Jean Baudrillard’s concept of émuseumificationé as revealed in Julian Barnes éFlaubert’s parroté and Orhan Pamuk’s museum of innocence
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışma, Fransız kuramcı Jean Baudrillard’ın Simulacra and Simulations kitabında yer alan ‘Museumification’ kavramını açıklar. Museumification, bir geleneğin, bir inancın ve bir alışkanlığın- aşk,saygı, dostluk ve vefa- artık pratik edilememesi, hükmünün kalmaması ve onların müzeleştirilmesidir. Julian Barnes’ın Flaubert’s Parrot’ını ve Orhan Pamuk ‘un Masumiyet Müzesi’ni bu kavram doğrultusunda inceler. Çalışmanın amacı, bu iki romanın Baudrillard’ın ‘museumification’ kavramını barındıran ögelerini ortaya koymak ve her iki romanı bu bağlamda ayrı ayrı incelemek, bu kavramın adı geçen romanlarda nasıl yer aldığını, benzerliklerini ve farklılıklarını göstermektir. ‘Museumification’ kavramını başka kaynaklarla açıklamaya ve müzelerle olan ilişkisine odaklanır. Flaubert’s Parrot, Barnes’ın, Gustave Flaubert’in kitaplarında ve yaşamında yer alan hayvan ‘papağan’ın peşine düşmesini, birinci tekil şahıs olan G. Braithwaithe’in Flaubert’in yaşamının geçtiği Fransa’nın Rouen şehrinde yazarın izini sürerken, yazarın müzesini ziyaret edişini anlatmasını konu alır. Müzedeki papağının gerçek olup olmadığını sorgular. Orhan Pamuk’un 2008 tarihinde yayımlanan Masumiyet Müzesi, ana karakterlerinin aşkını, Kemal karakterinin ağzından birinci tekil şahıs olarak anlatır. Gerçek bir aşktan esinlenerek kurgulanan bu eserde bazı karakterlerin isimleri de kurgusaldır. Kemal karakterinin -aşkı olan- Füsun’un eşyalarını toplaması takıntısına odaklanan roman, dönemin İstanbul’unu ve sosyetesinin yaşamlarını detaylı bir şekilde bizlere sunar. Romanda yer yer anlatıcı Kemal, anlatısını yazar Pamuk’a bırakır. Roman, gerçek aşk hikayesinin kahramanının topladığı ve Pamuk’un, kahramanın anlattıklarıyla oluşturulan ve dönemi yansıtan nesneleri bir araya getirmesiyle bir müzeye dönüştürülür.
This study investigates the concept of ‘Museumification’ by Jean Baudrillard in terms of postmodernism. Museumification is a term which was theorized by Baudrillard to emphasize a belief or a habit that could not be practised any more. The purpose of this study is to analyse an English novel Flaubert’s Parrot by Julian Barnes and a Turkish Novel Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk in terms of Jean Baudrillard’s concept of ‘museumification’ which is mentioned in his own book Simulacra and Simulation. Published in 1984 the third book of the novelist Julian Barnes, Flaubert’s Parrot is about being in search of his favourite French writer Gustave Flaubert and the parrot which is taken place in Flaubert’s works and his life. Barnes tells the story from a fictional character’s George Braithwaite’s omniscient point of view with first person narration. Published in 2008 the twelfth book of the novelist Orhan Pamuk, Museum of Innocence is about the love among the characters Kemal Basmacı and Füsun Keskin from the fictional character’s Kemal’s omniscient point of view with first person narration. Kemal’s obsession of collecting his lover Füsun’s objects and Pamuk’s collecting the objects that represents the time of Istanbul and society. Pamuk’s collecting objects which represent the time of İstanbul and Kemal’s real objects, which are belong to Füsun, are exhibited in the museum. So the novel becomes a museum. These arguments are analysed both according to Baudrillard’s concept of ‘museumification’ and other sources about the concept of ‘museumification’.
This study investigates the concept of ‘Museumification’ by Jean Baudrillard in terms of postmodernism. Museumification is a term which was theorized by Baudrillard to emphasize a belief or a habit that could not be practised any more. The purpose of this study is to analyse an English novel Flaubert’s Parrot by Julian Barnes and a Turkish Novel Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk in terms of Jean Baudrillard’s concept of ‘museumification’ which is mentioned in his own book Simulacra and Simulation. Published in 1984 the third book of the novelist Julian Barnes, Flaubert’s Parrot is about being in search of his favourite French writer Gustave Flaubert and the parrot which is taken place in Flaubert’s works and his life. Barnes tells the story from a fictional character’s George Braithwaite’s omniscient point of view with first person narration. Published in 2008 the twelfth book of the novelist Orhan Pamuk, Museum of Innocence is about the love among the characters Kemal Basmacı and Füsun Keskin from the fictional character’s Kemal’s omniscient point of view with first person narration. Kemal’s obsession of collecting his lover Füsun’s objects and Pamuk’s collecting the objects that represents the time of Istanbul and society. Pamuk’s collecting objects which represent the time of İstanbul and Kemal’s real objects, which are belong to Füsun, are exhibited in the museum. So the novel becomes a museum. These arguments are analysed both according to Baudrillard’s concept of ‘museumification’ and other sources about the concept of ‘museumification’.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Jean Baudrillard, Museumification, Postmodernizm, Julian Barnes, Flaubert’s Parrot, Orhan Pamuk, Masumiyet Müzesi, Postmodernism, Museum of Innocenc