Soğuk Pres Yağlar İlave Edilerek Üretilen Fermente Sucukların Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
İnsan yaşamında sağlıklı beslenmenin önemi, yiyeceklerin hastalıkları önlemesi, iyileştirmesi ve sağlık üzerindeki olumlu etkilerinin ortaya çıkarmasıyla artmıştır. Sucuk; Türkiye’de fermente et ürünü denildiğinde ilk akla gelen ürün olup, sığır ya da manda eti, sığır yağı, koyun kuyruk yağı, tuz, şeker, nitrit, nitrat ve baharat (kimyon, karabiber, kırmızıbiber vb.) karışımlarının doğal veya yapay kılıflara doldurulup, olgunlaştırılmasıyla elde edilir. Bununla birlikte sucuğun, yüksek oranda doymuş hayvansal yağ içeriği nedeniyle bazı kanser türleri ve kardiyovasküler hastalıkların riskini arttırdığı ileri sürülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, soğuk pres tekniği ile elde edilen farklı bitkisel yağlar (ceviz, fındık, aspir ve zeytin), sucuklara farklı oranlarda (%10, %20 ve %30) ilave edilerek geleneksel Türk tipi sucukların fizikokimyasal özellikleri incelenmiştir. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda, sucuklarda nem % 19,41-22,78, kül % 8,27-9,12, protein % 44,51-47,69, yağ % 18,87-23,45, ağırlık kayıpları 139-275 g, tekstür 8,74-14,68 kgf, pH 5,46-5,85, hunter L 21,26-25,03, hunter a 4,85-6,69, hunter b 3,9-5,61 arasındaki değerlerde bulunmuştur. Üretimi yapılan sucuklar 3 aylık depolama işlemine tabii tutulmuş ve depolama süresi boyunca asitlik ve peroksit değerlerinde artışlar meydana gelmiş, asitlik değeri %1,08’den %11,28’e, peroksit sayısı 2,80 meqO2/kg’den 35,01 meqO2/kg’e çıkmıştır (p<0,05).
The importance of a healthy diet in human life has increased with its positive effects on health, preventing and combating effects on diseases. Fermented sausage is the first meat product that comes to mind concerning the fermented products in Turkey. Fermented sausage is a traditional product that produced by filling cattle or water buffalo meat, neat’s fat, sheep tail fat, salt, sugar, nitrite, nitrate and spices (cumin, pepper, red pepper etc.) mix in the natural or artificial covers and then left to ripening. However, it has been propounded that fermented sausage increased the risk of getting cancer and cardiovascular diseases because of containing high amounts of saturated animal fats. In this study, different ratios (10%, 20% and 30%) of different cold pressed vegetable oils (walnut, hazelnut, safflower and olive) were added in traditional Turkish style sausages and the physicochemical properties of their were examined. This study showed that produced fermented sausages had 19.41-22.78% moisture, 8.27- 9.12% ash, 44.51-47.69% protein and 18.87-23.45% oil content, 139-275 g weight loss, 8.74-14.68 kgf texture, 5.46- 5.85 pH, 21.26-25.03 hunter L, 4.85-4.69 hunter a, 3.9-5.61 hunter b values. Produced fermented sausages were stored for 3 months and during this period the acidity and peroxide values increased significantly from 1.08 to 11.28% and from 2.80 to 35.01 meqO2/kg, respectively (p<0.05).
The importance of a healthy diet in human life has increased with its positive effects on health, preventing and combating effects on diseases. Fermented sausage is the first meat product that comes to mind concerning the fermented products in Turkey. Fermented sausage is a traditional product that produced by filling cattle or water buffalo meat, neat’s fat, sheep tail fat, salt, sugar, nitrite, nitrate and spices (cumin, pepper, red pepper etc.) mix in the natural or artificial covers and then left to ripening. However, it has been propounded that fermented sausage increased the risk of getting cancer and cardiovascular diseases because of containing high amounts of saturated animal fats. In this study, different ratios (10%, 20% and 30%) of different cold pressed vegetable oils (walnut, hazelnut, safflower and olive) were added in traditional Turkish style sausages and the physicochemical properties of their were examined. This study showed that produced fermented sausages had 19.41-22.78% moisture, 8.27- 9.12% ash, 44.51-47.69% protein and 18.87-23.45% oil content, 139-275 g weight loss, 8.74-14.68 kgf texture, 5.46- 5.85 pH, 21.26-25.03 hunter L, 4.85-4.69 hunter a, 3.9-5.61 hunter b values. Produced fermented sausages were stored for 3 months and during this period the acidity and peroxide values increased significantly from 1.08 to 11.28% and from 2.80 to 35.01 meqO2/kg, respectively (p<0.05).
Anahtar Kelimeler
sucuk, soğuk pres yağlar, kalite özellikleri, fermented sausage, cold-pressed oils, quality properties
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