Trichogramma brassicae, Trichogramma cacoecia ve Trichogramma evanescens' in konukçu ve yumurta yaşı tercihi üzerinde araştırmalar
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Bu çalışmada Trichogrammma brassicae Bezdenko, T. cacoeciae Marchal ve T. evanescens Westwood (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)'in (25±1 oC sıcaklık, %65-70 oransal nem, 16/8 saat aydınlık/karanlık periyot) laboratuvarda Ephestia kuehniella Zeller ile Cadra cautella Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) konukçu ve yumurta yaşı tercihleri araştırılmıştır. Değişik yaşta yumurta verilmiştir. Her üç parazitoit türü de 1 günlük E. kuehniella ile C. cautella yumurtalarını 2 ve 3 günlük yumurtalardan daha çok tercih etmiştir. Trichogrammma brassicae, T. cacoeciae ve T. evanescens konukçusu E. kuehniella ile hedef konukçusu C. cautella üzerinde yetiştirilmiştir. Alternatif konukçu (C. cautella) üzerinde yetiştirilen parazitoitlerin hedef konukçu E. kuehniella yumurtasında parazitledikleri yumurta sayılarında bir düşme bulunmuştur.
This study was designed to determine the preference of host and host eggs of Trichogrammma brassicae Bezdenko, T. cacoeciae Marchal and T. evanescens Westwood (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) at laboratory conditions (25±1 0C temperature, 65-70% relative humidity, 16/8 hour light/dark period) on Ephestia kuehniella Zeller and Cadra cautella Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Eggs of different ages were evaluated. All of the three parasitoids species preferred to 1 day old eggs than the 2 or 3 days old eggs of E. kuehniella and C. cautella. Significantly higher parasitized eggs were determined as 1 day old eggs of E. kuehniella. Wasps reared from each source were tested on the source host and target host. Under the conditions E. kuehniella was a good host. We found that being reared on alternate host (C. cautella) decreased the parasitized eggs on the target E. kuehniella.
This study was designed to determine the preference of host and host eggs of Trichogrammma brassicae Bezdenko, T. cacoeciae Marchal and T. evanescens Westwood (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) at laboratory conditions (25±1 0C temperature, 65-70% relative humidity, 16/8 hour light/dark period) on Ephestia kuehniella Zeller and Cadra cautella Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Eggs of different ages were evaluated. All of the three parasitoids species preferred to 1 day old eggs than the 2 or 3 days old eggs of E. kuehniella and C. cautella. Significantly higher parasitized eggs were determined as 1 day old eggs of E. kuehniella. Wasps reared from each source were tested on the source host and target host. Under the conditions E. kuehniella was a good host. We found that being reared on alternate host (C. cautella) decreased the parasitized eggs on the target E. kuehniella.
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