Türk hukukunda gelir vergisinde matrahın tespiti ve beyanı
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ülkelerin varlıklarını sürdürebilmelerinde, kalkınmada ve kamu harcamalarının finansmanında ülke ekonomilerinin en büyük gelir kaynaklarının başını çeken gelir kaynağı vergilerdir. Vergiler içerisinde Gümrük vergilerinden sonra en büyük orana Gelir Vergisi sahiptir. Tarihsel olarak vergiler; insanların birlikte yaşamalarının verdiği sonuca göre toplumsal ihtiyaçların karşılanabilmesi için bireylerin devlete ödeme güçlerinin belli bir kısmını aktardıkları parasal yükümlülüklerdir. Vergilendirmede zorunluluk (cebri olma) unsuru bireylerin devlete olan yükümlülüklerini yerine getirmede gönüllülük esasından uzak kalınmasına neden olmuştur. Vergi borçlusu ve vergi sorumlusu olan Şahısların nihai amaçları kendilerine tanınan legal veya illegal yollardan yararlanarak en az vergiyi ödemeye veya hiç ödememeye çalışmaktır. Devletin şahıslara tanımış olduğu kanunlar ve haklar çerçevesinde vergi mükellefleri vergi kaçırmaya veya vergiden kaçınmaya, değişik yöntemlerle vergi matrahlarının daha az çıkmasını sağlamaya çalışmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, vergi sistemimizin temelinde yer alan Gelir Vergisi matrahının tespiti ve beyanının temel düzeyde açıklanması ve kanunun mükelleflere tanıdığı istisna, indirim ve muafiyetler çerçevesinde doğru bir şekilde yükümlülerin vergisel işlemlerinin gerçekleştirilmesini sağlamaktır.
They are the source of the income of the largest income of the economy in countries where they can sustain their assets, in development and in the financing of public expenditures. Taxes are the largest after the customs taxes in the income tax. Historically, taxation is a monetary obligation of individuals to transfer a certain portion of their ability to pay the state to meet social needs, according to the conclusion of people's cohabitation. The obligation to tax (obsolete) has led to the voluntary departure of individuals from fulfilling their obligations to the state. The ultimate goal of individuals who are tax liability and tax liability is to try to pay at least taxpayer or not at all, taking advantage of legal or illegal ways recognized to them. Within the framework of laws and rights that the state has defined to individuals, taxpayers try to avoid tax evasion or tax evasion in a variety of ways with less tax bases. The aim of this study was to make sure that the basis of the taxation system of the Income Tax base is disclosed at the basic level, and that the transactions are carried out correctly within the framework of exceptional deductions and exemptions granted to the taxpayer.
They are the source of the income of the largest income of the economy in countries where they can sustain their assets, in development and in the financing of public expenditures. Taxes are the largest after the customs taxes in the income tax. Historically, taxation is a monetary obligation of individuals to transfer a certain portion of their ability to pay the state to meet social needs, according to the conclusion of people's cohabitation. The obligation to tax (obsolete) has led to the voluntary departure of individuals from fulfilling their obligations to the state. The ultimate goal of individuals who are tax liability and tax liability is to try to pay at least taxpayer or not at all, taking advantage of legal or illegal ways recognized to them. Within the framework of laws and rights that the state has defined to individuals, taxpayers try to avoid tax evasion or tax evasion in a variety of ways with less tax bases. The aim of this study was to make sure that the basis of the taxation system of the Income Tax base is disclosed at the basic level, and that the transactions are carried out correctly within the framework of exceptional deductions and exemptions granted to the taxpayer.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Beyan, Gelir, Matrah, Declaration, Income, Base