Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Tarımsal mücadele, verim ve kaliteyi arttırmak amacıyla, bitkilerin hastalık, zararlı ve yabancı otların olumsuz etkilerinden korunmasıdır. Pestisit kullanımı en etkili ve en yaygın yöntemdir. Tarımsal mücadelede insan ve çevre sağlığına en az zararı olan uygulamalar tercih edilmelidir. Kavun ve karpuz dünyada ve Türkiye’de en çok üretilen sebzelerin başında gelmektedir. Çalışmalarda, Kavun ve Karpuz sebzelerinde zararlı kontrolü uygulamasında, hangi güç, mesafe ve sürede mikrodalga enerjisine maruz kalması gerektiği belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla öncelikle bir deney düzeneği hazırlanmıştır. Bu düzenekte, bitkilerin etkilendiği mikrodalga enerjisi gücü, bu güce maruz kalma süresi ve sistemin uygun ilerleme hızının belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bitkiler mikrodalga enerjisine maruz kaldığında, belirlenen özelliklerinin nasıl değiştiği incelenmiştir.
The agricultural struggle is to protect plants from the adverse effects of diseases, harmful and weeds in order to increase yield and quality. Pesticide use is the most effective and most common method. In agricultural struggle, practices which are least harmful to human and environmental health should be preferred. Melon and watermelon are the most produced vegetables in the world and in Turkey. In studies, it has been tried to determine what power, distance and time should be exposed to microwave energy in harmful control of Melon and Watermelon vegetables. For this purpose, an experimental device was prepared first. In this device, it is aimed to determine the microwave energy power to which plants are affected, the duration of this gust exposure and the appropriate rate of advance of the system. When the plants were exposed to microwave energy, the changes in the specified properties were examined.
The agricultural struggle is to protect plants from the adverse effects of diseases, harmful and weeds in order to increase yield and quality. Pesticide use is the most effective and most common method. In agricultural struggle, practices which are least harmful to human and environmental health should be preferred. Melon and watermelon are the most produced vegetables in the world and in Turkey. In studies, it has been tried to determine what power, distance and time should be exposed to microwave energy in harmful control of Melon and Watermelon vegetables. For this purpose, an experimental device was prepared first. In this device, it is aimed to determine the microwave energy power to which plants are affected, the duration of this gust exposure and the appropriate rate of advance of the system. When the plants were exposed to microwave energy, the changes in the specified properties were examined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mikrodalga, karpuz, kavun, renk, ağırlık, Microwave, watermelon, melon, renk, weight