Pirinç ve üzüm atıklarından gellan gam üretimi ve gamların çeşitli kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, tarımsal atık olan pirinç kepeği ve üzüm posasının gellan gam üretiminde karbon kaynağı olarak değerlendirilme potansiyeli araştırılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında; Sphingomonas paucimobilis (ATCC 31461) standart suşu ile pirinç kepeği ve üzüm posası substratları kullanılarak optimum üretim parametrelerinde gellan gam üretilmiş ve üretilen gamların kimyasal komposizyonları ile fizikokimyasal, teknolojik ve reolojik özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Atık maddelerden elde edilen gamların mayonez, dondurma ve marmelat gibi model gıdalarda kullanım olanakları araştırılmıştır. Pirinç kepeği substratı ile optimum gellan gam verimi 11,96 gL-1 olarak %5 glukoz, %10 inokulum ve 300 rpm karıştırma hızında, üzüm posası substratı ile optimum verim 12,08 gL-1 olarak %5 glukoz, %4 inokulum ve 300 rpm karıştırma hızında elde edilmiştir. Tarımsal atıkların gellan gama dönüşüm oranları pirinç kepeği ve üzüm posası için sırasıyla % 23,92 ve % 24,16 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Gamların kıvamlılık indeksleri gam-üzüm posası, gam-pirinç kepeği ve gam- ticari için sırasıyla, 43,53 Pa.sn, 2,00 Pa.sn ve 53,00 Pa.sn olarak tespit edilmiş olup, gam üzüm posasının daha iyi viskozite özellikleri gösterdiği ancak viskozitesini sıcaklık karşısında en iyi koruyabilen gamın ise gam-pirinç kepeği olduğu belirlenmiştir. Üretilen gamların ticari gam ile benzer şekilde ana monomerleri olan glukoz, ramnoz ve glukuronik asitten oluştuğu tespit edilirken bileşim oranlarında ise farklılıklar olduğu belirlenmiştir. Gellan gamların reolojik özellikler üzerine etkili olan asetik asit içerikleri % 0-2,95 arasında ve molekül ağırlıkları 228 kDa-1009 kDa arasında bulunmuştur. Asetil gruplarının reolojik özellikler ile bağlantılı olduğu, buna göre asetik asit içeriği azaldıkça gamların reolojik özelliklerinin belirgin bir şekilde daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Gamların kimyasal komposizyonu, teknolojik ve reolojik özelliklerinin substrat kaynağına bağlı olarak değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Genel olarak, gellan gamların 1H-NMR spektrumlarında yapı iskeletlerinin önemli bir oranını oluşturan glukoz içerikleri ile bağlantılı olarak 4,81 ppm'de belirgin pik verdikleri görülmüştür. Üretilen gamların konformasyonel yapıları FTIR analizi ile ortaya konmuş ve tüm gam örneklerinin 800 cm-1-3400 cm-1 spektral bölgesinde benzer tipik pikler verdiği tespit edilmiştir. Üretilen gellan gamların mayonez ve marmelat model gıdalarında kıvam özelliklerini, dondurmada ise erime stabilitesini arttırdığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak pirinç kepeği ve üzüm posası tarımsal atıklarının düşük maliyet, yüksek verim ve fonksiyonel özellikleri ile gellan gama dönüşümü endüstiyel olarak güçlü bir potansiyel taşımaktadır.
In this study, the potential of using agricultural wastes rice bran and grape pomace as a carbon source in the production of gellan gum was investigated. Within the scope of the research, using the standard strain of Sphingomonas paucimobilis (ATCC 31461), gellan gum was produced from rice bran and grape pomace substrates at optimum production parameters. Besides the chemical compositions of the produced gums, their physicochemical, technological and rheological properties were determined. The possibilities of using gums from waste materials in model foods such as mayonnaise, ice cream and marmalade were investigated. Optimum gellan gum yield with rice bran substrate was observed as 11.96 gL-1 at 5% glucose, 10% inoculum and 300 rpm mixing speed, while optimum yield with grape pulp substrate was 12.08 gL-1 at 5% glucose, 4% inoculum and 300 rpm mixing speed. Conversion rates of agricultural wastes to gellan gum were determined as 23.92% and 24.16% for rice bran and grape pulp, respectively. The consistency index of the gums were determined as 43.53Pa.sn, 2.00 Pa.sn and 53.00 Pa.sn, for gum-grape pulp, gum-rice bran and gum-commercial, respectively. It was determined that gum-grape pomace showed better viscosity properties, but it was the gum-rice bran that can best protect its viscosity against temperature. It was determined that the produced gums consist of glucose, rhamnose and glucuronic acid, which are the main monomers for gellan similar to the commercial gum, while there were differences in composition ratios. The acetic acid contents of gellan gums that affect the rheological properties were between 0-2.95% and their molecular weights were between 228kDa-1009kDa. It was determined that acetyl groups are associated with rheological properties, and as the acetic acid content decreases, the rheological properties of the gums were significantly higher. It was determined that the chemical composition, technological and rheological properties of the gums depend on the substrate source. In general, gellan gums were found to give a significant peak at 4.81 ppm in connection with glucose content, which constitutes a significant proportion of scaffolds in 1H-NMR spectra. The conformational structures of the produced gums were revealed by FTIR analysis and it was determined that all gum samples gave similar typical peaks in the 800 cm-1-3400 cm-1 spectral region. It was determined that the produced gellan gums increased the consistency properties in mayonnaise and marmalade model foods and melting stability in ice cream. As a result, the transformation of rice bran and grape pomace agricultural wastes into gellan gum with low cost, high yield and functional features has an industrially strong potential.
In this study, the potential of using agricultural wastes rice bran and grape pomace as a carbon source in the production of gellan gum was investigated. Within the scope of the research, using the standard strain of Sphingomonas paucimobilis (ATCC 31461), gellan gum was produced from rice bran and grape pomace substrates at optimum production parameters. Besides the chemical compositions of the produced gums, their physicochemical, technological and rheological properties were determined. The possibilities of using gums from waste materials in model foods such as mayonnaise, ice cream and marmalade were investigated. Optimum gellan gum yield with rice bran substrate was observed as 11.96 gL-1 at 5% glucose, 10% inoculum and 300 rpm mixing speed, while optimum yield with grape pulp substrate was 12.08 gL-1 at 5% glucose, 4% inoculum and 300 rpm mixing speed. Conversion rates of agricultural wastes to gellan gum were determined as 23.92% and 24.16% for rice bran and grape pulp, respectively. The consistency index of the gums were determined as 43.53Pa.sn, 2.00 Pa.sn and 53.00 Pa.sn, for gum-grape pulp, gum-rice bran and gum-commercial, respectively. It was determined that gum-grape pomace showed better viscosity properties, but it was the gum-rice bran that can best protect its viscosity against temperature. It was determined that the produced gums consist of glucose, rhamnose and glucuronic acid, which are the main monomers for gellan similar to the commercial gum, while there were differences in composition ratios. The acetic acid contents of gellan gums that affect the rheological properties were between 0-2.95% and their molecular weights were between 228kDa-1009kDa. It was determined that acetyl groups are associated with rheological properties, and as the acetic acid content decreases, the rheological properties of the gums were significantly higher. It was determined that the chemical composition, technological and rheological properties of the gums depend on the substrate source. In general, gellan gums were found to give a significant peak at 4.81 ppm in connection with glucose content, which constitutes a significant proportion of scaffolds in 1H-NMR spectra. The conformational structures of the produced gums were revealed by FTIR analysis and it was determined that all gum samples gave similar typical peaks in the 800 cm-1-3400 cm-1 spectral region. It was determined that the produced gellan gums increased the consistency properties in mayonnaise and marmalade model foods and melting stability in ice cream. As a result, the transformation of rice bran and grape pomace agricultural wastes into gellan gum with low cost, high yield and functional features has an industrially strong potential.
07.08.2022 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering