Kot kumlamaya bağlı olarak gelişen iki silikozis olgusu
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Bilinen en eski meslek hastalıklarından biri olan silikozis, solunabilir büyüklükteki silika kristallerinin akciğer dokusunda geri dönüşümsüz ve ilerleyici bir fibrotik reaksiyon oluşturması ile karakterize tedavisi olmayan bir hastalıktır. Son yıllarda özellikle küçük ve denetimsiz atölyelerde uygunsuz koşullarda yapılan kot kumlama işi hastalığın gelişiminde farklı bir işkolu haline gelmiştir. 3 yıldır kot kumlama işinde çalışan 20 ve 28 yaşlarında iki erkek hasta, nefes darlığı ve kilo kaybı şikayetleri ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Posteroanterior akciğer grafilerinde ve toraks bilgisayarlı tomografilerinde özellikle her iki üst ve orta zonlarda ve periferik bölgelerde yoğun yerleşimli, yaygın retikülonodüler ve nodüler opasiteler izlendi. Solunum fonksiyon testlerinde restriktif tipte ventilasyon bozukluğu saptandı. Birinci olgumuza transbronşiyal biyopsi ile silikozis tanısı kondu. İkinci olgu ise ilki ile benzer yakınmaları, radyolojik bulguları ve mesleksel maruziyet öyküsü nedeniyle ileri girişimsel inceleme yapılmadan tanı aldı. İş gücünün ucuz olduğu gelişmekte olan ülkelerde kot kumlama işinde çalışanlarda bir toplum sağlığı sorunu haline gelen silikozis çalışma şartlarının düzeltilmesi ile önlenebilir. Kotlar beyazlarken kararan hayatlara son vermek için daha fazla önlem alınması gerektiği inancındayız.
Silicosis which is one of the oldest known occupational diseases is characterized by an irreversible and progressive fibrotic reaction occuring in the lungs caused by inhaling crystalline silica dust. Effective treatment for silicosis is not available. Recently, denim sandblasting especially being made in uncontrolled small-scale workplace in primitive conditions has been a striking occupation leading to silicosis . Twenty and 28 years old male patients who work in denim sandblasting for 3 years were admitted to our clinics with complaints of dyspnea and loss of weight. Chest X ray and thorax computerized tomography revealed bilateral diffuse reticulonodular and nodular opacities which were prominent in the upper and middle zones and peripheric area of pulmonary parenchyma. Restrictive disorder was observed at their pulmonary function tests. Silicosis was diagnosed by performing transbronchial biopsy in one case. Because of the similarity of complaints, radiological findings and occupational history with the former patient, no other further and invasive procedure was performed and the other patient was also diagnosed as silicosis. In developing countries in which the labor force is very cheap, silicosis becomes a public health problem in denim sandblasters and can be prevented with improvement of working conditions. We believe that further precaution must be taken to stop darkened lives while jeans is bleaching.
Silicosis which is one of the oldest known occupational diseases is characterized by an irreversible and progressive fibrotic reaction occuring in the lungs caused by inhaling crystalline silica dust. Effective treatment for silicosis is not available. Recently, denim sandblasting especially being made in uncontrolled small-scale workplace in primitive conditions has been a striking occupation leading to silicosis . Twenty and 28 years old male patients who work in denim sandblasting for 3 years were admitted to our clinics with complaints of dyspnea and loss of weight. Chest X ray and thorax computerized tomography revealed bilateral diffuse reticulonodular and nodular opacities which were prominent in the upper and middle zones and peripheric area of pulmonary parenchyma. Restrictive disorder was observed at their pulmonary function tests. Silicosis was diagnosed by performing transbronchial biopsy in one case. Because of the similarity of complaints, radiological findings and occupational history with the former patient, no other further and invasive procedure was performed and the other patient was also diagnosed as silicosis. In developing countries in which the labor force is very cheap, silicosis becomes a public health problem in denim sandblasters and can be prevented with improvement of working conditions. We believe that further precaution must be taken to stop darkened lives while jeans is bleaching.
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