Türkiye Koşullarında Üretilen Biyodizelin Bazı Özelliklerinin Standartlara Uygunluğunun ve Yakıt Püskürtme Miktarı Üzerine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, ülkemizde üretilen biyodizelin reolojik özelliklerinden biri olan viskozite değerleri ve bunun yanında motor performans eğrilerine doğrudan etkili olan özelliklerden biri olan özgül ağırlık değerleri saptanmıştır. Bu değerlerin standartlara uygunluğu incelenmiştir. Sıcaklığın viskozite değişimleri üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla 20 ve 40 °C olmak üzere iki farklı sıcaklıkta viskozite ölçümleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Standartlara uygun şekilde özgül ağırlık değerleri de 15 °C’ de belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, piyasadan toplanan ve kullanımda olan 8 adet biyodizel numunesi (4’ü Sanayi Ticaret İl Müdürlüklerine kayıtlı, diğer dördü ise kayıtlı değildir) ve karşılaştırma yapabilmek amacıyla da 1adet motorin numunesi kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Viskozite ve özgül ağırlık ölçümlerinin yanı sıra farklı marka traktör motorlarında yaygın olarak kullanılan 3 farklı tip enjektör kullanılarak, viskozite ve özgül ağırlık değişimlerinin enjektörlerden püskürtülen yakıt miktarı üzerine ve püskürtülen yakıtın yanma odası içerisindeki dağılımına etkileri de belirlenmiştir. Yanma odası içerisindeki yakıt dağılımını saptamak amacıyla traktör motorundaki yanma odası ile aynı ölçülere sahip bir yanma odası modeli oluşturulmuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, örneklerin sıcaklık değerlerinin artmasıyla viskozite değerlerinin oldukça düştüğü saptanmıştır. Kayıtlı olan firmalara ait örneklerde dahil olmak üzere biyodizellerin büyük çoğunluğunda viskozite ve özgül ağırlık değerlerinin standart dışı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yüksek özgül ağırlık ve viskoziteden dolayı püskürtülen yakıt miktarı tüm biyodizel örnekleri ve enjektörler için motorine kıyasla daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Yanma odası içerisindeki dağılıma göre en yüksek yakıt miktarı 9 numaralı yüksek viskoziteli biyodizel örneğinde saptanmıştır. Motorin yanma odasında biyodizel örneklerine göre daha uzak bölgelere püskürtülmüş ve dağılımın daha homojen olduğu saptanmıştır.
In this study, viscosity values that is one of the rheological properties of biodiesel samples that have been produced under Turkey conditions. In addition to this, specific weight values that are effective on directly to engine performance curves were also determined. Compatibility of these values to standards were examined. Kinematic viscosity measurements at two different temperatures namely 20 and 40 °C were carried out to determine the effect of temperature on viscosity change. Density measurements according to the standard at 15 °C was also set. In this study, eight biodiesel samples were collected from markets (4 of them are enrolled to Industry and Commerce provincial Directorates, the other four are not registered), and 1 diesel sample as comparison sample were used. In addition to viscosity and specific weight measurements, effect of viscosity and specific weight changes on the amount of fuel sprayed from injector by using 3 different types injectors that are used in different brand widely used tractor engines was determined. In addition to these effects of fuel with different density and viscosity on distribution of sprayed fuel in combustion chamber was determined by manufacturing a model combustion chamber that has identical with tractor combustion chambers. According to research results, increasing of the temperature decreased the viscosity values highly. Including the registered samples, in the great majority of biodiesel samples viscosity and specific weight values were determined to be non-standard. Due to high specific weight and viscosity, amount the sprayed fuel were found higher for all injector and biodiesel samples compared to sprayed diesel amount. According to distrubition in combustion chamber, the highest fuel amount was found for biodiesel 9 that has the maximum viscosity. Diesel was spryed the furthest points in combustion chamber and its distribution was found more homogenity compared with those biodiesel samples.
In this study, viscosity values that is one of the rheological properties of biodiesel samples that have been produced under Turkey conditions. In addition to this, specific weight values that are effective on directly to engine performance curves were also determined. Compatibility of these values to standards were examined. Kinematic viscosity measurements at two different temperatures namely 20 and 40 °C were carried out to determine the effect of temperature on viscosity change. Density measurements according to the standard at 15 °C was also set. In this study, eight biodiesel samples were collected from markets (4 of them are enrolled to Industry and Commerce provincial Directorates, the other four are not registered), and 1 diesel sample as comparison sample were used. In addition to viscosity and specific weight measurements, effect of viscosity and specific weight changes on the amount of fuel sprayed from injector by using 3 different types injectors that are used in different brand widely used tractor engines was determined. In addition to these effects of fuel with different density and viscosity on distribution of sprayed fuel in combustion chamber was determined by manufacturing a model combustion chamber that has identical with tractor combustion chambers. According to research results, increasing of the temperature decreased the viscosity values highly. Including the registered samples, in the great majority of biodiesel samples viscosity and specific weight values were determined to be non-standard. Due to high specific weight and viscosity, amount the sprayed fuel were found higher for all injector and biodiesel samples compared to sprayed diesel amount. According to distrubition in combustion chamber, the highest fuel amount was found for biodiesel 9 that has the maximum viscosity. Diesel was spryed the furthest points in combustion chamber and its distribution was found more homogenity compared with those biodiesel samples.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyodizel, standartlar, viskozite, özgül ağırlık, yakıt püskürtme, Biodiesel, standards, viscosity, specific weight, fuel spraying
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