Coğrafya Bölümü Öğrencilerinin Ödev Destekli Öğretim Üzerine Görüşleri
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Ödevler, öğrencilerin üzerinde çalışmaları için verilen ve birkonu veya sorun üzerinde düşünmelerini, davranış geliştirmelerini veöğrenmelerini amaçlar. Ödevler, öğrencinin sorumlu tutularakçoğunlukla sınıf ortamının dışında yerine getirilmesinin sağlandığıvazifelerdir. Ödev, öğretimin her kademesinde öğretimin bir parçasıolarak başvurulan bir yöntem olduğu gibi yükseköğretim düzeyindede başvurulan bir araçtır. Ödevler ansiklopedi, ders kitabı, dergi veistatistik verileri gibi çeşitli kayanlardan yararlanarakyapılabilmektedir. Günümüzde öğrenciler kaynaklara ulaşımınınhem kolay olması, hem de çok fazla verinin bulunması nedeniyleinternetten yoğun bir şekilde yararlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada dalisans düzeyindeki coğrafya bölümü öğrencilerinin verilen ödevlerineyönelik tutumları incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın temel amacı, coğrafyabölümü öğrencilerinin ödev destekli öğretim üzerine görüşleri tespitetmek ve bu doğrultuda öneriler getirmektir. Çalışmada esas olaraknicel yöntem kullanılmış olmakla birlikte, derse giren öğretimüyelerinin gözlemleri de dikkate alınmıştır. Araştırmaya toplam 78öğrenci katılmıştır. Çalışmada, verilerin birinci elden toplanmasınayönelik olarak uygulanan yöntem, anket tekniğidir. Elde edilenveriler SPSS 22 programı kullanılarak istatistiksel olarak analizedilmiştir. Çalışmada uygulanan 31 maddelik anketin Cronbach’sAlpha güvenirlik katsayısı 0,802 çıkmıştır. Araştırma neticesindeödevlerin araştırmaya yönelik ve öğrencilerin öğrenmesine katkısağlayıcı nitelikte olması gerektiğine ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca ödevlerinçok fazla ve çok zor olmasının öğrencileri olumsuz etkilediğibulgularına ulaşılmıştır.
Assignments aim to lead students to think about a topic or problem, to develop a behavior and learn from it. Assignments are the responsibility of the students to fulfil a task mainly outside the classroom environment. Assignment/homework is a method used at all levels of education as a part of teaching program and it is used also as a tool at higher education level. Assignments can be carried out by using various resources such as encyclopedias, textbooks, journals and statistics. Nowadays, students benefit from internet extensively because of the fact that access to resources is easy and it is possible to reach large amount of data. In this study, the attitudes of undergraduate students of geography department towards the assignment were examined. The main purpose of the study is to determine the opinions of the geography department students on homework-supported teaching and to make suggestions in this direction. A survey was carried out to collect data. While the quantitative method was used in the study, the observations of the faculty members were also taken into consideration. A total of 78 students participated in the study. Survey method was implemented for the collection of first hand data. The data was analyzed statistically by using SPSS 22 software program. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the 31-item questionnaire was 0,802. As a result of the research, it was determined that the assignments should be intended for research purposes and contribute to the students' learning. In addition, it was found that if assignment was too much and too difficult, the students were affected negatively.
Assignments aim to lead students to think about a topic or problem, to develop a behavior and learn from it. Assignments are the responsibility of the students to fulfil a task mainly outside the classroom environment. Assignment/homework is a method used at all levels of education as a part of teaching program and it is used also as a tool at higher education level. Assignments can be carried out by using various resources such as encyclopedias, textbooks, journals and statistics. Nowadays, students benefit from internet extensively because of the fact that access to resources is easy and it is possible to reach large amount of data. In this study, the attitudes of undergraduate students of geography department towards the assignment were examined. The main purpose of the study is to determine the opinions of the geography department students on homework-supported teaching and to make suggestions in this direction. A survey was carried out to collect data. While the quantitative method was used in the study, the observations of the faculty members were also taken into consideration. A total of 78 students participated in the study. Survey method was implemented for the collection of first hand data. The data was analyzed statistically by using SPSS 22 software program. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the 31-item questionnaire was 0,802. As a result of the research, it was determined that the assignments should be intended for research purposes and contribute to the students' learning. In addition, it was found that if assignment was too much and too difficult, the students were affected negatively.
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