Kolemanit ve Üleksit Atığı ile Sulu Çözeltilerden Metilen Mavisi Giderimi: Kinetik ve İzoterm Değerlendirmesi
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, bor endüstrisinden elde edilmiş kolemanit (KA) ve üleksit (UA) atıkları ile metilen mavisi (MB) boyarmaddesinin adsorpsiyon performansının değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışmada kesikli denemelerde, sabit adsorban dozu (1 mg/L), farklı pH (9, 11 ve 13), farklı temas süresi (0, 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 90 ve 120 dakika) ve farklı başlangıç boyarmadde miktarında (10, 20, 30, 40 ve 50 mg/L) gerçekleştirilmiştir. KA ve UA'na ait kimyasal özellikler ve SEM görüntüleri belirlenmiştir. UA ile boyarmadde adsorpsiyonunda çözeltinin pH'ı 9'dan 13'e yükseltildiğinde giderme veriminde önemli değişiklik olmamış ve adsorpsiyon hızlı bir şekilde gerçekleşmiştir. Bütün denemelerde artan temas süresi ile adsorpsiyon artış göstermiştir. KA ve UA'ında MB adsosorpsiyonu için elde edilen R2değerlerine göre, Langmuir modeli Freundlich modeline göre daha uyumlu bulunmuştur. KA ve UA için elde edilmiş olan qmax değerleri sırasıyla 25.77 mg/g ve 47.62 mg/g'dir. KA ve UA'nda adsorpsiyon sırasıyla birinci derece ve ikinci derece kinetic modele uyumlu bulunmuştur. Lineer doğrular için elde edilen korelasyon katsayıları 1'e yakın bulunmuştur.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of colemanite (KA) and ulexite (UA) core waste which were obtained from boran industry in the removal of methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solution. Batch studies were performed to evaluate the influences of various experimental parameters like pH (9, 11 and 13), initial concentration (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 mg/L), and contact time (0, 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min). The chemical properties and SEM images were determined of adsorbents. It was observed that the dye uptake by UA was not changed significantly when the pH of dye solution was increased from 9 to 13 and uptake of dye was rapid. The adsorption increased with increasing contact time in all experiments. According to R2 values for the adsorption of MB on KA and UA, Langmuir model yields fit better than Freundlich model. The qmax values were obtained 25.77 mg/g and 47.62 mg/g for KA and UA, respectively. The pseudo-first order kinetic model and the pseudo-second order kinetic model yields the best fit for adsorption on KA and UA, respectively. The correlation coefficients of the model for the linear plots are very close to 1.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of colemanite (KA) and ulexite (UA) core waste which were obtained from boran industry in the removal of methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solution. Batch studies were performed to evaluate the influences of various experimental parameters like pH (9, 11 and 13), initial concentration (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 mg/L), and contact time (0, 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min). The chemical properties and SEM images were determined of adsorbents. It was observed that the dye uptake by UA was not changed significantly when the pH of dye solution was increased from 9 to 13 and uptake of dye was rapid. The adsorption increased with increasing contact time in all experiments. According to R2 values for the adsorption of MB on KA and UA, Langmuir model yields fit better than Freundlich model. The qmax values were obtained 25.77 mg/g and 47.62 mg/g for KA and UA, respectively. The pseudo-first order kinetic model and the pseudo-second order kinetic model yields the best fit for adsorption on KA and UA, respectively. The correlation coefficients of the model for the linear plots are very close to 1.
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