Rektumda İnorganik Yabancı Cisim: Olgu Sunumu
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu yazıda başkaları tarafından zorla makatına yabancı cisim sokulduğunu iddia eden ancak çelişkili ifadelerde bulunan ve genital bölgede herhangi bir lezyon gözlenmeyen 39 yaşındaki erkek hasta sunulmuştur. Şahsın muayenesinde; batında hiperaktif barsak sesleri ve sol alt kadranda hassasiyet saptanmıştır. Anal muayenesinde saat 07:00 hizasında 0,4 x 0,1 cm boyutunda yüzeyel fissür görülmüştür. Pililerin ödemli ve hiperemik olduğu görülmüş, rektal tuşede ampulla boş ve sfinkter tonusu normal değerlendirilmiştir. Genel anestezi altında anoskopla yapılan muayenesinde rektumun yaklaşık 10 cm proksimalinde metal vasıfta yabancı cisim saptanmıştır. Sol alt kadrandan yapılan elle kompresyonla cisim anüsten doğurtularak operasyona son verilmiştir. Rektal yabancı cisim bulunan olgumuzda genital bölgede ve diğer vücut bölgelerinde travmatik lezyonun bulunmaması ve ifadelerin çelişkili bulunması olayın etiyolojisi açısından psikopatolojik bir hastalığın bulunabileceğini düşündürmektedir.
In this report we present a 39 years old patient who claims to be sexually assaulted by anal foreign body insertion. His statements were contradictious and he has no lesions on anal region. Abdominal examination of the patient revealed hyperactive bowel sounds and tenderness on left lower quadrant. Only a fissure with dimensions of 0,4 x 0,1 cm's at the 7 o'clock position is detected. Anal folds were hyperemic and edematous. In digital examination, tonus was normal and ampulla was empty. Ten cm’s proximal to rectum, a metal foreign body was detected by anascopy. Under general anesthesia, the foreign body was manipulated and taken through the rectum. Psychopathological etiologies should be taken under consideration because of contradictious statements of the patient and absence of any traumatic lesions on genital region and other body parts.
In this report we present a 39 years old patient who claims to be sexually assaulted by anal foreign body insertion. His statements were contradictious and he has no lesions on anal region. Abdominal examination of the patient revealed hyperactive bowel sounds and tenderness on left lower quadrant. Only a fissure with dimensions of 0,4 x 0,1 cm's at the 7 o'clock position is detected. Anal folds were hyperemic and edematous. In digital examination, tonus was normal and ampulla was empty. Ten cm’s proximal to rectum, a metal foreign body was detected by anascopy. Under general anesthesia, the foreign body was manipulated and taken through the rectum. Psychopathological etiologies should be taken under consideration because of contradictious statements of the patient and absence of any traumatic lesions on genital region and other body parts.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Rektal yabancı cisim, cinsel saldırı, rektal travma, rectal foreign body, sexual assault, rectal trauma
Namık Kemal Tıp Dergisi (International Journal of Basic and Clinical Medicine)
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