür artığı olan cüruf ise tüm fide özellikleri yönünden en kötü sonuçları vermiştir
The objective of this study is to investigate the possibility of using grape marc and cinder an alternative media to peat for cucumber propagation and find out the results. In the study;normal grape marc, normal grape marc+25% süper coarse perlite, ground grape marc+25% süper coarse perlite, cinder+25% süper coarse perlite, peat+25% süper coarse perlite and peat were used, the best results were obtained from grape marc + 25% super coarse perlite in stem diameter, number of true leaves, weight of seedling, width of seedling, length of leaves and width of leaves; from peat + 25% super coarse perlite in length of seedling, length of seedling with root, weight of root, weight of seedling with root and length of root. The cinder which is the residue of burned coal, gave the worst results in all seedling properties.
The objective of this study is to investigate the possibility of using grape marc and cinder an alternative media to peat for cucumber propagation and find out the results. In the study;normal grape marc, normal grape marc+25% süper coarse perlite, ground grape marc+25% süper coarse perlite, cinder+25% süper coarse perlite, peat+25% süper coarse perlite and peat were used, the best results were obtained from grape marc + 25% super coarse perlite in stem diameter, number of true leaves, weight of seedling, width of seedling, length of leaves and width of leaves; from peat + 25% super coarse perlite in length of seedling, length of seedling with root, weight of root, weight of seedling with root and length of root. The cinder which is the residue of burned coal, gave the worst results in all seedling properties.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cibre, torf, cüruf, ortam, fide, perlit, Grape marc, peat, cinder, media, seedling, perlite
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