Edirne İli Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri Birliğine Üye İşletmelerin Yapısal Özellikleri
Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma Edirne ili ve ilçelerindeki Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri Birliğine kayıtlı işletmelerden şansa bağlı olarak seçilen 57 işletme sahibiyle bire bir görüşülerek gerçekleştirilmiştir. İşletmeler Edirne ili merkez ve ilçelerinden seçilmiştir, böylece ilin gerçek durumuna yakın sonuçlar hedeflenmiştir. Anket soruları işletme sahiplerinin eğitim seviyeleri, genel yapıları, mevcut hayvancılık durumları, yetiştiricilik uygulamaları, hedef ve beklentileri, mevcut barınak ve ekipmanların durumu, üretmiş oldukları ürünlerin pazarlanması ve dağıtımı konularını içermektedir. Araştırma sonucunda; Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri Birliğine kayıtlı üyelerin tümünün okur yazar olduğu, işletme sahiplerinden %47,4’ünün geçim sağlamak amacı ile kalanının ise ek gelir sağlamak amacıyla süt sığırcılığı yaptığı belirlendi. İşletmelerin %96.5’inde işletme sahiplerinin kendileri ile aile fertlerinin çalıştığı, işletmelerin %33.3’ünde ortalama 21-30 baş hayvan bulunduğu tespit edildi. İşletmelerin %98.2’sinin yerleşim yerinin içinde olduğu, %96.5’i bağlı ve %3.6’sı serbest durak tipli işletmelerden oluştuğu saptandı. İşletmelerin tümünde sağımın sağım makineleriyle yapıldığı ve %89.5’inde ortalama inek başına elde edilen sütün günlük ortalama 20-25 litre olduğu tespit edildi.
This research was carried out by consulting with dairy farms that were selected by chance from the analyzed farms registered in the Dairy Cattle Breeders Associations in Edirne. The farms were selected through Edirne and its counties, thus it was aimed to find accurate results. The survey questions are about the general characteristic features of the farm owners, their educational degrees, their existing breeding status, their practical experiences in breeding cattle, their aims and expectations, the condition of the animal sheds and equipments, distribution and marketing of their products. The rate of literacy in the farms that were members of the Cattle Breeding Association is 100%. The dairy cattle breeding was made for providing subsistence income by 47.4% of the farms and it was made for gaining supplementary budget by the rest of the farms. The rate of working in the farms as owners of the farms and members of their family was 96.5%. Average animal stock 21-30 heads of cattle in 33.3% of the farms. 98.2 per cent of the farm areas were in the residential areas, 96.5 per cent of the farms consist of boundstandstill type farms and 3.6% of those consist of free type farms. The rate of the milking with the milking machine was 100 % and in 89.5% of farm the average production of milk per cattle 20 -25 liters/day in the farms.
This research was carried out by consulting with dairy farms that were selected by chance from the analyzed farms registered in the Dairy Cattle Breeders Associations in Edirne. The farms were selected through Edirne and its counties, thus it was aimed to find accurate results. The survey questions are about the general characteristic features of the farm owners, their educational degrees, their existing breeding status, their practical experiences in breeding cattle, their aims and expectations, the condition of the animal sheds and equipments, distribution and marketing of their products. The rate of literacy in the farms that were members of the Cattle Breeding Association is 100%. The dairy cattle breeding was made for providing subsistence income by 47.4% of the farms and it was made for gaining supplementary budget by the rest of the farms. The rate of working in the farms as owners of the farms and members of their family was 96.5%. Average animal stock 21-30 heads of cattle in 33.3% of the farms. 98.2 per cent of the farm areas were in the residential areas, 96.5 per cent of the farms consist of boundstandstill type farms and 3.6% of those consist of free type farms. The rate of the milking with the milking machine was 100 % and in 89.5% of farm the average production of milk per cattle 20 -25 liters/day in the farms.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Edirne, Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri Birliği, Süt Sığırcılığı, Dairy Cattle Breeding, Dairy Farming
Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
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