Sahâbe’nin Birbirlerine Sebbi ve Sebbe Etki Eden Unsurlar
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Hadislerde sahâbenin birbirlerine sebbettiklerine dair rivayetler yer al-maktadır. Bu rivayetlerde geçen sebb ifadelerinin doğru bir şekilde anlaşıla-bilmesi için sahâbeyi sebbe sevk eden faktörlerin tespit edilmesi gereklidir. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak sövme anlamına gelen sebb, şetm ve bu manada kullanı-lan diğer kavramların tahlili yapılmıştır. Sonrasında ashâb arasında vuku bu-lan sebbin sebepleri ve buna etki eden unsurlar incelenmiştir.
There have been some narratives in Hadith literature that the companions of the Prophet Muhammad reviled (sabb) each other. In order to understand the expression of sabb correctly, the reasons of what led companions to curse need to be investigated. In this study, firstly concepts such as sabb, shatam and other related words will be examined and then the reasons for the expressions of sabb among companions and the factors which affected this will be analy-zed.
There have been some narratives in Hadith literature that the companions of the Prophet Muhammad reviled (sabb) each other. In order to understand the expression of sabb correctly, the reasons of what led companions to curse need to be investigated. In this study, firstly concepts such as sabb, shatam and other related words will be examined and then the reasons for the expressions of sabb among companions and the factors which affected this will be analy-zed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hadith, Companions, Sabb, Shatam, Insulting, Character, Cul-ture, Hadis, Sahâbe, Şetm, Hakaret, Mizâc, Kültür
Tasavvur / Tekirdağ İlahiyat Dergisi
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