Tekirdağ ilinde üretilen yem hammaddelerinin ağır metal düzeylerinin belirlenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu arastırmada, hayvan beslemede büyük önemi olan yem hammaddelerindeki kirlilik düzeyinin hangi derecede oldugu ve il içinde nasıl degisim gösterdiginin saptanması, bu düzeylerin yasal tolerans sınırlarını asıp asmadıgının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıstır. Atomik Absorbsiyon Spektrofotometresi (AAS) ile agır metallerden kursun (Pb), arsenik (As), bakır (Cu), çinko (Zn), demir (Fe) içerikleri belirlenmistir. Sonuç olarak agır metal analizinde yemlerin %50 sinde Pb, % 100’sinde bakır, %100’inde çinko, %100’inde Fe bulunmus olup Tarım Köyisleri Bakanlıgı Tebligi’ndeki MRL degerlerini hiçbiri asmamıstır, yem hammaddelerinin tümünde As düzeyi tespit limitinin altında kalmıstır.
Main objective of this study is to determine the pollution levels and province variatons of polluting agents in some compound animal feeds produced in Tekirdag and also to determine whether legal tolerance levels have been exceed or not. In order to achive this goal, lead (Pb), arcenic (As), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe) analysis have intervals during the fiscal year of 2007 from feed component (wheat, sunflower, barley) in two province Tekirdag . Atomic absorbtion spectrophotometer (AAS) has been utilized for heavy metals. The analysis indicated that Pb were found in 50% Cu in 100%, Zn in 100%, Fe in 100% in all the feed analyzed ; As levels in all of the samples were lower than analitically detectable levels. However, non of the data obtained didn’t exceed MRL values ordered.
Main objective of this study is to determine the pollution levels and province variatons of polluting agents in some compound animal feeds produced in Tekirdag and also to determine whether legal tolerance levels have been exceed or not. In order to achive this goal, lead (Pb), arcenic (As), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe) analysis have intervals during the fiscal year of 2007 from feed component (wheat, sunflower, barley) in two province Tekirdag . Atomic absorbtion spectrophotometer (AAS) has been utilized for heavy metals. The analysis indicated that Pb were found in 50% Cu in 100%, Zn in 100%, Fe in 100% in all the feed analyzed ; As levels in all of the samples were lower than analitically detectable levels. However, non of the data obtained didn’t exceed MRL values ordered.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Agır metal seviyesi, Tekirdag, bugday, arpa, ayçiçegi, High metal level, Tekirdag region, wheat, barley, sunflower