Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada soğuk pres tekniği ile üretilen yağlar kullanılarak elde edilen salata soslarının bazı kalite özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın ilk aşamasında Yanıt yüzey yöntemi (YYY) kullanılarak ticari örneklerin reolojik özellikleri baz alınarak formülasyon optimizasyonu yapılmıştır. Yanıt yüzey yöntemi ile ksantan gam (%0,25-0,75), yumurta sarısı tozu (%2-6) ve soğuk pres yağ (%10-30) oranı içeren 17 farklı deneme dizaynı oluşturulmuştur. Örneklerin akış davranış ve dinamik reolojik özelliklerine formülasyonun etkisi araştırılmıştır. Ksantan gam, yağ ve yumurta sarısı oranı örneklerin kıvam katsayısı (K), akış davranış indeksi (n) ve akma gerilimi (?0) değerlerini önemli bir şekilde etkilemiştir. Örneklerin K, n ve ?0 değerleri sırasıyla 0,0370- 20,0329 Pasn, 0,1342-0,7013 ve 0,0094-19,8236 Pa olarak tespit edilmiştir. Salata sosu örneklerinin tamamının G' değerleri G'' değerlerinden yüksek bulunmuştur. Optimum salata sosu için belirlenen ksantan gam, yumurta sarısı tozu ve yağ oranı sırasıyla %0,36, %4,5 ve %21 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Optimum formülasyona göre üretilen salata sosu örneğinin partikül boyutu, ?-potansiyeli ve 3-ITT reolojik davranışları ticari olarak üretilen ürünlere benzerlik göstermiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında farklı baharat (kekik, nane ve kırmızıbiber), asitlik verici ajan (limon suyu ve sirke) ve soğuk pres yağların (kabak çekirdeği, susam ve zeytinyağı) salata soslarının fizikokimyasal, reolojik, mikro yapısal ve duyusal özelliklerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Baharat, yağ ve asitlik verici ajanlar salata sosu örneklerinin fizikokimyasal ve duyusal özelliklerini önemli bir şekilde etkilerken (P<0,05); reolojik ve mikro yapısal özelliklerine önemli bir etki göstermemiştir (P>0,05). Duyusal analiz sonucunda kekik, limon suyu ve zeytinyağı içeren örneklerin duyusal olarak en çok beğenilen örnekler olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın son aşamasında ise salata sosu örneklerinin depolama boyunca raf ömrü kriterleri değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla 56 gün boyunca ürünlerde mikrobiyal gelişim, oksidatifstabilite, emülsiyon stabilitesi ve serbest yağ asidi oluşumu ölçülmüştür. Depolama süresince salata sosu örneklerinin hiç birisinde küf/maya ve toplam mezofilik aerobik bakteri gelişimi gözlenmemiştir. Örneklerin peroksit sayısı ve serbest yağ asidi değerleri depolama boyunca artış göstermiştir ve bu parametrelerin değişimine baharat, yağ çeşidi ve asitlik verici ajanların etkisi önemli bulunmuştur. Depolama süresince örneklerde herhangi bir faz ayrımı gözlenmemiştir. Bu çalışma kekik, limon suyu ve zeytinyağı içeren örneklerin optimum ksantan gam, yumurta sarısı tozu ve yağ oranında duyusal, mikro yapısal ve stabilite açısından salata sosu formülasyonunda başarıyla kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir.
In this study, some quality parameters of salad dressing prepared with cold pressed oil were investigated. In a first stage of this study, response surface methodology (RSM) central composite design (CCD) was used for the optimization of salad dressing formulation based on the rheological properties of commercial salad dressing. 17 different formulations including different xanthan gum (0.25-0.75 %), egg yolk powder (2-6 %) and cold pressed oil (10-30 %) were obtained by using RSM. Effect of formulation on the visco-elastic and flow behavior properties of salad dressing was investigated. The percentage of xanthan gum, cold pressed oil and egg yolk powder significantly affected consistency (K) index, flow behavior index (n) and yield stress (?0) values of the samples. K, n and ?0 values of the samples were found to be 0, 0370- 20,0329 Pasn, 0,1342-0,7013 and 0,0094-19,8236 Pa, respectively. G' values of the all salad dressing samples were greater than G'' values, indicating that all samples showed solid like behavior. Optimum xanthan gum, egg yolk powder and cold pressed oil content were determined to be 0,36%, 4,5% and 21%. The particle diameter, ?-potential properties and 3-ITT behavior of the sample prepared based on the optimum formulation were closed to commercial salad dressing samples. In the next stage of the study, effect of the different spices (oregano, mint and red pepper), acidifying agents (lemon juice and vinegar) and cold pressed oil (pumpkin seed oil, sesame oil and olive oil) on the physico-chemical, rheological, microstructural and sensorial properties of salad dressing was studied. Different spices, cold pressed oils and acidifying agents significantly affected sensorial and physic-chemical properties (P<0.05) while they didn’t show significant effect on rheological and microstructural properties (P>0.05). The samples prepared by oregano, lemon juice and olive oil were determined as the most preferred samples according to sensorial analysis. In the last stage of the study, shelf life of the salad dressing samples were evaluated. For this purpose, microbial growth, oxidative stability, emulsion stability, and formation of free fatty acid weredetermined for 56 days storage period. In a salad dressing sample, mold and yeast, and total mesophilic aerobic bacteria were not counted during storage period. The peroxide and free acidity values of the samples were increased during storage period and this increase was affected from types of the different spices, cold pressed oil and acidifying agents. No phase separation was observed in the - samples during storage. This study suggested that salad dressing samples prepared by oregano, lemon juice, and olive oil could be successfully and acceptable salad dressing formulations.
In this study, some quality parameters of salad dressing prepared with cold pressed oil were investigated. In a first stage of this study, response surface methodology (RSM) central composite design (CCD) was used for the optimization of salad dressing formulation based on the rheological properties of commercial salad dressing. 17 different formulations including different xanthan gum (0.25-0.75 %), egg yolk powder (2-6 %) and cold pressed oil (10-30 %) were obtained by using RSM. Effect of formulation on the visco-elastic and flow behavior properties of salad dressing was investigated. The percentage of xanthan gum, cold pressed oil and egg yolk powder significantly affected consistency (K) index, flow behavior index (n) and yield stress (?0) values of the samples. K, n and ?0 values of the samples were found to be 0, 0370- 20,0329 Pasn, 0,1342-0,7013 and 0,0094-19,8236 Pa, respectively. G' values of the all salad dressing samples were greater than G'' values, indicating that all samples showed solid like behavior. Optimum xanthan gum, egg yolk powder and cold pressed oil content were determined to be 0,36%, 4,5% and 21%. The particle diameter, ?-potential properties and 3-ITT behavior of the sample prepared based on the optimum formulation were closed to commercial salad dressing samples. In the next stage of the study, effect of the different spices (oregano, mint and red pepper), acidifying agents (lemon juice and vinegar) and cold pressed oil (pumpkin seed oil, sesame oil and olive oil) on the physico-chemical, rheological, microstructural and sensorial properties of salad dressing was studied. Different spices, cold pressed oils and acidifying agents significantly affected sensorial and physic-chemical properties (P<0.05) while they didn’t show significant effect on rheological and microstructural properties (P>0.05). The samples prepared by oregano, lemon juice and olive oil were determined as the most preferred samples according to sensorial analysis. In the last stage of the study, shelf life of the salad dressing samples were evaluated. For this purpose, microbial growth, oxidative stability, emulsion stability, and formation of free fatty acid weredetermined for 56 days storage period. In a salad dressing sample, mold and yeast, and total mesophilic aerobic bacteria were not counted during storage period. The peroxide and free acidity values of the samples were increased during storage period and this increase was affected from types of the different spices, cold pressed oil and acidifying agents. No phase separation was observed in the - samples during storage. This study suggested that salad dressing samples prepared by oregano, lemon juice, and olive oil could be successfully and acceptable salad dressing formulations.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Salata sosu, soğuk pres yağlar, kekik, nane, kırmızı biber, optimizasyon, reoloji, Salad dressing, cold pressed oil, oregano, mint, red pepper, optimization, rheology