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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Chinoiserie, 18. yüzyılın ilk yarısından itibaren başlayan resimden tekstile, mobilyadan iç dekorasyona kadar etkili bir üsluptur. Chinoserie’nin en belirgin dönemlerinden biri olan Rokoko birçok sanatçıyı etkilemiştir. Bu sanatçılardan biri olan François Boucher chinoiserie etkisiyle Çin’in sanat ve kültür anlayışını yansıtan eserler üretmiştir. Bu amaçla bu araştırmada François Boucher’in Çin Sanat’ından nasıl etkilendiği ve bu doğrultuda Çin sanatı ve kültür anlayışının sanat eserlerine nasıl yansıdığı araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplamak amacıyla geniş bir literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Literatür taramaları sonucunda François Boucher’in Chinoiserie etkili 10 eseri incelenmiştir. Sanatçının Chinoiserie etkili eserlerinde Çin’e özgü figürler, mavi-beyaz porselenler, Çin tapınakları gibi öğelerin yanında, Çin kültüründe bulunan kıvrık çatılı küçük köşkler, yakıcı havadan korunmak için kullanılan şemsiye gibi unsurlara yer verdiği görülmüştür.
Chinoiserie is an eighteenth-century style ranging from painting to textile, furniture to interior decoration, and so on. Rokoko, one of chinoserie’s most prominent periods, influenced many artists. Among these artists, François Boucher produced works reflecting China's views of art and culture. The present study investigates the ways in which François Boucher was influenced by Chinese art and how the understanding of Chinese art and culture was reflected in the works of art. A comprehensive literature survey was carried out in order to collect data. As a result of literature surveys, 10 influential Chinoiserie works by François Boucher were studied. Chinese-specific figures, clothing, blue-white porcelain, pagod, Chinese temples, as well as the Chinese culture of the small pavilions with curved roofs, garden huts, used for protection from burning air as well as elements such as umbrella can be seen in the artist's influential works of Chinoiserie. François Boucher took the elements of his culture to China and combined them with his own unique touch.
Chinoiserie is an eighteenth-century style ranging from painting to textile, furniture to interior decoration, and so on. Rokoko, one of chinoserie’s most prominent periods, influenced many artists. Among these artists, François Boucher produced works reflecting China's views of art and culture. The present study investigates the ways in which François Boucher was influenced by Chinese art and how the understanding of Chinese art and culture was reflected in the works of art. A comprehensive literature survey was carried out in order to collect data. As a result of literature surveys, 10 influential Chinoiserie works by François Boucher were studied. Chinese-specific figures, clothing, blue-white porcelain, pagod, Chinese temples, as well as the Chinese culture of the small pavilions with curved roofs, garden huts, used for protection from burning air as well as elements such as umbrella can be seen in the artist's influential works of Chinoiserie. François Boucher took the elements of his culture to China and combined them with his own unique touch.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Resim sanatı, Rokoko, Çin sanatı, Chinoiserie, François Boucher., Painting art, Rococo, Chinese art
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