Buğday işleme fabrikasındaki işlem akışı ve enerji sarfiyatı
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma 2011-2012 yılları arasında Edirne/Havsa ilçesi sınırları içinde Has Köy de bulunan bir Buğday işleme fabrikasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın amacı; buğday işleme fabrikasında işlem akışını etkileyen faktörleri belirlemektir. Silodan gelen buğday Çöplerinden arındırılmak üzere elevatör yardımı ile Çöp Sasörüne gelmektedir. Çöp Sasöründe çöplerden temizlenmiş şekilde olan buğday elevatör yardımıyla triyöre gelmektedir. Triyörün içine gelen buğday taneleri kırıklarından ayrılır. Triyörde kırıklarından ayrılmış olan buğday kabuklarından ayrılmak üzere kabuk soyucusuna gelir. Kabuk soyucusundan gelen buğday Dik Yıkama Makinesinde vidalar yardımıyla su ile temas ederek yıkanmış olur. Dik Yıkama makinesinde su ile yıkanmış olan buğday öğütülmeden önce tavlanmaktadır. Buğdayı tavlamanın amacı buğday tanesinin yapısını öğütmeye en elverişli hale getirmektir. Tav Cihazından geçen buğday dinlendirilmek üzere ambarlara gelir. tekrar kabuk soyucusuna gelmekte ve daha sonra tekrar elevatör yardımıyla Valslere gelmektedir. Valslere gelen buğday kırma işlemine maruz kalarak tanenin kabuk ve embriyo kısımları endospermden ayrılmaktadır. Valslerde kabuğu endospermden uzaklaştırmak ve endospermi küçülterek una dönüştürmek asıl amaçtır. Kırma valslerinden hava akımı yardımı ile gelen irmikleri hem sınıflandırmak hem de temizlemek amacıyla irmik sasörüne gelmektedir. İrmik sasöründe temizlenen ve sınıflara ayrılan öğütülmüş buğday tekrar hava yardımı ile valslere gelmektedir. Valslere gelen öğütülmüş buğday hava yardımı ile eleklere gelmektedir. Eleklere gelen öğütülmüş buğday üç ayrı yan ürün olan Razmol, Bonkalit ve Kepeğe dönüşmektedir. Ayrıca bu arada tek ana ürün olan un ortaya çıkmaktadır. Buğday işleme fabrikasındaki enerji sarfiyatının hesaplanması sonucunda aşağıdaki verilere ulaşılmıştır. Buğday işleme fabrikasının elektrik sarfiyatını hesaplamak amacıyla fabrika içindeki tüm makineler 24 saat çalıştırılıp elektrik sayacında ilk okunan rakam ile son okunan rakam arasındaki fark 86,64 kW olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 86,64*120= 10.396,8 (buradaki 120 değeri enerji katsayısı olup enerji tüketiminin hesaplanmasında yardımcı olan katsayıdır). Elektrik sayacının bir tur döndüğünde harcanan elektrik miktarını göstermektedir. 10396,8*0,31= 3.223,008 TL elektrik tüketim fiyatıdır. 1 kW sanayide kullanılan elektrik enerji birim fiyatı 0,31 TL dir. Bir günde 120 ton buğday işlendiğine göre 3.223,008 TL elektrik enerjisi harcanmaktadır. 120 ton buğday işlenirken 3.223,008 TL enerji harcanıyor ise 1 ton buğday işlemek üzere 26,8584 TL elektrik enerjisi harcanmaktadır.
This research was carried out in 2011-2012 at one of wheat processing factory in Has Köy county of Edirne/Havsa. The aim of study was determine the factors effect to operation process of wheat processing factory. The wheat carried out by elevator from silo to grain separator for remove foreign substances. Cleaned or pure wheat’s come to trieur by wheat elevator. The grains of wheat’s separated from which broken are broken in the fractures. Pure wheat carried to peeler for grain peeling. Wheat would be washed in Vertical Washing Machine perpendicular by water after carried from the peeler. Wheat washed in Vertical Washing Machine, annealing before grinding. The aim of the annealing the structure of the wheat, grind the grain of wheat to make the most favorable. After the annealing processes, wheat comes back to stock units for resting. Wheat’s come back to grain peeler and then transfer to waltzes by elevator. Wheat grain crushing process from being exposed to every roll shell and the embryo is divided in parts of the endosperm. The main goal of this process, remove shell and reducing endosperm and transform to flour. For clean and the classification, semolina comes to semolina separator from the breaking waltz by air flow. The ground wheat cleaned and classified in semolina separator return to waltz by air flow. Ground wheat came to waltz by the air flow come in to sieves. The ground wheat in sieves transfer to three different by-products as Razmol, Bonkalite and Dandruff. In addition, the single main product is flour had been produced. . The results of the calculated of the energy consumption of the factory, the following data were obtained. In order to calculate energy consumption of wheat processing factory, the rule is accepted as the all machines in factory were working in 24 hour period of a day during the electricity meter was recorded the first and the last digits number. Then calculated differences between two groups and obtained as a 86,64 kW. 86,64*120= 10.396,8 (where 120 TL is the value of coefficient of energy that helps to calculate energy consumption coefficient). Electricity meter shows the amount of electricity after one tour completed. 10396,8*0,31= 3.223,008 TL is the price of the electricity consumption. The unit price is 1 kW of electrical energy used in industry 0,31 TL. 3.223,008 TL based on 120 tons of wheat were handled in a day was spend on electricity. When spending of 3.223,008 TL for 120 tons wheat Processing, 26,8584 TL will spend for 1 ton of wheat.
This research was carried out in 2011-2012 at one of wheat processing factory in Has Köy county of Edirne/Havsa. The aim of study was determine the factors effect to operation process of wheat processing factory. The wheat carried out by elevator from silo to grain separator for remove foreign substances. Cleaned or pure wheat’s come to trieur by wheat elevator. The grains of wheat’s separated from which broken are broken in the fractures. Pure wheat carried to peeler for grain peeling. Wheat would be washed in Vertical Washing Machine perpendicular by water after carried from the peeler. Wheat washed in Vertical Washing Machine, annealing before grinding. The aim of the annealing the structure of the wheat, grind the grain of wheat to make the most favorable. After the annealing processes, wheat comes back to stock units for resting. Wheat’s come back to grain peeler and then transfer to waltzes by elevator. Wheat grain crushing process from being exposed to every roll shell and the embryo is divided in parts of the endosperm. The main goal of this process, remove shell and reducing endosperm and transform to flour. For clean and the classification, semolina comes to semolina separator from the breaking waltz by air flow. The ground wheat cleaned and classified in semolina separator return to waltz by air flow. Ground wheat came to waltz by the air flow come in to sieves. The ground wheat in sieves transfer to three different by-products as Razmol, Bonkalite and Dandruff. In addition, the single main product is flour had been produced. . The results of the calculated of the energy consumption of the factory, the following data were obtained. In order to calculate energy consumption of wheat processing factory, the rule is accepted as the all machines in factory were working in 24 hour period of a day during the electricity meter was recorded the first and the last digits number. Then calculated differences between two groups and obtained as a 86,64 kW. 86,64*120= 10.396,8 (where 120 TL is the value of coefficient of energy that helps to calculate energy consumption coefficient). Electricity meter shows the amount of electricity after one tour completed. 10396,8*0,31= 3.223,008 TL is the price of the electricity consumption. The unit price is 1 kW of electrical energy used in industry 0,31 TL. 3.223,008 TL based on 120 tons of wheat were handled in a day was spend on electricity. When spending of 3.223,008 TL for 120 tons wheat Processing, 26,8584 TL will spend for 1 ton of wheat.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Buğday, Un, Enerji, Wheat, Flour, Energy