Khabar? Attributes in Tabar?'s Works
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Erişim Hakkı
Tabar?, who produced works in almost all branches of religious sciencesof Islam, possesses the quality of being a versatile scholar. He makes one feelthat he has a say in the field of kal?m by communicating also his ownopinions after he communicates all body of knowledge and narrations inIslamic theology, especially in booklets of tafs?r and aq?id. While he advocatesacceptance of the narrations from the Qur’?n and the Sunnah as they are indoing this, he quite frequently makes emphasis on obedience on Salaf in anappropriate manner to this. Because the fields of divinity of the religiousscience of kal?m in particular encompasses the theme of speculating aboutAllah, it is a field where extreme caution must be exerted. Issues regarding theessence (dh?t) and attributes of God are the special and inviolable field ofTabar? in a manner of speaking and he is definitely opposed to any other thingthan narration being insinuated into this field. Because of the fact that humansalso possess the traits attributed to Allah in the Qur’?n and the ?adith such ashands, feet, eyes, face, fingers, laughing, sitting, coming, going and thatbesides, there is a danger of resorting to antropomorphism about Allah. Salafpreferred to remain quiet in such issues and vehemently opposed ta'w?l,which means allegorical interpretation. Although Tabar? was also dependenton Salaf in understanding the khabar? attributes and was opposed to ta’w?l, healso tried to elaborate on these attributes within the framework of the rules ofsyntax-language, a situation also aided by him being a linguist and tafs?rscholar. While he only communicated the notions related to that attributewhen it came to some khabar? attributes and made no comment about theseand said nothing, he criticized some points if there were any in his thinkingafter he communicated his notions about some attributes and he clearlyspecified it if there was any point he felt he needed to advocate. And this isimportant in demonstrating his way of approaching the khabar? attributes andin us understanding his method. In this study, we will have a piece ofknowledge on Tabar?'s manner of approaching and comprehending thekhabar? attributes, will scrutinize what his standpoint is in this issue and willtry to reach a conclusion.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tasavvur - Tekirdağ İlahiyat Dergisi (Online)
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