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Tefsir ilmi bir yönüyle nakil/rivayet demektir. İsrâiliyyât türü haberler rivayet merkezli olduğundan, ayetlerin tefsirinde sahih/doğru olanını seçmek önem arz etmektedir. Aynı zamanda bu tür rivâyetlerin delalet ettiği anlamların Kur’ân ve sünnete ters düşmemesi de gerekli bir durumdur. Bu çalışmada öncelikle ana hatlarıyla İsrâiliyyât kavramının anlam çerçevesi çizilmektedir. Bu bağlamda yakın kavramlar üzerinde durulup İsrâiliyyât türü haberlerin menşei ve İslâm kaynaklarına girişi hakkında bilgi verilmektedir. Daha sonra bu tür haberlerin bilgi değeri ifade etmesi, İslâmî ilimlerde bilginin kaynakları, haber/tarihî bilgi ve rivayet ile ilim bağlantısı üzerinde durulmaktadır. Yine İsrâiliyyâtın bilgi ifade etmesi sorunu bağlamında, İsrâiliyyât-mitoloji ilişkisi ve haber türü bilgilerin olgusal gerçekliği ortaya konmaktadır. Son olarak ise Kur’ân’da Tâlût ve Câlût kıssası örnekliğinde tefsirlerde zikredilen İsrâiliyyâta dayalı rivâyetler tahlil edilmektedir. Sonuç olarak belirtecek olursak İsrâiliyyât türü rivâyetler, rivâyetle elde edilen habere dayalı bilgiler olduğundan, bunlarda aranması gereken iki önemli şarttan birisi, sahih olması; diğeri ise dine ve itikada ters düşecek tahrif özelliği taşımamasıdır. Bu kriterler sonrasında İsrâiliyyât türü haberler, dinî ilimler ve özellikle tefsir sahasında bilgi değeri taşıyabilecektir. Aksi takdirde bunlar, asılsız bilgi/mevzu hükmünde olacaktır.
Tafsir scholarship means transmission/narration with one aspect. Since the reports of the type of Israeliyyat is centered on narration, it is important to choose the true/authentic one in the interpretation of the verses. At the same time, it is necessary that the meanings of such reports are not contrary to the Qur'an and the Sunnah. In this study, first, the framework of the meaning of the concept of Israeliyyat is drawn with outlines. In this context, close concepts are emphasized and information about the origin of Israeliyyat reports and its introduction to Islamic sources is given. Later, focused on these kinds of reports in context of their expressesion on information value, sources of knowledge in Islamic sciences, reports/ historical knowledge and narration and science connection. Again in the context of the problem of the expression of knowledge of Israeliyyat, the factual reality of the relationship between Israeliyyat -mythology and reports type is revealed. Finally, in the Qur'an, the narrations based on Israeliyyat, which are mentioned in Tafsir in the example of Tâlût and Câlût, are analyzed. As a result, reports of the kind of Israeliyyat are news-based information obtained through hearing, so that one of the two important conditions to be searched is the authenticity; and the other is that it does not carry the distortion feature that will reverse the religion and faith. After these criterias, Israeliyyat reports may be worthy of information in religious sciences and especially in tafsir. Otherwise, they will be in the statue of untrue/fabricated (mevzû‘) information.
Tafsir scholarship means transmission/narration with one aspect. Since the reports of the type of Israeliyyat is centered on narration, it is important to choose the true/authentic one in the interpretation of the verses. At the same time, it is necessary that the meanings of such reports are not contrary to the Qur'an and the Sunnah. In this study, first, the framework of the meaning of the concept of Israeliyyat is drawn with outlines. In this context, close concepts are emphasized and information about the origin of Israeliyyat reports and its introduction to Islamic sources is given. Later, focused on these kinds of reports in context of their expressesion on information value, sources of knowledge in Islamic sciences, reports/ historical knowledge and narration and science connection. Again in the context of the problem of the expression of knowledge of Israeliyyat, the factual reality of the relationship between Israeliyyat -mythology and reports type is revealed. Finally, in the Qur'an, the narrations based on Israeliyyat, which are mentioned in Tafsir in the example of Tâlût and Câlût, are analyzed. As a result, reports of the kind of Israeliyyat are news-based information obtained through hearing, so that one of the two important conditions to be searched is the authenticity; and the other is that it does not carry the distortion feature that will reverse the religion and faith. After these criterias, Israeliyyat reports may be worthy of information in religious sciences and especially in tafsir. Otherwise, they will be in the statue of untrue/fabricated (mevzû‘) information.
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