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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi,İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Anayasa ve onun siyasal yansımaları Türkiye gibi demokratikleşme sürecini henüz tamamlayamamış ülkelerde son derece önemlidir. Türkiye’de siyasal tartışmalar zaman zaman anayasal zemin üzerinden yürütülegelmiştir. Türk siyasi tarihi incelendiği vakit anayasaların herhangi bir toplumsal uzlaşıya dayanmaksızın yağıldığına tanık olunmaktadır. Türkiye’nin bugün hala demokratik ve sivil bir anayasaya sahip olamamasının en temel sebeplerinden bir tanesi budur. Bu anayasal durum Türk siyaseti üzerinde antidemokratik bir baskı oluşturmaktadır. Türkiye’de sivil ve demokratik bir anayasal düzen inşa edilmesi bu nedenle elzemdir. Bu çalışmanın ana amacı demokratikleşmek adına sivil ve demokratik bir anayasanın Türkiye açısından kaçınılmaz bir zorunluluk olduğunun altını çizmektir. Bu bağlamda 2011 ve 2013 yılları arasında Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi çatısı altında oluşturulan “Meclis Anayasa Uzlaşma Komisyonu” ve bu komisyonun neden bir neticeye ulaşamadığının altı çizilecektir.
The constitution and its political reflections are very important in the countries in which the democratization process is not completed, such as Turkey. Time to time, the political debates in Turkey were seen on the constitutional area. When Turkish political history was considered, it can be clearly seen that the constitutions of Turkey were not based on a social consensus. It is one of the reasons that Turkey could not reach a democratic and civil constitution. This constitutional situation creates an undemocratic pressure on the Turkish politics. That is why it is necessary to make a civil and democratic constitutional situation in Turkey. The purpose of this study is to underline of the necessity of a new, democratic and civil constitution for Turkey. Within this scope, the Constitutional Reconciliation Commission that was founded in the Turkish Grand National Assembly and its causes of failure will be underlined.
The constitution and its political reflections are very important in the countries in which the democratization process is not completed, such as Turkey. Time to time, the political debates in Turkey were seen on the constitutional area. When Turkish political history was considered, it can be clearly seen that the constitutions of Turkey were not based on a social consensus. It is one of the reasons that Turkey could not reach a democratic and civil constitution. This constitutional situation creates an undemocratic pressure on the Turkish politics. That is why it is necessary to make a civil and democratic constitutional situation in Turkey. The purpose of this study is to underline of the necessity of a new, democratic and civil constitution for Turkey. Within this scope, the Constitutional Reconciliation Commission that was founded in the Turkish Grand National Assembly and its causes of failure will be underlined.
International Congress of Management Economy And Policy, 26-27 Kasım 2016, İstanbul
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sivil Anayasa, Türk Demokrasi Tarihi, Anayasa Uzlaşma Komisyonu, Civil Constitution, Turkish Democracy History, Constitutional Reconciliation Commission
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