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Cilt Başlığı
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada stevia özü kullanılarak düşük kalorili böğürtlen reçeli üretimi amaçlanmıştır. Denemeler cevap yüzey yöntemine (RSM) göre dizayn edilmiş, pektin (% 0,5-1), şeker (% 15-50) ve stevia (% 0,02-0,06) miktarları bağımsız değişken olarak seçilerek üç faktörlü merkezi birleşik tasarım modeli oluşturulmuş, 6 tanesi merkez deney noktalarında olmak üzere 20 farklı deneme planlanmıştır. Duyusal analizle, örneklerin kıvam, görünüm, koku, lezzet ve genel kabul edilebilirlik değerleri incelenmiş, renk özellikleri ve HMF miktarları belirlenmiş, ayrıca reolojileri incelenmiş, veriler modellenerek varyans analizleri yapılmıştır. Genel kabul edilebilirliğe göre gerçekleştirilen optimizasyon sonucunda elde edilen formülasyon (% 0,06 stevia, % 0,3316 pektin ve % 28,7969 şeker) kullanılarak yapılan doğrulama deneyleri sonucunda üretilen düşük kalorili böğürtlen reçelinin, ticari örneğe kıyasla şeker içeriği % 31,77 oranında düşürülmüştür. Çalışma sonucunda ticari reçelin duyusal özelliklerine en yakın duyusal özelliklere sahip düşük kalorili reçel formülasyonu oluşturulmuştur.
In this study, it was aimed to use stevia extract to manufacture low calorie blackberry jam. Jam formulations were designed according to the response surface methodology (RSM) which included 20 experimental points with 6 replicates for three independent variables, namely pectin, sugar and stevia percentages in the ranges of 0.5-1 %, 15-50 % and 0.02-0.06 %, respectively. Sensorial reology, apperance, odor, taste and overall acceptance were evaluated with sensorial analysis, colour, HMF and reology were also determined and modelled. Optimization results according to the overall acceptance gave the formulation of low calorie blackberry jam including 0.06 % stevia, 0.3316 % pectin and 28.7969 % sugar. The sugar content of low calorie blackberry jam obtained by the verification experiments was determined to be reduced by 31.77 % compared to that of commercial jam. As a result of this study, low calorie blackberry jam formulation having the closest sensorial characteristics to the commercial jam was obtained.
In this study, it was aimed to use stevia extract to manufacture low calorie blackberry jam. Jam formulations were designed according to the response surface methodology (RSM) which included 20 experimental points with 6 replicates for three independent variables, namely pectin, sugar and stevia percentages in the ranges of 0.5-1 %, 15-50 % and 0.02-0.06 %, respectively. Sensorial reology, apperance, odor, taste and overall acceptance were evaluated with sensorial analysis, colour, HMF and reology were also determined and modelled. Optimization results according to the overall acceptance gave the formulation of low calorie blackberry jam including 0.06 % stevia, 0.3316 % pectin and 28.7969 % sugar. The sugar content of low calorie blackberry jam obtained by the verification experiments was determined to be reduced by 31.77 % compared to that of commercial jam. As a result of this study, low calorie blackberry jam formulation having the closest sensorial characteristics to the commercial jam was obtained.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Stevia, Cevap Yüzeyi Yöntemi, HMF, Reoloji, Response Surface Methodology, Reology