Atatürk döneminde CUmhuriyet bayramı kutlamaları: İstanbul ve Ankara örneği (1925-1938)
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Cumhuriyet 29 Ekim 1923te ilan edilmesine rağmen bayram olarak kutlanmasına iki yıl sonra başlanmıştır. TBMMnin 8 Şubat 1925 günü yapılan oturumunda 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı olarak kabul edilerek, bu tarihten sonra Türkiyede ve elçiliklerimizde kutlanmaya başlanmıştır. Atatürkün sağlığında gerçekleştirilen 1925-1938 yılları arasındaki 14 kutlama ayrı bir öneme sahip olmuştur. Halk bu kutlamalara devlet erkânın heyecanına paralel bir ilgi göstermiş ve adeta her yıl beklediği bir sosyal faaliyet haline gelmişti. Taksim, Beyazıt, Üsküdar, Kadıköy ve Beşiktaş kutlamaların merkezi olmuş, sabaha kadar süren bayram eğlencelerine fener alayları ile havai fişeklerin renk cümbüşü eşlik etmiştir. Bu kutlamalar yurdun her köşesinde yapılmış, fakat özellikle İstanbul ve Ankarada doruk noktasına ulaşmıştır. Bayram kutlamaları dönemin gazetelerinde gerek haber gerekse fotoğraflarla oldukça geniş yer almıştır.
Although the Republic was proclaimed on 29 October 1923, celebrating it had started two years later. In TBMM s (Grand National Assembly of Turkey) session conducted on 28 February 1925, the 29th of October was accepted as Republic Day and started to celebrate in Turkey and our embassies after this date. The 14 celebrations conducted in Atatürk s lifetime between the years of 1925-1938 have a special importance. People showed an interest to the celebrations parallel to the excitement of high state officials, and the celebrations became a social activity that people virtually expected in every year. Taksim, Beyazit, Uskudar, Kadikoy and Besiktas became the centers of celebrations, and torchlight processions, array of bright colors of fireworks accompanied to the festival celebrations continued all night long. These celebrations were made in all corners of the country, but they reached to the top especially in Istanbul and Ankara. The celebrations were published widely in the newspapers of that period both with the news and the photographs.
Although the Republic was proclaimed on 29 October 1923, celebrating it had started two years later. In TBMM s (Grand National Assembly of Turkey) session conducted on 28 February 1925, the 29th of October was accepted as Republic Day and started to celebrate in Turkey and our embassies after this date. The 14 celebrations conducted in Atatürk s lifetime between the years of 1925-1938 have a special importance. People showed an interest to the celebrations parallel to the excitement of high state officials, and the celebrations became a social activity that people virtually expected in every year. Taksim, Beyazit, Uskudar, Kadikoy and Besiktas became the centers of celebrations, and torchlight processions, array of bright colors of fireworks accompanied to the festival celebrations continued all night long. These celebrations were made in all corners of the country, but they reached to the top especially in Istanbul and Ankara. The celebrations were published widely in the newspapers of that period both with the news and the photographs.
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