Lutfi Paşa'nın İman Risalesi: İnceleme ve Tahkik
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Kanuni Sultan Süleyman’ın vezirlerinden- İşkodralı Lutfi Paşa tarih, siyasetname vesavaş sanatı gibi alanlarda meşhur eserler kaleme almış bunlara ilave olarak İslamîilimlere dair bilhassa da de kelam sahasında çeşitli risaleler yazmıştır. Bu çalışmadaLutfi Paşa’nın Risâle fî Beyâni Asli’l-Îmân ve Cevherihi ve Sıfâtihi adlı risalesinintahkikli neşri yapılacaktır. Lutfi Paşa’nın bu risalesi kelam ilmi açısındandeğerlendirilecek, risalenin telif sebebi araştırılacak, risalede yer alan görüşlerin klasikkelam kaynaklarındaki konumu tespit edilemeye çalışılacaktır. Lutfi Paşa’nın burisalesinin konumu, kaynakları araştırılacak olup Lutfi Paşa’nın kendi görüşleri de izahedilecektir.
Lu?f? Pas?h?a of Shkodral, one of the viziers of Suleiman the magnificent, wrote famous works in fields such as history, politics, the art of war, and in addition he wrote various books on Islamic sciences, especially in the field of Kalam. In this study, we will take Lu?f? Pas?h?a's approach to the subject of Faith (?m?n), The Ris?la fî Beyâni Asli’l-Îmân ve Cevherihi ve Sıfâtihi of Lu?f? Pas?h?a will be evaluated from the point of view of Kalam science and reason why the book was written will be investigated, the position of the book's views in classical Kalam sources will be tried to be determined. The position, sources and influence of Lu?f? Pas?h?a's book will be investigated and Lutfi Pasha's own views will be explained.
Lu?f? Pas?h?a of Shkodral, one of the viziers of Suleiman the magnificent, wrote famous works in fields such as history, politics, the art of war, and in addition he wrote various books on Islamic sciences, especially in the field of Kalam. In this study, we will take Lu?f? Pas?h?a's approach to the subject of Faith (?m?n), The Ris?la fî Beyâni Asli’l-Îmân ve Cevherihi ve Sıfâtihi of Lu?f? Pas?h?a will be evaluated from the point of view of Kalam science and reason why the book was written will be investigated, the position of the book's views in classical Kalam sources will be tried to be determined. The position, sources and influence of Lu?f? Pas?h?a's book will be investigated and Lutfi Pasha's own views will be explained.
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