Trans yağ asidi içermez beyanı bulunan bazı endüstriyel gıdaların yağ asidi profilleri
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırmada, etiketlerinde “trans yağ asidi içermez” beyanı bulunan bazı gıda gruplarındaki trans yağ asit oranlarının Türk Gıda Kodeksi’nin gıda maddelerinin genel etiketleme ve beslenme yönünden etiketleme kuralları tebliğine göre uygunluğu incelenmiştir. Günümüz insan beslenmesinde önemi giderek artan trans izomerlerin yapısı, özellikleri, oluşumuna neden olan etkenler ve trans izomer oluşumunu önlemek için uygulanabilecek alternatif metodlar belirtilmiştir. Trans yağ asitlerinin ana kaynakları olarak gösterilen margarin grubuna ilave olarak yoğun olarak tüketilen ve içerisinde önemli düzeyde shortening (endüstriyel yağlar) bulunan farklı gıda grupları oluşturulmuştur. Gıda grupları olarak kek (8 adet), bisküvi (8 adet), margarin (8 adet) ve cips (5 adet) olmak üzere 29 farklı markaya ait örnek incelenmiştir. Kapiler gaz-likit kromatografisi metodu ile belirlenen yağ asidi bileşimleri üzerinden değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Çalışmada trans oleik asit (C18:1), trans linoleik asit (C18:2), trans linolenik asit (C18:3) ve toplam trans yağ asit içerikleri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre kek, bisküvi, margarin ve cipsteki toplam trans yağ asidi oranı sırasıyla; %0,17-0,92; %0,11-0,46; %0,19-0,79 ve %0,26-1,21 arasında bulunmuştur. İncelenen örneklerden biri hariç diğer örneklerdeki trans yağ asidi içeriklerinin ilgili tebliğdeki koşullara uygun olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
In this study, labeled “trans fatty acid-free” declaration of trans fatty acids in the proportions of certain food groups of the Turkish Food Codex food labeling and nutrition labeling rules in terms of compliance were examined according to communigue. There were stated the trans izomers structures, spesifications, factors to be formed and applicable alternative methods to prevent to come into being trans isomers which are getting increasing importance for human nutrition in nowadays. Several food groups which are frequently consuming and existing considerable shortening (industrial fatty) were formed in additional to margarine groups which are shown as main source of trans fatty acids. Food groups as the cakes (8 pieces), biscuits (8 pieces), margarines (8 pieces) and chips (5 pieces) of the sample to be analyzed 29 different brands. Capillar gas-liquid chromatography method for the assessment was made of the fatty acid composition. In the study, trans oleic acid (C18:1), trans linoleic acid (C18:2), trans linolenic acid (C18:3) and total trans fatty acid content was determined. According to the results, total trans fatty acid contents were found in the cakes, biscuits, margarines and chips varies betweeen %0.17 to 0.92; %0.11-0.46; %0.19-0.79 and %0.26-1.21. Except one of the examples in the samples examined, expect for trans fatty acid contents were verified to be appropriate in the circumstances notification.
In this study, labeled “trans fatty acid-free” declaration of trans fatty acids in the proportions of certain food groups of the Turkish Food Codex food labeling and nutrition labeling rules in terms of compliance were examined according to communigue. There were stated the trans izomers structures, spesifications, factors to be formed and applicable alternative methods to prevent to come into being trans isomers which are getting increasing importance for human nutrition in nowadays. Several food groups which are frequently consuming and existing considerable shortening (industrial fatty) were formed in additional to margarine groups which are shown as main source of trans fatty acids. Food groups as the cakes (8 pieces), biscuits (8 pieces), margarines (8 pieces) and chips (5 pieces) of the sample to be analyzed 29 different brands. Capillar gas-liquid chromatography method for the assessment was made of the fatty acid composition. In the study, trans oleic acid (C18:1), trans linoleic acid (C18:2), trans linolenic acid (C18:3) and total trans fatty acid content was determined. According to the results, total trans fatty acid contents were found in the cakes, biscuits, margarines and chips varies betweeen %0.17 to 0.92; %0.11-0.46; %0.19-0.79 and %0.26-1.21. Except one of the examples in the samples examined, expect for trans fatty acid contents were verified to be appropriate in the circumstances notification.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Trans yağ asitleri, etiketleme, kek, margarin, bisküvi, cips, Trans fatty acids, labeling, cake, margarine, biscuit, chips