Alt ekstremite uzatılmasında intramedüller kinetik distraktör kullanımı
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Amaç:Bu çalışmada intramedüller kinetik distraktör (ISKD) çivisi ile ekstremite uzatması yaptığımız hastaların klinik ve radyolojik sonuçlarını değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Çalışma planı: Bu çalışmada 12 hastanın [7 erkek, 5 kadın; ortalama yaş: 27 (13-40)], 10 femur ve 2 tibiasına ISKD ile uzatma ameliyatı yapıldı. Hastaların ortalama ekstremite kısalığı 4.41 cm (2–7) olarak saptandı. Ameliyattan 7 gün sonra hastalara uzatma egzersizleri öğretilerek ekstremite uzatmasına başlandı. Uzatmanın distraksiyon döneminde haftalık olarak ve konsolidasyon döneminde ise 2 haftada bir grafi kontrolü yapıldı. Bir tibia uzatma vakası uzatması tamamlandıktan sonra takipten çıktı. Bulgular: Tüm hastalarda hedeflenen uzama sağlandı. Ortalama uzama 4.41 cm (2-7) idi. Ortalama kemik iyileşme indeksi 37.8 gün/cm (28.5-78.0) idi. Olgulardan 4 tanesinde kontrolsüz distraksiyon oldu. Bu olgulardan birinde kemik rejeneratının kötü oluşması nedeniyle greftleme yapıldı. Çivinin kilitlenip uzamanın durduğu bir olguda anestezi altında kapalı manipulasyon ile uzama sağlandı. Hiçbir hastada eklem sertliği görülmedi. Çıkarımlar: İntramedüller uzayabilen çiviler, eklem kontraktürü ve enfeksiyon riskini düşürmektedir. Hastalar tarafından daha iyi tolere edilen bu implantlar hastaların günlük aktivitelerine daha erken dönmesine yardımcı olmaktadır.
Objective:The aim of this study was to report the clinical and radiological results of patients with Intramedullary Skeletal Kinetic Distractor (ISKD) lengthening. Methods: Ten femoral and 2 tibial lengthening were performed in 12 patients (7 male, 5 female; mean age: 27 years (13-40)) by using ISKD nail. The mean limb length discrepancy of the patients was 4.41 cm (2-7). On the postoperative 7th day the patients were trained about lengthening and the lengthening started. Follow-up X rays were taken weekly during the distraction period and every second weeks during the consolidation period. One patient with tibia lengthening was lost to follow-up after completing the distraction period. Results: The planned lengthening amounts were achieved in all of the cases. The mean lengthening was 4.41 cm (2-7). The mean bone healing index was 37.8 day/cm (28.5-78.0). There were uncontrolled distractions in 4 cases. Autogenous bone grafting was necessary in a case with incompetent bone formation. The kinetic nail was locked and failed to distract in a patient, in which the problem was solved with closed manipulation under anesthesia. No patient had a joint stiffness. Conclusion: Intramedullary extensible nails decrease the risk of joint contractures and infection. This procedure can be well tolerated by the patients and they can return to their daily activities earlier.
Objective:The aim of this study was to report the clinical and radiological results of patients with Intramedullary Skeletal Kinetic Distractor (ISKD) lengthening. Methods: Ten femoral and 2 tibial lengthening were performed in 12 patients (7 male, 5 female; mean age: 27 years (13-40)) by using ISKD nail. The mean limb length discrepancy of the patients was 4.41 cm (2-7). On the postoperative 7th day the patients were trained about lengthening and the lengthening started. Follow-up X rays were taken weekly during the distraction period and every second weeks during the consolidation period. One patient with tibia lengthening was lost to follow-up after completing the distraction period. Results: The planned lengthening amounts were achieved in all of the cases. The mean lengthening was 4.41 cm (2-7). The mean bone healing index was 37.8 day/cm (28.5-78.0). There were uncontrolled distractions in 4 cases. Autogenous bone grafting was necessary in a case with incompetent bone formation. The kinetic nail was locked and failed to distract in a patient, in which the problem was solved with closed manipulation under anesthesia. No patient had a joint stiffness. Conclusion: Intramedullary extensible nails decrease the risk of joint contractures and infection. This procedure can be well tolerated by the patients and they can return to their daily activities earlier.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri