Suriyeli Mültecilerin İşgücüne Katılımları ve Entegrasyon: Adana-Mersin Örneği
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Bu makale, Türkiye'de şehirlerde yaşayan Suriyeli mültecilerin Adana ve Mersin illeri örneğinde işgücüne katılımlarını, bu alanda yaşadıkları zorluklar ve ekonomik entegrasyonlarının imkânlarını incelemektedir. Bu tartışmada bazı ekonomik bulguların yanı sıra, Suriyeliler tarafından oluşturulan pazar olgusu ele alınmaktadır. Bu olgu çerçevesinde mültecilere ait iş yerlerinin çoğalması ve bunun doğal bir sonucu olarak Arapça reklam tabelalarının görünürlüğünün artması, piyasada çalışan Suriyelilerin çoğalması gibi sebep ve sonuçların yerleşik toplumla ne gibi gerilimler yarattığı irdelenmektedir. Yasal kısıtlamalara ek olarak mültecilerin işgücüne katılımları konusunda gündelik yaşamda karşılaştıkları sorunlar, düşük ücret, ücretin gaspı, emek sömürüsü gibi konular, makalede üzerinde durulan ana temaları oluşturmuştur. Tüm bu analizler Adana ve Mersin'de yapılan saha çalışması ile bu konuda yapılan diğer çalışmalara dayalı yapılmaya çalışılmıştır.Bunların ışığında makalede, Suriyeli mültecilerin ekonomik entegrasyonları için bir zaruret teşkil ettiği ileri sürülmektedir. Suriyelilerin Türkiye'deki varlıklarını geçici olarak konumlandıran "geçici koruma" statüsünün mevcut toplumsal koşullara yeterince karşılık veremediği, bu insanların kayıtlı halde işgücüne dahil olabilmeleri ve mültecileri barındıran bir ülke olarak Türkiye'de sosyal düzenin yerleştirilmesi ve sürdürümü için ekonomik entegrasyonlarının sağlanabilmesi amacıyla gerekli düzenlemelerin yapılması ve politikaların geliştirilmesi gerektiği savunulmaktadır
This article examines Syrian refugees in the context of theirparticipation to labor market, difficulties that they face and possibilities of their economic integration in of Adana and Mersin cities. In this argument, , the market that is built by Syrian refugees is investigated, such as local shops, street venders, and other fields of occupations, alongside examination of related some other economic data. During the discussion of Syrian market, the tension between refugees and local people are examined within its causes and results. In this debate, the increasing visibility of Arabic signboards as an outcome of rising number of shops owned by Syrians and also the growth of Syrian labor force market can be count as some of the main facts. Beside formal restrictions, other social problems such as obstacles that refugees face during their daily life about work, low wages, seizure of salaries, exploitation of labor etc. are examined. All of these analyzes are based on a field research which is conducted in Adana and Mersin cities, as well as on other researches related with Syrian refugees. As an outcome of this research, the article asserts that economic integration is an essential issue for Syrian refugees living in Turkey. It is underlined that the formal status "temporary protection" which defines Syrian as temporal in the country does not provide enough responses to the social realities o, thus it should be reconsidered in the way that allows participation of those people to the labor market legally. The article insists on the importance of doing some changes and developing new policies for economic integration for refugees in order to establish and sustain social order in Turkey with its new comers
This article examines Syrian refugees in the context of theirparticipation to labor market, difficulties that they face and possibilities of their economic integration in of Adana and Mersin cities. In this argument, , the market that is built by Syrian refugees is investigated, such as local shops, street venders, and other fields of occupations, alongside examination of related some other economic data. During the discussion of Syrian market, the tension between refugees and local people are examined within its causes and results. In this debate, the increasing visibility of Arabic signboards as an outcome of rising number of shops owned by Syrians and also the growth of Syrian labor force market can be count as some of the main facts. Beside formal restrictions, other social problems such as obstacles that refugees face during their daily life about work, low wages, seizure of salaries, exploitation of labor etc. are examined. All of these analyzes are based on a field research which is conducted in Adana and Mersin cities, as well as on other researches related with Syrian refugees. As an outcome of this research, the article asserts that economic integration is an essential issue for Syrian refugees living in Turkey. It is underlined that the formal status "temporary protection" which defines Syrian as temporal in the country does not provide enough responses to the social realities o, thus it should be reconsidered in the way that allows participation of those people to the labor market legally. The article insists on the importance of doing some changes and developing new policies for economic integration for refugees in order to establish and sustain social order in Turkey with its new comers
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