Genç Erişkin Erkek Hastalarda Üst Ekstremitedeki Benign Yumuşak Doku Tümörlerinin Analizi
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada, üst ekstremitede cilt altı kitle tanısı ile askeri birliklerinden kliniğimize sevk edilen genç erişkin erkek hastalar sunulmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Aralık 2013 - Aralık 2014 arasında askeri birliklerinden üst ekstremitede kitle ön tanısı ile kliniğimize sevk edilen ve cerrahi müdahale yapılan 20-30 yaş arası erkek hastaların lezyonları histopatolojik tanı, kitle büyüklüğü ve lokalizasyon açısından incelendi. Bulgular: 77 genç erişkin erkek hastadaki toplam 77 lezyon incelendi. Lezyonların %28.6'si epidermal kist, %27.3'ü ganglion kisti, %18.2'si hemajiom, %14.3'ü lipom, %5.2'si tenosinovial dev hücreli tendon kılıfı tümörü, %3.9'u schwannom ve %2.6'sı ekstraskeletal osteokondrom olarak raporlandı. Tümörler lokalizasyonları açısından incelendiğinde lezyonların %13'ü kolda, %13'ü ön kolda, %38.9'u el ayasında ve %35.1'i parmaklarda olduğu tespit edildi. Lezyonlar boyutları bakımından incelendiğinde %49.3'ü 0-1 cm arasında, %22.1'i 1-2 cm arasında, %20.8'i 2-3 cm arasında, %7.8'i 3 cm'nin üzerinde olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç: Üst ekstremitedeki yumuşak doku kitleleri özellikle askerlik gibi bedensel faaliyetlerin yoğun olarak yapıldığı dönemlerde semptomatik olmakta ve askerlerin hastanelere sevklerinin başlıca nedenleri arasında sayılmaktadırlar. Bu lezyonlar ekstremite distaline doğru daha fazla semptom verdileri için daha küçük boyutlarda bile semptomatik olup eksize edilmektedirler. Bu çalışmada üst ekstremitede cilt altı kitle tanısı ile askeri birliklerinden kliniğimize sevk edilen genç erişkin erkek hastalar sunulmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem Bu çalışmada kliniğimize 2013 Aralık- 2014 Aralık arasında askeri birliklerinden üst ekstremitede kitle ön tanısı ile sevk edilen ve cerrahi müdahale yapılan 20-30 yaş arası.
Objective: Aim of this study is presenting of young adults which were referred to our clinic from their military units because of their upper extremity soft tissue masses. Materials and Methods: In this study upper extremity soft tissue masses of 20-30 years old young adults who were referred to our clinic between November 2014 and November 2015 from their military units were examined according to histopathological diagnosis, size and localization. Results: 77 lesion from 77 young adults were examined. According to histopathological determination it was reported that 28.6% of lesions were epidermoid cysts, 27.3% of lesions were ganglion cysts, 18.2% of lesions were hemangioma, 14.3% of lesions were lipoma, 5.2% of lesions were tenosynovial giant cell tumor of tendon sheath,3.9% of lesions were schwannomas and 2.6% of lesions were extraskeletal chondroma. According to location of lesions it was seen that 13% of the lesions were located in arm, 13% in forearm, 38.9% in the palmar part of the hand and 35.1% of lesions were on fingers. According to size of the lesions it was measured that 49.3% of the lesions were 0-1 cm, 22.1%; 1-2 cm, 20.8%; 2-3 cm and 7.8% were under 3 cm. Conclusions: Benign soft tissue masses of upper extremity can be symptomatic in intensive physical activity period as military service and these are common reason of referring soldiers to hospitals. These lesions are more symptomatic even in smaller sizes when they appear at the distal part of extremity and may be excised from distal part of extremity.
Objective: Aim of this study is presenting of young adults which were referred to our clinic from their military units because of their upper extremity soft tissue masses. Materials and Methods: In this study upper extremity soft tissue masses of 20-30 years old young adults who were referred to our clinic between November 2014 and November 2015 from their military units were examined according to histopathological diagnosis, size and localization. Results: 77 lesion from 77 young adults were examined. According to histopathological determination it was reported that 28.6% of lesions were epidermoid cysts, 27.3% of lesions were ganglion cysts, 18.2% of lesions were hemangioma, 14.3% of lesions were lipoma, 5.2% of lesions were tenosynovial giant cell tumor of tendon sheath,3.9% of lesions were schwannomas and 2.6% of lesions were extraskeletal chondroma. According to location of lesions it was seen that 13% of the lesions were located in arm, 13% in forearm, 38.9% in the palmar part of the hand and 35.1% of lesions were on fingers. According to size of the lesions it was measured that 49.3% of the lesions were 0-1 cm, 22.1%; 1-2 cm, 20.8%; 2-3 cm and 7.8% were under 3 cm. Conclusions: Benign soft tissue masses of upper extremity can be symptomatic in intensive physical activity period as military service and these are common reason of referring soldiers to hospitals. These lesions are more symptomatic even in smaller sizes when they appear at the distal part of extremity and may be excised from distal part of extremity.
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Genel ve Dahili Tıp, Tıbbi Araştırmalar Deneysel
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