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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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Defne (Laurus nobilis. L.) Lauraceae familyasına ait çok önemli bir tıbbi ve aromatik bitkidir. Defne (Laurus nobilis. L.) Akdeniz ve Avrupa'nın güney bölümlerinde doğal olarak yetişen ve yapraklarını hiç dökmeyen bir bitkidir. Türkiye dünya defne yaprağı piyasasında % 90'ın üzerinde bir paya sahip önemli bir tedarikçidir. Defne yalova bölgesinde ekonomik potansiyele sahip doğal olarak yetişen bir bitkidir. Bu çalışmada 2012–2013 yıllarında Yalova Florası’nda bulunan Defne (Laurus nobilis. L.) populasyonlarında üç farklı yükseltide 4 farklı gelişme döneminde 3 tekrarlamalı bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre morfolojik ve kalite özelliklerini ile ontogenetik varyabiliteyi belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada populasyonların bitki boyu (cm), kanopi çapı (cm), yaprak boyu (cm), yaprak eni (cm), meyve boyu (cm), meyve eni (cm), ovalite katsayısı, meyve sabit sağ oranı (%), uçucu yağ oranı (%), uçucu yağ bileşenleri saptanmıştır. Kurutulmuş yapraklara su distilasyonu yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Uçucu yağda mevcut olan bileşenler GC-MS ile saptanmıştır. Uçucu yağın en yüksek olarak bulunduğu meyve olum dönemi Yalova ili için uygun hasat zamanı olarak belirlenmiştir. Defne (Laurus nobilis L.) uçucu yağında ana bileşenler 1,8-cineole (%32,6-48,6), sabinen (%2,4-8,1), ? -pinene (1,5-4,9), carvomenthenol (1,2-2,9) ve eugenol (1,7-4,6) dir. Meyve sabit yağı, % 18,34 ile 200 m yükseltide en yüksek değere ulaşmıştır.
Laurel (Laurus nobilis. L.) is a very important medicinal and aromatic plant, which belongs to the Lauraceae family. Laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) is an evergreen shrub indigenous to the south parts of Europe and Mediterranean area. Laurel (Laurus nobilis. L.) is native of Yalova region and has an economic importance. Turkey is the major supplier of the world laurel leaf market with a share of over 90%. The aim of this study was to determined at the altitudes of 0-200-400 with randomized split-split plot design with four replicates some morphological and quality characteristics with ontogenetic variability of Laurel (Laurus nobilis. L) in 2012-2013 growing period in flora of Yalova. In the trial, plant height (cm), canopy diameter (cm), foliage height (cm), foliage width (cm), laurel berry height (cm), laurel berry width (cm), ovality coefficient, laurel berry crude oil ratio (%), essential oil ratio (%), essential oil components (%), were investigated. Water distillation method was applied to dried leaves. The components present in essential oils were identified by GC-MS. Production of seeds stage is determined to be the appropriate harvest time for yalova region where the essential oil is found the most. The highest essential oil contents of dried bay leaf were determined (% 3,1) at the altitudes of 0 m in production of seeds stage. The main components in essential oils are 1,8-cineole (%32,6-48,6), Sabinen (%2,4-8,1), ? -Pinene (1,5-4,9), Carvomenthenol (1,2-2,9), and Eugenol (1,7-4,6). Laural berry crude oil content is determined by soxholet and reached to the highest value (% 18,34) at the altitudes of 200 m.
Laurel (Laurus nobilis. L.) is a very important medicinal and aromatic plant, which belongs to the Lauraceae family. Laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) is an evergreen shrub indigenous to the south parts of Europe and Mediterranean area. Laurel (Laurus nobilis. L.) is native of Yalova region and has an economic importance. Turkey is the major supplier of the world laurel leaf market with a share of over 90%. The aim of this study was to determined at the altitudes of 0-200-400 with randomized split-split plot design with four replicates some morphological and quality characteristics with ontogenetic variability of Laurel (Laurus nobilis. L) in 2012-2013 growing period in flora of Yalova. In the trial, plant height (cm), canopy diameter (cm), foliage height (cm), foliage width (cm), laurel berry height (cm), laurel berry width (cm), ovality coefficient, laurel berry crude oil ratio (%), essential oil ratio (%), essential oil components (%), were investigated. Water distillation method was applied to dried leaves. The components present in essential oils were identified by GC-MS. Production of seeds stage is determined to be the appropriate harvest time for yalova region where the essential oil is found the most. The highest essential oil contents of dried bay leaf were determined (% 3,1) at the altitudes of 0 m in production of seeds stage. The main components in essential oils are 1,8-cineole (%32,6-48,6), Sabinen (%2,4-8,1), ? -Pinene (1,5-4,9), Carvomenthenol (1,2-2,9), and Eugenol (1,7-4,6). Laural berry crude oil content is determined by soxholet and reached to the highest value (% 18,34) at the altitudes of 200 m.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Laurus nobilis L., Defne, Uçucu Yağ Oranı, Sabit yağ, Ontogenetik varyabilite, Morfoloji, Laurel, essential oil contents, Crude oil, Ontogenetic variability, Morphology